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Interim mgr, change mgr, sr. project mgr, sr. consulta

Interim mgr, change mgr, sr. project mgr, sr. consulta

Work Experience

DSEC Move-in Project
Project Manager: DSEC Move-in Facility Management (1-2-2004 till Today)
Context The DSEC (Drug Safety Evaluation Centre) building is in a full construction phase under the management of the Janssen Pharmaceutica engineering department. Engineering will deliver a complete ‘functional’ building. The DSEC move-in from the different old building site locations too the new DSEC building is the milestone where DSEC goes from ‘functional status’ to ‘operational status’. The physical DSEC move-in is to start beginning of October 2004 and to end by the beginning of 2005.
Project objectives Plan and execute the DSEC Move-in project plan while focusing on the following key project objectives: 0. Move-in of 110 employees, their laboratory & office equipment plus vivarium animals 1. Maximum employee/customer satisfaction and preparation 2. Minimum operational interruptions of the R&D processes using maximum move-in flexibility 3. No quality non-compliances or security issues 4. Efficient and effective trouble shooting after the move-in. 5. Optimization of customer time consumption & project cost control 6. Transfer the ownership of the DSEC building from engineering to the DSEC organization & plant services
Approach/Solution - Quick scan: integration into the organization and analyzing relevant documents- Creation of the DSEC Move-in project team- Set-up of the project organization structure and SPOC selection- In depth context analysis and study of existing DSEC project documentation- Development of general DSEC Move-in project plan (Top level)· Scope statement/Work Breakdown Structure/Overall Planning/Communication structure· Cost estimation/FAQ/Intranet utilisation - Creation of more detailed DSEC Move-in project plan (Second level)· Development of several relevant databases/Determination of Move-in lists· Specification of how to move professionally the various items/Risk analysis/Insurances· Selection of the Move-in company/Planning of the post Move-in trouble shooting actions· Implement change control procedures- Development and implementation of final detailed DSEC Move-in project plan (Third level)· Set-up and management of day-to-day Move-in databases/Identify performance indicators- Realisation of the DSEC Move-in project using specific quality and performance control tools- Follow-up, coordination and elimination of all DSEC punch list items - Quality inspection together with the safety department of all previous ’old’ buildings and locations - Project evaluation process· Collect customer satisfaction questionnaires/summarize the DSEC Move-in project process· Key project learning points
Technical Environment Pharmaceutical environment locate in Beerse (Belgium) near TurnhoutGLP-environment (Good Laboratory Practices)Windows 2000/MS Office/MS Project/Intranet
Project results - In spite of several weeks project delay caused by the Janssen Pharmaceutica engineering department the full scope of the DSEC Move-in project finalized successfully. The project was on time, the expenses were below budget, all key project objectives were realized and the customer satisfaction score was high.

Project Manager: R&D Senior consultant (8-12-2003 -> 13-2-2004)
Context The lead-time for the current R&D TV model making process is far too long. This has major negative impacts on the overall time schedules for all Philips High End TV projects. This is because the TV model making process is vital & critical & crucial for all further hardware-, software, plastic and mechanical development processes. This results in very negative effects for the High End TV projects deadlines, costs, quality level and Time2Market.Philips Brugge acts as a PIC (Pilot Introduction Centre) for all High End TV products such as CRT, Plasma and LCD TV sets.
Project objectives 1. Analysis of the actual R&D TV model making process. 2. Cost/Benefit analysis of reduced lead-time. 3. Implementation plan to reduce the current throughput time with 50% (From 10 to 5 weeks) 4. Presentation of the recommendation report within six to ten weeks
Approach/Solution - In depth interviews with several representatives involved in all TV Model Making processes- Verification and analysis of existing documents, process/financial data & procedures- Personal observations & analysis of Key Model Making process steps/performance indicators- Process mapping/process analysis/risk analysis- Identification of improvement opportunity areas - Root/cause analysis (Ishikawa) => short list of improvement proposals- Improvement proposals => Process Improvement Action Plan
Technical Environment Electronic, mechanical and software R&D TV Development departmentWindows 2000/MS Office/MS Project/Intranet
Project results - 46 Areas of Improvement opportunities- 11 Key areas of improvement having a significant result in lead time reduction at low cost- Presentation of the final recommendation report for the Philips Brugge management team

