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Internet Services Consultant

Internet Services Consultant

Work Experience

Aug 1999 to November 2000 Nevadatele.com, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Appointed initially as Interim Managing Director of Creative Online Media Ltd (COM), Northern Irelands leading Internet Services provider . COM had been purchased by Nevadatele.com to compliment the telco services and ensure the full range of Internet Services could be provided. Nevadatele.com is a 50/50 joint venture between Energis (Uk’s leading provider of business communication services) and Viridian, Northern Irelands largest Plc and owner of NIE, the supplier of all NI electricity.
COM provided Web site design and development, web and email hosting and some limited web security solutions. The company had 15 staff and a revenue expectation of £600,000 in the current financial year with a neutral profit/loss projection, operating from shared premises.
Key objectives were to grow revenue, achieve some profit, relocate the company and its entire web farm and technical infrastructure, whilst retaining staff and customers. Revenue grown to circa £1m in 9 months and profit generated. All staff, technical infrastructure and web farm relocation achieved in 3 months. All staff retained and further technical staff recruited. At the time of relocation in November 1999, COM staff were integrated into Nevadatele.com, to ensure synergies of operation were achieved and to provide integrated delivery of services of Voice, Data and Internet to customers.
Appointed Interim Internet Services Director in January 2000, to continue to manage and grow the Internet Services provision of E-Business and E-Commerce solutions, Web Site Hosting, Email Services, ASP, Security Solutions and ISP provision. Also responsible for Network Integration and Support requirements for customers. I have developed and implemented the key objectives of increasing technical capabilities including staff, consistent with growth of revenue and delivery of quality solutions to customers. (Revenue generation and P & L responsibility are included in the position)
I have particular responsibility for the delivery of all Web development solutions, the internal IT infrastructure, for the external Web Farm technology and implementation of a new company wide CRM and ERP systems is currently being managed. Close working with all areas of telco within the company is also essential. Latterly, taken direct responsibility for all Internet Security solutions and delivery to customers of vulnerability, intrusion and penetration testing, firewalls and other security products.
Nevadatele.com purchased Stentor in July 1999, based in Dublin, who provide similar telco services and plans have been implemented to extend the provision of Internet Services to all Ireland – a part of my responsibilities.
My permanent replacement joined the company in October and completed the assignment at the end of November 2000.
Aug 1998 to May 1999 Interon Ltd – Interim Management role
Interon Ltd is a new company formed to deliver innovative Internet services to the Recruitment Industry. An application was developed, Consultants-on-the-Net, which provides recruitment agencies with a comprehensive online Internet database of candidates for contract and permanent positions. In addition, a second application to provide ‘job advertising’ services was delivered, Internet Times.
In conjunction with two partners, our role was to define a business plan and launch these services in the UK. The launch commenced in January 1999 with the adoption by 14 leading recruitment agencies. This was quickly followed by acceptance from many other recruitment agencies.
We were contracted to provide initial sales of the services to agencies through our many contacts within the industry, as well some operational control. We developed marketing and promotion of the main core service, Consultants on the Net, with extensive advertising in the media.
With the successful establishment of the services, we then took a backseat non-executive role and additional staff were recruited to continue sales and operational support of the services.

The company gained a listing on the AIM in November 1999, where over £2m was raised and the company valued at over £5m.
Feb 1997 to July 1998 Co-operative Retail Services – Rochdale
Cost Management & Value Analysis of IT - Investigate at a high level the use of IT within the retailer and develop a project plan to implement my Business Benefit Methodology for measuring the value of IT application and services delivered to the business areas of the organisation.
Three associates assisted in implementing the project plan. One person concentrated on looking at internal IT processes and how they currently delivered IT solutions, the second to work with the users to define what measurement parameters the users sought to determine IT value and the third to review and report on the asset management processes of the organisation.
A specification was prepared for an online system to gather data from disparate sources within IT and the business and to report on the costs and performance of IT in delivering results to the business areas. Another associate was used to design and deliver the online system, based on SQL and MS Access. The final delivery took place on time in September 1997.
Purchasing Analysis & Improvement - I was also used by the client to analyse the IT purchasing requirements and processes and implement new procedures as well as many new contracts with external suppliers. A large part of this work was associated with lease evaluation as much of the IT hardware and software over a number of years had been bought through this method. Cost savings of over £3m were identified.
Outsourcing Analysis & Implementation - the outsourcing of the whole of IT to a third party. Because of the potential ramifications of this, much of the work initially had to be conducted in secrecy. My work on this started in June 1997.
I aided the Head of IT in evaluating potential suppliers, arriving at a short list of three. This included an assessment of their capability in providing IT and HR services. A supplier was selected in October 1997 and heads of agreement and letters of intent signed.
I acted as a Project Manager/Facilitator, managing the project processes for the client. This involved working with the client and supplier in defining all service level agreements (SLAs) and operational processes for the delivery of the services. In addition, I controlled the client’s Risk Analysis process, asset management analysis and definition and control of project plans.
Assistance was provided to the contract definition processes and the transition/implementation plans. Integral within the contract was a clearly defined Service Improvement Programme (SIP), which had clear links to the management information reporting of the SLAs.
A main provision of the contract was clearly defined cost analysis processes that could at a later date be integrated into the measurement systems previously provided.
The outsourcing contract was signed at the end of June 1998 and the supplier commenced the service on 1st July of that year. The contract involved the transfer of 170 staff and all non-leased equipment and provides all IT services, including the Data Centre services, to the clients business divisions.
Oct 1996 to Nov 1996 Anglo American Platinum Mines – Johannesburg
Using my Business Benefit Model, conducting a complete study into the use of IT within the headquarters and mining areas of Anglo. The deliverable required was a report on the current performance and productivity achieved, with recommendations for improvement.
The assignment took a concentrated 6-week period and involved an assessment of all existing management information available. Many new processes and inhibitors to performance were identified and explained fully in the report.
The report was used as road map by the company to outsource all IT support needs and the overall Cost of Ownership of desktops in the company has been halved and continues to fall.
June1996 to Dec 1996 Homebase (Sainsburys) – Wallington, Surrey
Detailed market research study into the use of IT by the main competitors to Homebase. This included visits to and evaluation of B&Q, Do It All, Great Mills and Wickes.
The study provided its own problems as methods had to be determined to ensure sensitive information was sensibly protected and that an accurate assessment could be made of competing systems.

