Flex Manager
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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

• Over 25 years proven expertise in finance, business development, strategic marketing, sales and service.
• Background in a wide range of industries, including accounting, TV Video post-production, mergers and acquisitions, airport business marketing, new business development, first and second stage funding start-ups.
• Total company executive accountability since 1993 as self-employed entrepreneur at Schiphol Airport.
• Management of change within the demanding and pressurized business environment.
• Implementation of modern management practices, including personnel, IT, reporting systems, and partnership customer-supplier relations, etc.


Economics Open University (1 yr.)
Modern Business Adm. L.O.I.
Dutch HAVO Baarnsch Lyceum
American High School Kyoto, Japan


• Experienced, entrepreneurial and innovative manager with sophisticated sales, customer service and business administration skills.
• High personal integrity, and able to relate and create trust in all.
• Highly articulate and confident. A persuasive team-builder, able to motivate and communicate to achieve exceptional business performance.
• Dependable and reliable in supporting and enabling team effort to produce genuine long-term sustainable development.
• A persistent and flexible approach to the mutually beneficial achievement of business plans and personal goals of staff, suppliers and customers.


• English Mother tongue
• Dutch Mother tongue
• German Notion
• Spanish Notion


(2005 – 2006)
• As CEO of Exposee, among others, developed an Internet Financial Processing company from A-Z. From seed capital financing, business strategy development and financial planning. Second stage financing achieved after 1 year with company valuation set at € 10.000.000,-.

(1994 – 2002)
• With the set-up (July 1999 and launch (July 2000) of Satellite Business Centers at Schiphol Airport, Eindhoven Airport and Breda City we expanded our premier brand in the business services industry. In combination with our Skyport Corporate Meeting Centers at Schiphol and Brussels Airport (since 1994) we serviced the international operating business community with over 8.000 m2 of prime conferencing and temporary office solutions. Our clientele, (Fortune 500), Triple-A locations and service standards soon attracted the interest of Regus Plc (world leader in office solutions). With initial contacts dating from September 2000, the sale of both the Skyport and Satellite Centers was completed in April 2001. I remained with the company as New Business Manager Airports Europe until April 2002.

(1992 – 1994)

• As co-founder/CEO of the 3D Group (strategic marketing) we quickly could rely on an impressive client list. Schiphol Airport, Rabobank as well as the Celsius Group (Aerospace) retained our services. A major achievement was the successful sale of a Schiphol based aircraft maintenance company to FFV Aviocomp (one of the worlds leading aircraft component companies) as so to stimulate competition to the home carriers maintenance activities. Jointly with the new management we initiated new business activities and grew the company, profitably, from 20 to 120 employees.
• For Schiphol Airport worked on a variety of projects. Among others the re-pricing and re-positioning real estate, regulating/organizing the cleaning industry as well as a study into an Emergency Response Center.

(1989 – 1992)
• As Vice-President of the Brado Group, a financial based company with leasing, venture capital, accounting and stock market interests, was (co) responsible for refocusing and re-thinking the strategy of the group. Downsizing the accounting, leasing and venture capital activities while increasing the importance of the stock market investments. Slowly and methodically the accounting sector was transferred, leasing activities brought to a halt and venture capital investments were sold of, either to management or third parties.

(1986 – 1989)
• The VPC Group was in extreme financial difficulty when I was hired as CFO. The main objective was to save it from bankruptcy, re-finance and re-organize the activities in conjunction with the share- and stakeholders. This was successfully completed where-after VPC became the first company to introduce the emerging digital technology for TV post production. Activities were then diversified into other areas to decrease the dependency on the TV sector. VPC, after the restructuring, was a healthy, profitable and innovative leader in its sector.


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