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Senior Project Manager

Senior Project Manager

Work Experience

Marconi Online Edge Lane, Liverpool

2001 - (UK) Senior European Project Manager
Responsible for post contract leadership of all European contracts.
Responsibilities include profit and loss account targets and team leadership.
Communicating and assisting stakeholders to define their business requirements.
Identifying critical incidents, idea generation and problem solving.
Successfully achieving statement of requirements, including all deliverables, schedules, budgets and technical functionality.
Project team leadership, motivation and objectives setting.
Completing project and individual project team member performance reviews.
Monitoring and control of costs with the emphasis on meeting or improving upon the budget. Stakeholder management and relations’ management with core and non-core project team members. Identification of all stakeholders and their relationship, interest and ownership percentage of the project. Effective use of current technologies to ensure maximum benefit.
Excellent management skills coupled with a hands-on-approach to achieve statement of requirements. Key skill of effective communication with stakeholders, utilising the use of stakeholder mapping. Effective verbal and written reporting of project status.
Keen, enthusiastic approach to achieving project objectives. Flexible, but maintaining essential focus on project objectives.

Projects: e-commerce in Ireland, Poland, Norway, Belgium and Austria.

Project Type A: Development, manufacture, delivery, installation, commissioning of vendor sales distribution units in Ireland and Poland.
Due to previous poor support in Poland, my first action was to considerably increase customer confidence in our support, product information, stakeholder knowledge and application. This was successfully completed by developing our knowledge of all of the stakeholders and their influence on the project. I also increased communication reviews with our customer following my initial visit to Poland.
Project Duration: 8 months (Ireland), 10 Months (Poland).

Project Type B: Sales evaluation and cost modelling with Coca-Cola Bottlers Ltd and Coca-Cola Hellenic Ltd in Norway. Application of cash flow drivers such as sales growth rate (%) assisted our evaluation.
Project Duration: 4 Months.

Project Type C: Review meetings in Brussels and Vienna with Coca-Cola Corporate to discuss and agree business strategy for European vending operations.
Project Value (All figures British Sterling): Ireland 650k, Poland 820k.

Marconi Interactive
Terminals Liverpool & Chorley

2000 - 2001 (UK) Senior Project Manager (BT Contracts)
Main interface to British Telecom for text and video payphone introduction and rollout. Responsibility included the trial in Brighton required to provide customer confidence. Good practical knowledge of information technology, trends and architectures. Management of teams of project managers and their stakeholders. Managing information technology activities to meet customer and business requirements. Managing electrical and mechanical activities for the project, including quality and safety aspects.

Project: British Telecommunications.

Project Type A: Test site in Brighton for innovative email and SMS products.
Measurements were taken of faults and usage.
Meetings with BT and end user representatives to review and agree marketing strategy. Revenue measurements were taken against targets.
Project Duration: 3 Months.

Project Type B: Development, procurement, manufacture, delivery, installation and customer acceptance of interactive products. I included our suppliers in key reviews with the objective of reducing problems. I developed idea generation and problem solving techniques with the suppliers, e.g. decision trees, force-field diagrams.
Project Duration: 12 Months (Initial Contract). Ongoing second phase.

Project Type C: Six Sigma project for the requirements capture of the business. Process improvement, stakeholder strengths and weaknesses, communication mapping required to ensure effective customer requirement capture.
Project Duration: Phase 1 – 3 weeks (evaluation), Phase 2 – 2 weeks (proposals),
Phase 3 – 4 weeks (implementation) and Phase 4 (monitoring and control).

1997 - (UK) Project Manager (Payphone Systems)
Europe & Middle East
Responsibility for all contract deliverables including customer critical success criteria.

Responsible for contracts in Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Kuwait, Syria,
Nigeria, and Israel. Also a green belt in Six Sigma.

Project management of the payphone and management products required for Europe.

Projects: Bulgaria, South Africa, Russia, Poland, Kuwait and Spain.

Project Type A: The Bulgarian project was used for my MSc in project management.
I agreed with senior management that I would implement what I learned from Lancaster University and my extensive reading into the actual project. Examples are:
Stakeholder mapping, relationship management, communication types, responsibility matrix, work/product/cost breakdown structures, project start-up meetings details scope an outside of scope details, earned value for effective project costing, and effective project team development.
Project Duration: 12 Months.

Project Type B: South Africa was preparation and delivery of a bid. This was the first time that work breakdown structures were used for a bid.
Project Duration: 2 weeks.

Project Type C: Russia was risk reduction of contractual penalties due to non-compliance of engineering specification. Note: I took ownership to remove and reduce risks immediately upon accepting the role. The complexity was increased due to the fact that another Marconi business was our customer, and the Russian operator was their customer. The highlighting of commercial failure would not have been beneficial to our Marconi business. I focused on ensuring that functionality stated in the existing contract operated effectively. I developed our customer, test house and my core project team as a one-project team.
Project Duration: 5 Months.

Project Type D: Poland consisted of presentations to the telecommunications operator of the potential business benefits for introducing Sapphire payphones to Wroclaw, Poland. I assisted the operator with the marketing assessment with the end users.
Gap analysis was used to determine marketing objectives.
Project Duration: 4 weeks.

Project Type E: Kuwait consisted of preparation, delivery, and presentation of an All-Pay payphone cost benefit model. I held review meetings with other Marconi businesses to capture the entire business requirement.
Project Duration: 3 weeks.

Project Type F: Six Sigma for the introduction of earned value as the means of access project costs, including forecast cost to completion. This included evaluation of the estimating process.
Project Duration: 6 weeks.