Manufacturing Excellence in Plasma Optical Fibre Technology
Director Operations: member of the management team (15-1-2001 -> 1-12-2003)
Context Technological modern and well equipped optical fibre manufacturer/supplier who is part of the DRAKA Group. Many new state-of-the-art technological equipment investments were done during the last two years. In spite of this, process quality, logistics, efficiency and overall cost performance indicators are far below budget. In some departments even the team spirit & business cooperation with certain management team members has reached an all time low.
Business objectives 1. Define a new business vision 2. Set-up a new operational policy 3. Create and implement the required business strategy 4. Realise a strong business family team spirit 5. Improve drastically all key operational performance indicators 6. Restructure all operational activities
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the business, the organisation and its (key) processes - Together with the operational team develop, agree and define the new business vision- Develop, agree and define a new operational policy with several department representatives of the organisation - Creation and implementation of the new business strategy using the same department representatives- Organise dynamic in-house and external team spirit courses with all operational employees- Implementation of the Six Sigma change management tools- Restructuring of all operational departments based on vision, facts & figures
Technical Environment Plasma optical fibre technologyWindows 2000/MS Office/MS Project/Intranet
Business results Based on the Six Sigma change management tools and the restructuring of all operational departments significant improvements and breakthroughs of key performance indicators were achieved.

R&D Development of a new TV Chip
R&D Project Manager: member of the R&D chip development team (15-1-1999 -> 15-1-2001)
Context This is Philips biggest and state-of-the-art semiconductor manufacturing and development plant in Europe. It is the European headquarter site for all major and innovative digital/analogue chip developments. TV and audio chips (Integrated circuits) are the key focus areas.
Business objectives 1. Develop in collaboration with international specialized chip technology teams a new highly integrated digital/analogue TV chip for world customers such as Sony, Philips, Panasonic and Samsung 2. Smooth knowledge & technology transfer from the various development departments to several manufacturing plants 3. Use professional project management tools to improve the complex project and communication process management.
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the semiconductor business, the various international organisations and its (key) processes - Together with the various development teams create, agree and define a new and better way for professional chip development.- Implement this new way of working via courses, documents, procedures, intranet and presentations- Utilisation of the latest project management tools and virtual project rooms in combination with the intranet plus video/telephone conferences- Develop, agree and define a new operational policy together with several international department representatives to guarantee a smooth knowledge & technology transfer from development to manufacturing- Implement this new operational policy over the various relevant teams - Organise dynamic in-house and external team spirit courses with key development and operational (sub)managers- Six Sigma management tools
Technical Environment TV Chip development technology – risk analysis – SWOT analysisWindows 1998/MS Office/MS Project/Intranet
Business results The new highly integrated digital/analogue TV chip was developed and placed in the international market three months before its deadline, at 85% of the original budget, against 87% of its target cost price and with a ten fold lower reject rate than predicted.

