Flex Manager
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Interim Business Development (marketing and strategy)

Interim Business Development (marketing and strategy)

Work Experience

aprox. 6 years Marketing (concept development and inplementation)

aprox. 2 years Product Mngmt (Product Development and sales in exec. level)

aprox. 1 year Key acct. Mngmt.


Professional Experience

01.02.1994 to 31.03.1996 Trainee u. Project assistent with Graphics Inc.
·Active costumeraquisition and after sale service in office and field
·Projec manager assistent in Product Marketingand strategy

01.04 1996 to 30.09.1996 Projektmanager Marketing-Events for Czech Olympic Committee
·Coordinated International Conferences before and during the Olympic Games in Atlanta
·Marketing strategy for event and endorsements

15.11.1996 to 01.05.1998 Development COnsultant with the Czech Honorary Consulate of Atlanta
·U.S. marketentry assistence for Czech Corps.
·Analysis of international price politics and lifecyle studies

since 01.07.1998 Honorary Boardmember with FIIP Capital Group Inc.

1.11.1999 to 1.11.2000 Assistent of the general manager of the 'Comfort GmbH' in Munich
·Marketing concept developmetn for realestate investemnt projects in the inner cities
·Key account mngmt., location analysis,

01.01. 2001 bis 01.05.2001 Manager Training (Stress mngnt, quicker execution)

since 15.05.2001 Development of a satelite office for family import/export corporation
·Expansion of business relations, costumer service in Europe, consulting, reclamtions


CPU: Office Package good, internet html good, strategic marketing,dugeting, stress mngmt., poduct development


native: english, german, czech
basic: spanish, portuguese
learning: japanese


high travel ability, communicative, multicultural skills, personell skills,

like to work also in fun, media or design


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