Jan 1996 to Feb 1997 Transco (formerly British Gas) – Solihull
Evaluation of the IT Network systems used to support the customers of Transco (Shipers).
This was followed by extensive work in introducing my proprietary Business Benefit Model that provides a structure for specifying, evaluating and monitoring the use of IT to determine the value provided to an organisation.
Two additional associate consultants and a developer worked with me on this assignment. A fully working system was delivered and implemented.

August 1994 to April 1997 – Olivetti UK – London, Milton Keynes, Manchester, Leeds
A study into all purchasing practices within Olivetti UK. The study had no limit and covered all external-purchasing processes. Areas such as bought-in hardware/software company services such as travel/accommodation, temporary/contract staff and other supplier support services were examined.
The study results indicated a clearer definition of purchasing responsibilities was required, with far greater focus on professional purchasing techniques and management. Integration of purchasing practices across the company was also identified.
Specification of new Purchasing Policies and Procedures was delivered and implemented. I also facilitated the integration of purchasing processes across the UK Company.
Purchasing staff training requirements were identified and supported and cost savings in excess of £1.2m per year were identified and achieved. Considerable assistance was provided in defining standard contract terms with suppliers and many new and revised contracts were initiated.
Consultancy services were provided to the business areas responsible for providing customer service for outsourcing contracts. This included facilitating several responses to tender requests for integrated desktop and other services to be provided to major blue-chip companies in the UK. A Desktop Managed Services study was conducted and reports delivered.
Subsidiary activities included a Negotiations workshop for selected purchasing and Sales staff.
November 1995 Alliance & Leicester – Northampton
Evaluation of external supplier responses to requests for Document Image Processing (DIP) systems. General advice and guidance on new and improved support processes for DIP.
Feb 1995 to Aug 1995 Bell Atlantic Business Systems Services (BABSS)– Philadelphia, USA
This company provides extensive outsourcing services to many major clients in North America. Their business had developed from providing ‘third-party hardware maintenance’ to customers for their Data Centres. The company had expanded into the full range of desktop services.
The company was interested in adopting the Business Benefit Model I had devised for assessing true value to business areas generated by the use of IT. The intention was to use the BBM in their customers to determine productivity and performance issues and drive in better cost of service.
A study was conducted at the BABSS headquarter site to demonstrate the BBM and how it could be used. Extensive analysis of support processes was conducted and the principles of the BBM used to identify inhibitors to performance and where unnecessary costs were being incurred. The study identified potential cost savings of $750,000 in the head office site.
Subsequent visits aided the introduction of new processes to trial the use of the BBM. Since then, in late 1995 DecisionOne bought the company and new Cost of Ownership services introduced.
I also provided consultancy advice and assistance to the processes to be used for a new client of BABSS for the provision of managed desktop services across North America.
In June 1995 I was used by BABSS in a Federal Court as an Expert Witness in the areas of IT Cost of Ownership and Business Benefit assessment. This was in a case of litigation with Hitachi data Systems on the prevention of BABSS from obtaining parts and microcode on Hitachi systems for supporting BABSS customers.
April 1995 to Dec 1995 Polygram UK London
Consultancy assistance for the preparation of an Invitation to Tender for outsourcing all desktop services including hardware and software support, network management, desktop call centre improvements and external supplier support.
Oct 1994 to Aug 1996 Arab National Bank – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Studies into Electronic Banking Services, including Automated Teller Machines and Pont-of-Sale networks. These looked specifically at areas of availability and performance aimed at improving transaction levels and response. Also business planning for new Card services.
Implementation of study results, including revised Branch training processes, tender preparation and supplier evaluation of external supplier requirements for hardware and software support and specification and implementation of ATM and POS performance monitoring processes.
Facilitation of improved processes for inter bank transactions with VISA/MasterCard and other international card processing needs.
Point-of-Sale network evaluation and implementation of recommendations to improve transaction performance and customer usage.
Subsidiary tasks of recruitment of IT project Managers and general purchasing advice for new hardware/software for card processes was completed.
Sept 1993 to Dec 1995 Nedcor Bank / Olivetti SA Pty – Johannesburg
Outsourcing facilitator. The bank awarded Olivetti a contract for the total hardware and software support of all branch systems, a total of 700 branches and 5 HQ locations. My role was to aid both sides in the preparation of comprehensive service level agreements, after first ensuring the services required were clearly defined. Duties included advice and guidance to the supplier on structure and responsibilities of the supplier’s staff, initiation of audit management processes, call centre process re-definition and business controls.
An essential part of the process was contract drafting and advice to both parties on the responsibilities to be adopted and introduced. This led to additional work defining cost/value propositions and underlying performance and productivity criteria to demonstrate where costs were being incurred and not providing value.
Post contract support in the areas of Cost Management and Control and Performance/Productivity were provided. Demonstrable cost savings to the Bank of in excess of R10,000,000 per year were introduced. Over 25 return trips were made in this period, with the duration of each being between two and six weeks.
May 1994 to October 1994 – National Australia Group – Glasgow
Evaluation of Data Centre software contracts and recommendations on revisions to contracts and improved value for money on all support contracts. Cost savings of £100,000 identified.
June 1993 to July 1994 – Nat West Bank – London
Evaluation of IBM software costs and contracts for their Data Centres, providing advice and support to revisions to the IBM ESA contracts. Cost savings of £700,000 achieved.
May 1993 to June 1994 BZW - London
Desktop Outsourcing facilitator. Included definition of requirements, user briefings, service level agreements, RFP and tender preparation, issue and control. Tender response evaluation, site visits and present customer analysis and supplier selection.
Security services tender preparation and evaluation.