Clean Room Assembly of ASML Mechatronical Modules
Business Unit Manager: member of the management team (1-1-1997 -> 15-1-1999)
Context The first five prototypes of the clean room mechatronical modules are built. Warehouse management, change management, work instructions and configuration management is a disaster. Module deliveries are far too late and assembly capacity is not able to meet the high customer requirements. Business to Business relationship with the customer (ASML)
Business objectives 1. Comply with all ASML order requirements 2. Change the project management environment into a customer focussed professional Business Unit 3. Develop the BU within two years into an operational success of minimum 50 M€ turnover with a profit rate above 25% 4. Create a focussed, driven and enthusiasmatic business team. 5. Select the best international business partners to allow a rapid and smooth turnover growth 6. Reduce the modules throughput time from 7 weeks to 1 week 7. Implement the ‘heart beat 1’ philosophy in combination with just in time deliveries.
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the ASML module business- In depth integration into the specific customer desires. Seek which technologies and skills we can quickly learn & ‘steel’ from our B2B customer. - Together with the entire business unit team find creative operational solutions plus develop and implement the right business plans to meet the challenging customer demands.- Implement a new customer oriented business model with supporting organisation using specific team building courses, newly developed documents, procedures and control systems.- Utilisation of the latest project management tools and virtual project rooms in combination with the intranet plus video/telephone conferences- Exchange key assembly teams between customer ‘site’ and business ‘site’ => short feedback loops and rapid learning curves. - Develop a server and stringent strategic purchasing tool to select only the ‘best’. - Develop and train key suppliers to deliver high quality sub-modules- Implement Statistical Process Control tools within the business unit and the entire key supply chain- Reduce material volume stock from 12 months to 1,5 months - Install the BAAN IV ERP system
Technical Environment Clean room technology – linear motors – air bearings – nanometre step technology – risk analysis – SWOT analysisWindows 1997/MS Office/MS Project/Intranet/BAAN IV
Business results All key business objectives were realised. Within two years the turnover of the factory was more than doubled. The new business generated more than 75% of the factory’s profit. The average turnover per business unit employee rose to more than 450.000 €.

Industrial Expansion Plan for South East Asia
Sr. Project Manager: member of the global industrial expansion team (1-6-1995 -> 1-1-1997)
Context Manufacturing capacity in South East Asia is below the Sales demand. Quality, logistical and cost price performance indicators are below acceptable business standards.
Business objectives 1. Select which ‘best’ manufacturing sites need to/can expand capacity 2. Define how many and which type of manufacturing equipment needs to be installed 3. Increase drastically the overall machine efficiency per site 4. Change the project management environment into a customer focussed activity
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the global industrial expansion team organisation- In depth integration into the South East Asia culture and its capabilities (SWOT analysis)- Define the integral selection criteria to specify the ‘best manufacturing site’ short list - Analyse the mix and volume of Sales demand compared to the installed regional production capacity- Find creative ways to reduce the total number of needed new and/or modernised equipment- Develop and agree a total investment plan with corresponding budget - Set-up local manufacturing training schools using qualified local teachers supported by experts- Implement structured process control tools- Copy and paste ‘best’ manufacturing practices- Sent maintenance experts to the ‘ APR field’ and implement ‘teach the teacher’ way of working- Utilisation of the latest project management tools and virtual project rooms in combination with the intranet plus video/telephone conferences- Focussed customer attention throughout the business
Technical Environment Manufacturing technology – Equipment development – Product development – Technology and knowledge transfer – risk analysis – SWOT analysisMS Windows/MS Office/MS Project/Intranet
Business results Within one and a half year all key business objectives were successfully implemented with exceptional performances. The total investment budget was only 50% of what was originally foreseen due to some creative industrial solutions.

Implementation of Industrial Turn-around Management
Factory Manager: member of the management team (1-2-1994 -> 1-6-1995)
Context Manufacturing site with the worst quality, logistic and cost price performance indicators of Europe. Total machine efficiency and delivery reliability are below 50%. The industrial cost price is twice as much as the European benchmark.
Business objectives 1. Improve quality performances 2. Improve logistical performances 3. Improve cost price performances 4. Implement an industrial turn-around management strategy
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the divers business activities of the industrial site- In depth integration into the specific bad performing industrial business unit (SWOT analysis)- Identify key areas of improvement based on facts & figures, interviews and observations - Set-up, create conditions and implement an integral business plan to drastically & quickly improve all key performance indicators - Find creative ways to eliminate the main operational bottlenecks - Set-up a local manufacturing training school using qualified local teachers supported by experts- Implement structured process control tools- Copy and paste ‘best’ manufacturing practices- Involve maintenance experts into the ‘field’ and implement ‘teach the teacher’ way of working- Utilisation of the latest project management tools and virtual project rooms in combination with the intranet plus video/telephone conferences- Focussed B2B customer attention throughout the entire business
Technical Environment Manufacturing technology – Equipment development – Product development – Technology and knowledge transfer – risk analysis – SWOT analysis – maintenance managementMS Windows/MS Office/MS Project/Intranet
Business results Within sixteen months all key business objectives were successfully implemented with exceptional results. The quality level reached an all time high score, the logistical delivery reliability became the best in Europe and the cost price dropped with more than 65%.

