Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience

Provincie Noord-Holland
I drafted the plans of the e-Provincie programm which aims to improve the efficiency of the organisation and to improve the service provided to the citizens and companies of the province.

I implemented the concept of "service management" at de Technology department (600 people) of T-Mobile.

I was responsible for the turnaround of the process management department (10 process managers). I aligned the scope, responsibilities, methods and tools with the ambitions of the organisation.

O2 / Telfort
I redesigned all customer service processes. Goal was the simplification and unification of working methods and supporting systems. This resulted in considerable cost savings and also in “room” to introduce new services.

I set up the new (BtoB) sales department. I designed and implemented new processes, new systems (SAP) and a new organisation.

Bank Labouchere
Design and implementation of the processes to handle the termination and, if possible the extension, of 500.000 expiring contracts.

I sold and implemented pan-European logistic solutions. I was accountmenager of customers such as Philips, Shell and Hewlett-Packard.

Philips CFT
I developed a mythology to measure the effectiveness of the product development process. This resulted in, amongst other things, an article published by Elsevier Science ("The Content Methodology, Facilitating Performance Measurement by Assessing the Complexity of R&D Projects" ISBN 0 08 043363 4)


Engineering sciences and Business ('97), University of Groningen


I can quickly analyse your business processes, optimise them and finally implement the improvements. You can serve your customers faster, cheaper and with higher quality.


Dutch and English fluently.


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