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Senior Management Consultant CRM, Marketing & Sales

Senior Management Consultant CRM, Marketing & Sales

Work Experience

sales organisation setup, sales process analysis, sales process optimisation, sales support- / information- system implementation, sales (channel) controlling, (Intern.) key account management, mobile business partner management


Since 01.2002 Deutsche Telekom Detecon International GmbH, Bonn Senior Consultant Competence Practice Processes&Applications - Business Relationship Management - - Cross- Up- Selling and WINBACK business customer and consumer markets - Sales Force Management - Key Account Management - Sales Force Automation

07/2000 - 12/2001 Deutsche Telekom T-Motion PLC, London Mobile Portal Provider and M- Commerce Enabler for all Mobile Network Operators of Deutsche Telekom Group (60% T-Mobile International, 40% T-Online International) Marketing Manager Applications ·1 Product definition and product development: “Mobile Financial Services” and “Mobile News” ·2 Portal strategy: “Mobile Financial Services” and “Mobile News” ·3 Competition analysis, Partner recruiting, contract negotiations ·4 Business Model and Business Plan for Financial Services ·5 Internal coordination of the requirements of Mobile Network Operators, Partners (Industries) and the T-Motion Portal management (technical requirements, Gateway Security, ...) ·6 Quality assurance of applications

08/1998 - 06/2000 Sonera SmartRing GmbH, Erfurt Electronic Banking Services, (100% subsidiary of Sonera Corp. - former Finish Telecom) Sales Manager (German Speaking Area) ·1 Definition of the sales concept and sales organisation for Mobile Banking and Mobile Brokerage on SmartTrust ) ·2 Direct sales of SmartTrust (IT- platform) to banks, computing centers and other finance service providers in Germany, Switzerland and Austria ·3 Set- up of indirect sales via system integrators (value added reseller) in Germany, Switzerland and Austria ·4 Direct sales of marketing- sales- and customer care- services for Banking and Brokerage with SmartTrust to banks and computing centers (for their cunsumers) ·5 Managing the external Marketing agency ·6 Implementation of an internal Telemarketing Center (SmartCall) - location , equipment, staff and training, business plan, organisation and processes ·7 Project management: Implementation of Mobile Banking and Mobile Brokerage

09/1992 - 07/1998 Talkline GmbH, Elmshorn Mobile Network Service Provider, Fix Network Operator, Internet Service Provider

Head of Sales Support Department around 100 employees ·1 Managing sales support for o Retailer- management, Key Account Management o Large- account- management, Key Account Management ·2 Implementation of further products for business customer and consumer in direct and indirect sales organisation (convergence of mobile network-, fix network- and internet- services, product bundling and Cross- selling- campaign management)
Project manager “Direct Sales- Consumer- Direct Logistics” · Definition and implementation of organisation and processes flow for direct sales of an (advice- intensive) product in a mass market (minimisation of flow time, (process-) failures and operational costs) · Re- Integration of unicom (Project “unicomdirekt”) in Talkline organization, relocation of business units

Head of Project „Large- Account- Management“ · Set-up of large- account- management, sales of mobile phones and mobile network services to large accounts/ business customers via Retailers · Set-up of direct sales, sales of mobiles and mobile network services to large accounts/ business customers · Definition and implementation of products and services for large accounts/ business customers (international products and fix network- mobile network- solutions, convergence solutions)

Head of SIM- Card-Management ·1 Set-up of SIM- Card- Management: analysis of opera tions, optimisation of stock-keeping, minimisation of eco- nomical risks

Consulting Short Term Assignment (up to 6 months):
02/2002 - 06/2003 WINBACK of a TOP- VAS Voice - Customer Client: T-COM, regional headquater Ulm Description: Tapping the full potential of a Top- VAS Voice Customer, increase and porting back of volume (value added service- calls) from alternative carriers (Talkline, Arcor, etc.) to T-Com, Business Development for the Key Customer (Mobile- und Video Access- Services) - several projects
02/2002 - 07/2002 Covergence Program: Fix- Mobile- Integration for Business Customers Client: T- Systems International, SL Network Services Description: cross- subsidiary business model for Fix- Mobile- Integration, product definition, definition of requirements of organisational and processual changes of T-Systems und T-Mobile for intoducing FMI (Analysis of Order Entry and Services processes/ ARIS- processes for TDN, T-VPN, IP-VPN, und processes für mobile network master agreement, etc.)


MS Office perfect, MS Access Programming, MS Project advanced, SQL advanced, HTML good, Mobile Network Security Technologies (WPKI, WTLS, WIM) perfect


Language Skills:
German Native
English Advanced
French Advanced
Russian Basic Knowledge


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