August 1964 to May 1993 Barclays Bank Plc
Held a number of positions gaining a wide Retail Banking business perspective and a thorough knowledge of the use and benefits of Information Technology.
In the last five years in the Bank I held a senior position in Group IT Purchasing. I was responsible for business process re-engineering and outsourcing of many IT Services that had a direct impact on the operations and processes of the Retail Bank across the UK. Measurable Cost Savings achieved in this period exceeded £100,000,000.
Positions held included:
IT Senior Purchasing Manager June 1987 to May 1993
IT Research Manager January 1986 to May 1987
IT Career/Manpower Planning Manager May 1985 to December 1996
IT Resource Manager February 1984 to April 1985
IT Personnel Manager March 1977 to January 1984
IT Training management August 1972 to February 1977
IT Operations October 1968 to July 1972
Retail banking August 1964 to September 1968


QUALIFICATIONS M.C.I.P.S. (Member of Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply)
A.M.I.M.C. (Associate Member of Institute of Management Consultants)


Summary of Key Skills and Knowledge

· Interim Management at Director level for Internet Services provision covering E-Business, E-Commerce, Web Site Hosting, Email Services, ASP, Internet Security Solutions, ISP provision.
· Major Telco provision of Voice/Data services
· IT Outsourcing
· Tender/Request for proposal preparation and governance
· Outsourcing Project management and facilitation
· Outsourcing contract and Service Level Agreements negotiations
· Outsourcing – post-contract management processes
· Project Manager (Made a major contribution to improvements in Retail Banks and other industries in the UK, USA, Middle East and South Africa.)
· Electronic Banking Services - Credit/Debit Cards, Automated Teller services, Point-of-Sale, Tele-direct business, Customer Call Centres
· Business Benefit and Productivity/Performance Measurement Systems
· Business Planning and Development
· Information Technology Performance and Productivity evaluation and measurement
· Studies and implementation of Information Technology Business Benefit modelling, Cost Management, Cost Reduction, Cost of Ownership of Information Technology.
· Information Technology Services Strategy
· Hardware & Software Asset Management and Information Technology Support Services
· Strategic Vendor & Service Partnerships development
· Value Added Services - Help Desks/Technology assessment/Equipment and Software Change Control., Change Management & Project Management
· Professional Purchasing of Information Technology
· Hardware, Software, Networks
· All related Support Services including Maintenance, Installation, Help Desks, etc.
· Supplier Logistics Evaluation
· Supplier Negotiations, Supplier Management Techniques - Supplier Measurement
· Purchasing policies and procedures and facilitation of revised purchasing practices
· Internet Services for Recruitment Agencies

Full range of all Internet Services
Outsourcing – IT, Human Resources & other Corporate services
Electronic Banking services
Information Technology Service Management & Delivery


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