Project G: Evaluation of risk management software packages. Suitability to Marconi’s project management methodology was assessed and reported to senior management.
Identification of sources of risk, responses associated with the sources of risk, secondary risk responses and completion of the risk management plan.
Project Duration: 4 weeks.

1995 -1997 (UK) Project Manager - Kuwait (Switching)
Responsibility included project management of System X subsystems such as
DSSS (Switching), and CAS (Cash Accounting System/Billing).
Extensive customer contact. Managing electrical power aspects, lighting protection and switchgear.

Project: Kuwait.

Project type A: Development, procurement, manufacture, delivery overseas, installation and commissioning in Kuwait of System X Exchanges.
Effective team working and relations management with my customer was key to the success that was achieved.
Payment from the customer known to be difficult based on our marketing intelligence information, however the close effective relationship reduced the risk of late payment.
Project Value: 5.25 Million.
Project Duration: 10 Months.

Project type B: Upgrading of Crossbar exchanges to System X Exchanges.
Our customer’s end user information and a focus on minimal loss of service were key.
Project value: 650k.
Project Duration: 3 Months.

Project Type C: To liase with Marconi’s legal department and tax advisers to ensure that legal and financial risks were managed.
Project Duration: 2 Months.

1994 - 1995 (UK) Project Manger - Electro Magnetic Compatibility
Management of the EMC legislation for all switching products.
Managing electrical design including phase and technical reviews.

Project: Electro-Magnetic Compatibility of all telephone exchange products.

The project scope consisted of mechanical and electronic changes to ensure emissions
and susceptibility were at an acceptable level to meet government set standards.
Mechanical and electronic changes required multi-team actions on various Marconi sites. I led all reviews and agreed objectives with all sub-team leaders.
Benchmarking was used to determine compliance strategy.
Project Value (private venture): 1.0 Million.
Project Duration: 12 Months.

1993 - 1994 (UK) Project Manager - SAS/FAS Enhancements for BT
Project management of the build release dates for System X sub-systems.
Focus on major systems DSSS, SIS, and CAS (Cash/Billing).
Extensive customer contact with BT.
Responsible for the introduction of System Exchanges for Canary Wharf.

Project: Enhancements for the BT network.

Requirements and deliverables assessment based initially on a high level of detail only. Development of commercial and scope packages were difficulty due to some stakeholder problems. Stakeholder influence and interests were assessed.
Business benefit targets and customer requirements were compared and a negotiation package was produced.
Project Value: 2.2 Million
Project Duration: 12 Months.

1991 -1993 (UK) Project Manager - Intelligent Networks
Project management of the introduction of intelligent networks into the UK market.

Project: Innovative intelligent network products introduced to the UK.

Complexity and risk were increased due to short rollout periods of product requirements that were still under development.
Project Value: 2.6 Million.
Project Duration: 10 Months.

1989 -1991 (UK) Project Planning Manager - Intelligent Networks
Planning of software and hardware design key activities, including a mainframe environment.

Details as above, however this role focused on PERT/CPM assessment rather than overall project leadership. Project sponsor gave control of the project to me in 1991.

L&C Steinmueller (PTY) Ltd. Johannesburg

1978 - 1987 (Africa) Programme Manager All Projects - Power Generation
Responsible for key projects at the Majuba, Duvha and Matla power stations.

Project: Major power station projects for the entire country.

Project scope based on three power stations each consisting of six boilers/Turbines, two precipitators, and three cooling towers.
Project planning was key for effective and safe interaction of major contractors on the sites. Procurement of major international sub-assembled parts was of major importance. PERT/CPM used extensively for successful completion of the project(s).
Project Value: 25 Million.
Project Duration: 2.5 Years.

Mannesmann Demag Ltd Johannesburg

1975 - 1978 (Africa) Project Planning Manger - All Projects.
Projects based in key cities such as Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth.
This also included a key containerisation depot in Johannesburg.

Project: Containerisation Cranes at the major ports in South Africa (Durban, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth) and major handling and storage area in Johannesburg.
Particular focus on prioritisation of incoming goods requirements and manufacturing capability.
Project Value: 6 Million.
Project Duration: 3 years.

James Scott (EE) Ltd Glasgow

1974 - 1975 (UK) Project Planning Manager
Responsible for electrical contracts for Pitt Street police station, West Nile Street development block, Caterpillar factory, Renfrew high school and Strathclyde University.

1973 - 1974 (UK) Trainee Planning Manager

1972 - 1973 (UK) Electrical Technician

1969 - 1972 (UK) Apprentice Technician


Education: MSc Engineering Project Management
Lancaster University award date 4th July 2002.
Graduation December 2002.

Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management awarded by
Lancaster University. Award date 16-10-98.
Graduated on the 2nd December 1998.
Credit pass of the OU Project Management Certificate.
Project Management Certificate - Management College,

Management Diploma.
Electrical Installations Technicians Final (4 years)
Credit pass (C&G).
Effective Manager (OU).

Additional courses Project Management & Software Procurement
Finance/Cost Scheduling
Legal Implications
Commercial Toolkit/Implications
Managing People/Development of Staff
Risk Management
Risk Identification/Assessment, Usability/Phase Reviews
Lifecycle Management
NCC Information Technology – Software Project Management.
Cost Reduction and Management.


Excellent leader, motivator and communicator.
Generation of idea, development of strategies and problem solving.
Focus on customer and business needs.




I am an active self-developer of knowledge and experience.


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