Integration and Industrial Turn-around Management
Factory Manager: member of the management team (1-1-1991 -> 1-2-1994)
Context Recently purchased joint venture of a gigantic Polish manufacturing plant with more than 3500 employees. Old and antique manufacturing equipment using excessive three shift labour forces. Poor quality, logistic and cost price performance indicators. Mainly local for local production orders.
Business objectives 0. Integrate the Polish factory rapidly into the Dutch Philips organisation 1. Improve quality performances 2. Improve logistical performances 3. Improve cost price performances 4. Implement an industrial turn-around management strategy 5. Modernise with minimum investments all production equipment 6. Export within the first year locally made Philips quality products 7. Introduce as quickly as possible new/upgraded Philips technology equipment 8. Implement ISO9001 quality management system 9. Reshuffle in the most cost effective way the entire factory layout
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the divers business activities of the industrial & commercial site- In depth integration into the specific bad performing industrial business unit (SWOT analysis)- Exchange temporarily several key employees between Holland and Poland - Identify key areas of improvement based on facts & figures, interviews and observations - Set-up, create conditions and implement an integral business plan to drastically & quickly improve all key performance indicators - Find creative ways to eliminate the key operational bottlenecks - Introduce a 7-day and 24 h business organisation- Set-up a local manufacturing training school using qualified local teachers supported by experts- Implement structured process control tools and eliminate all 48 h quarantine control - Copy and paste ‘best’ manufacturing practices- Involve maintenance experts into the ‘field’ and implement ‘teach the teacher’ way of working- Translate all main manufacturing procedures and checklists- Identify which ‘old’ equipment parts need to be modernized to obtain Philips quality products- Restructure the entire business organisation to make responsibilities & authorities transparent- Define and implement the ISO9001 quality system with minimum support of Dutch experts- Redesign the entire factory layout based on plans made with the restructured management team- Utilisation of the latest project management tools in combination with telephone conferences- Focussed B2B and consumer customer attention throughout the entire business
Technical Environment Manufacturing technology – Equipment development – Product development – Technology and knowledge transfer – risk analysis – SWOT analysis – maintenance management – ISO 9001MS Windows/MS Office/MS Project/
Business results In three years all major business objectives were successfully implemented with very exceptional results. The factory also received a distinguishing Philips quality and operational performance price. Today the Polish plant is an industrial benchmark for many other comparable Philips factories.

