Flex Manager
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Project manager - innovator

Project manager - innovator

Work Experience

Oct \'00 - Now Interim manager / Project Manager.

Job Project Manager Loyalty Program IYHF
Apr \'00 - Nov \'00 : Project Manager development and realisation of loyalty program for International Youth Hostel Federation.

Job Business Manager ShopConnex
Jan \'00 - now: Commercial and management role in creation, development and sales of BridgeWare® tools for Customer Loyalty Management (CRM interaction tools).

Job Interim Product Manager 2ndPAY
Oct \'00 - May \'00: Interim product manager, conceptual creator and conceptual seller of a Employee Benefit & Internet Marketplace service solution (www.2ndpay.nl).

Jan \'00 - Oct \'00: Account & Channel manager, 2-Tel
2-Tel is a manufacturer of smart card terminals and solutions, based in Heeswijk-Dinther.
Role: Setting up an international channel for distribution of terminals and taking care of relation with direct customers. Pure commercial role in small innovative company.

Jan \'99 - Jan \'00: International Business Manager, PinkRoccade Atribit
Preparation of European growth project and acquisition of international customers/projects. Responsible for building a full strategic analysis for European growth of PinkRoccade, and gaining commitment for it from company directors. Additionally executing the action plan.

1993-1998: (senior) Management Consultant, Roccade Atribit Advies
Roccade Atribit Advies advises and accompanies organisations management in transformation processes, as a result of outsourcing, introduction of new IT and intensive process re-orientations.

Jan \'98 - Dec \'98: Project Manager back office and European service network for Shell Europe Oil Products. Responsible for: the realisation of the entire back office for the gathering, processing and internet representing of millions of transactions for a new service of Shell; the realisation of a European Service Network, consisting of partners who build in and maintain a small electronic device into a vehicle.
Sep. \'97 - Dec \'97: Interim Manager Service-Suppliers for a Dutch banking company. The company, a subsidiary company of the commercial banks who issued the Chipknip smart banking card, develops multi-functionality on the smart card. Managing 10 people, responsible for positioning of the service, marketing and sales.
Feb. \'97 - Aug \'97: Interim Project Manager Education Market for a Dutch subsidiary company of the commercial banks who issued the Chipknip smart banking card. Responsible for the reclamation and development of the Education\'s market as Service Supplier on the Chipknip smart banking card.
Jun. \'96 - Feb \'97: Assistant IT-manager for a Dutch subsidiary company of the commercial banks who issued the Chipknip smart banking card. Co-responsible for the development of the IT-vision on the Chipknip smart banking card.
Jan \'96 - Jun \'96: Consultant in Chipknip-project at ABN AMRO
Other projects \'96: Several:
a feasibility studies to the application of EDI and smart cards for 2 healthcare insurance companies and 3 healthcare organisations;
b development of model infrastructure for national Health care card;
c risk management analysis in Dutch ministries.


1986-1993: Business Science, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands. Technical area: Information Management. (MBA like full grade study)
1978-1986: VWO (Highschool), Louise de Coligny scholengemeenschap, Leiden

1998 Cross cultural management
Prince2 Project Management Skills
1996: Strategic Consultancy Skills, Anna de Boer
1995: Open Negotiating, Frits Philips JR
1994: Insight in Consultancy, Bureau Zuidema


Dirk-Jan combines commercial/business experience with IT and new media knowledge! He is an enthusiastic business science engineer (MBA equivalent) with a marketing and Customer Loyalty focus and having general and strategic IT / new media know how. He is able to manage the social ánd commercial process, takes responsibility and can helicopter a situation. He has feeling for (company) politics and is engaged with the person behind a colleague. He will focus on targets and delivers through a human approach and co-operation.

Price2, CRM, Loyalty program, ticketing, couponing, customer intimicy, direct marketing, new media, internet, sms, gsm, edi


Fluent: Dutch and English
Fair: German
Moderate: French


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