Flex Manager
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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

Work Experience

Since 1997 I am self-employed as human resources manager and business mediator. I support companies in expansion- and reorganization-processes. This contains for instance
- personnel policies & procedures ( compensation & benefits, working time systems etc.)
- employee relations and conflict facilitation / mediation
- personnel marketing and recruitment
- personnel development / training / coaching

Before I moved into self-employment end of 97 I was employed as human resources manager. At first I worked for a personnel services company, then for a mail order house and in the last 3 years for the subsidiary of a big US-company which I helped launch business in Germany.


- German master of business administration (degree earned besides working at the correspondence university AKAD)
- retail-trader (officially qualified)


- German labor law, wage tax + social insurance legislation
- employee relations and conflict facilitation / mediation
- personnel policies & procedures (compensation & benefits, working time systems, pension schemes, company cars etc.)
- personnel marketing and recruitment
- personnel development / training / coaching


German + English


- further education as business mediator at the San Diego Mediation Center, San Diego / USA and at the Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Kommunikation und Wirtschaftsmediation in Stuttgart, Germany
- scholastic teaching job (subject: mediation) at a German university (FH Meißen)


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