Transfer and shut down an industrial plant
Factory/Plant Manager: member/chairman of the management team (1-6-1989 -> 1-1-1991)
Context Beautiful and very clean industrial site (600 employees) with two main manufacturing flows: professional and automotive products. About 15% overshoot in labour forces. Good to excellent industrial factory performance indicators. Professional and motivated organisation. Mainly local for local production.
Business objectives 0. Professional transfers of both manufacturing lines to the Sao Paulo plant in Brazil 1. Shut down the industrial site in Recife using a social plan 2. Improve quality performances 3. Improve logistical performances 4. Improve cost price performances 5. Develop and implement a smooth & low risk industrial transfer project plan 6. Reshuffle, if required, a part of the product mix based on an accepted business case study 9. Restructure in the most cost effective way the new factory layout
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the two main business activities of the industrial site- SWOT analysis of both involved factories based on the most recent facts & figures- First restructuring of the Recife factory by taking out 15% of the employees - Exchange temporarily several key employees between Recife and Sao Paulo - Extensive technology transfer risk analysis based on facts & figures, interviews, business interests and observations - Set-up, create conditions and implement an integral business plan to transfer the entire factory - Find creative ways to reduce quickly the Recife operational costs - Analysis of the transfer/shut down business case and its financial feasibility study based on the newly created conditions [1]- Reshuffle a part of the product mix between both mother factories and the Recife plant- Review once more the entire business case and its financial feasibility study (See [1])- Transfer during 1,5 years several key Recife experts too the Sao Paulo plant => teach the teacher- Copy and paste all ‘best’ manufacturing practices from Recife to Sao Paulo- Develop and design the new Sao Paulo factory layout based on the manufacturing transfer plan- Utilisation of modern project management tools in combination with telephone conferences- Focussed B2B customer attention throughout the entire business- Safeguard all customer deliveries during the transfer process- Find, train and promote a new local plant manager for the long term strategy
Technical Environment Manufacturing technology – Product development – Technology and knowledge transfer – Risk analysis – SWOT analysis – Maintenance management – Business case study – Financial feasibility MS Windows/MS Office/
Business results In 18 months about 1/3 of the Recife plant was transferred to Sao Paulo. The rest of the production volume stayed in Recife based on the pre-active actions taken and the outcome of the business case and its financial feasibility study. All other major business objectives were successfully implemented. A local plant manager was trained and promoted. The factory still exists today and has expanded its core capacity and turnover.

Installation and Start-up of two flow production lines
Project Manager: member of the management team (1-2-1988 -> 1-6-1989)
Context Existing industrial site (300 employees) with three main consumer-market manufacturing lines. Good to average industrial factory performance indicators. Semi-professional, proud and motivated organisation. Mainly local for local production. One big new but empty production hall.
Business objectives 0. Professional transfer of two new manufacturing lines from Holland & Belgium 1. Select and train new local personnel 2. Smooth installation & production start-up of both manufacturing facilities 3. Quick technology & knowledge transfer into the local organisation 4. Creation of the relevant quality departments 5. Creation of the relevant maintenance departments 6. Documenting and translating all relevant procedures and checklists 7. Delivery of top quality to the market 8. Develop and implement a smooth & low risk industrial transfer project plan 8. Develop in the most effective way the new factory layout
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the three main consumer business activities of the industrial site- Set-up of a selection procedure and training process for local personnel- Installation and start-up of both manufacturing lines supported by a few Dutch specialists- Technology & knowledge transfer based on local/external training and by using detailed English equipment and process descriptions => Afterwards translated into Spanish- Set-up of both quality departments with minimum local support (Sharing knowledge)- Set-up of both maintenance departments with some local support (Sharing knowledge)- Contract temporarily two English/Spanish translators to speed-up all required translation work and for optimal knowledge transfer => Verification of these important activities by myself- Implementation of structured process control after a limited training course for the employees- Avoiding high risk project management by involving locally some key specialists- Limitation of medium&high project risks by absorbing personal in-depth training courses in Europe - Propose and agree factory layout plan with Dutch and local factory managers & personnel- Utilisation of modern project management tools in combination with telephone conferences- Focussed B2B and consumer customer attention throughout the entire business- Train and promote the local factory manager for the long term strategy => European training
Technical Environment Manufacturing technology – Product development – Technology and knowledge transfer – Risk analysis – Maintenance management – Quality management - Business case study – Financial feasibility managementMS Windows/MS Office/Word Perfect
Business results In 16 months the complete project objectives were realised successfully. Professional and consumer high quality product deliveries were done according to the original sales plan. All operational performance indicators were on or above target. The local factory manager was trained and promoted.

Installation and Start-up of a prototype flow production line
Production Manager: member of the production management team (1-8-1984 -> 1-2-1988)
Context Existing industrial site (2500 employees) with two main professional-market manufacturing business units. Good to average industrial factory performance indicators. Professional, proud and motivated organisation. Mainly export production. One new big but empty production hall.
Business objectives 1. Professional and smooth installation plus start-up of one new flow manufacturing line 2. Select and train all new local personnel 3. Quick transfer of development & mechanisation technology & knowledge into the new production organisation 4. Creation of the relevant maintenance department 5. Documenting and sometimes translating all relevant procedures and checklists 6. Delivery of top quality and minimum volume target to the market 7. Develop the most effective new factory layout 8. Integrate at the end of the project the new prototype business into an existing core production department
Approach/Solution - In depth integration into the two main professional-market business activities of the industrial site- Set-up in cooperation with the HRM department a selection procedure and training process for all new local personnel- Installation and start-up of the prototype flow manufacturing line supported by several specialists- Technology & knowledge transfer based on local/external training and by using detailed Dutch & English equipment and process descriptions => Afterwards partly translated into Dutch- Set-up of the maintenance department with some local support (Sharing knowledge)- Implementation of structured process control after a limited training course for the employees- Avoiding high risk project management by involving locally some key specialists- Limitation of medium & high project risks by absorbing personal in-depth training courses in Belgium and The Netherlands - Propose and agree factory layout plan with the local factory manager & unit personnel- Utilisation of modern project management tools- Focussed B2B customer attention throughout the entire business- Train and promote the local production manager for the long term strategy => Benelux training
Technical Environment Manufacturing technology – Product development – Process development – Equipment development - Technology and knowledge transfer – Risk analysis – Maintenance management – Quality management - Business case study – Financial feasibility management
Business results In 3,5 years the complete project objectives were realised more than successfully. Professional high quality product deliveries were done according to the original sales plan. All operational performance indicators were above target. The local production manager was trained and accepted the technology and knowledge transfer.


1977-1981: Industrial engineer Electro mechanics at I.H.A.M.-Antwerp (Ing.)
1981-1984: Civil engineer Mechanics and Electronics (Mechatronics) at V.U.B.-Brussels (Ir.)


Managerial & Technical Keywords
Industrial Management – Manufacturing Technology Management – Logistical Supply Chain Management – Six Sigma Management – Master black Belt Certificate - Strategic Purchasing - Statistical Process Control – Process Mapping - Process Analysis - Program Management – Project Management – Budget Management – Investment Budgeting - ISO9000 – ISO14000 – Auditing Tools – Business Development – Clean Room Technology – Assembly High Tech Mechatronical Modules – TV Chip Development – Optical Glass Fibre Technology – International Technology Transfers – Baan IV ERP Implementation - Self Supporting Teams - SWOT Analysis – Risk Analysis – Cost Price Calculations – Enterprise Business Management - MS-Office – MS Project – Baan IV – Lotus Notes


Language Writing Reading Conversation
Dutch Native Native Native
French Good Excellent Very Good
English Very Good Excellent Very Good
German Very Good Excellent Very Good
Spanish Very Good Excellent Good
Portuguese Good Very Good Good
Polish Average Good Good


Additional Training Courses
Philips In Perspectives (1986) – International Glass handling (1988) – Lamp Technology (1988) – International Management Course (1988) – Decision Calculations (1990) – Organisation & Efficiency (1990) – Logistic Appreciation Course for Managers (1994) – ISO9000 auditor (1994) – Insight in Influence (1996) – Marketing 1 & 2 (1996/1997) – Communication, Interaction & Management (1997) – Manufacturing Excellence (1998/1999) – Philips Quality Awards (1999) – Business Negotiations (2000) – Statistical Process Control (2001) – Master Black Belt Six Sigma Management (2000/2002) – Optical Glass Fibre Technology (2002) – Enterprise Business Management (2003/2004)


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