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Business start-up & development / Project management

Business start-up & development / Project management

Work Experience


Bluestone Business Advisory Services Limited, Limerick, Ireland
Director - providing business advisory services to assist clients to start up and develop/restructure their businesses, including definition and implementation of a business strategy, preparation of feasibility studies/business plans and advising on financing options.
Most recent project involved the start-up and development of Irish Business Sales (defined and implemented corporate strategy, prepared business plan, secured project finance, established head office function to support national network (including recruitment and training of staff), designed and implemented marketing plan, including website).

Irish Business Sales, Limerick, Ireland
Director - Irish Business Sales provides a comprehensive range of services to assist companies and individuals to buy or sell their businesses as going concerns and to source partners/investors for their businesses locally, nationally and internationally. Responsible for liasing with national and international buyers/investors to assist them to define their acquisition/investment criteria. Advised and assisted clients to sell their businesses and/or source business partners/investors.

KPMG, Moscow, Russia
Principal in the Financial Advisory Services (FAS) department. Assisted the Partner in Charge to create and develop the FAS department. Designed, developed and marketed Corporate Finance services to meet the specific needs of Russian and international clients operating in Russia and abroad. Recruited and trained Russian and international staff and played a major role in the strategic and operational management of the department that grew from a staff of 4 to 40 in less than three years. See Appendix A (below) for a sample of the projects undertaken.

KPMG Management Consulting, London, United Kingdom
Executive Consultant in the Specialist Consulting Group. Specialised in assisting the Former Soviet Union countries to restructure national industries and to prepare them to operate in market economies. See Appendix A (below) for a sample of the projects undertaken.

Consultant in the Information Technology Practice that specialised in providing assistance to clients to manage their investment in IT applications and also providing them with assistance to implement strategic IT-based business solutions. See Appendix A (below)for a sample of the projects undertaken.

UNISYS (Burroughs) Corporation
UK Subsidiary, London, United Kingdom
Financial Analyst in the Financial Planning and Analysis Department.
Review of financial results and preparation of annual budgets and sales forecasts for the subsidiary.

Latin American Support Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
Financial Analyst in the Controller\'s function.
Reconciliation of the physical inventory review leading to the development of procedures to monitor inventory flows between the USA and manufacturing facilities in South America.

World Headquarters, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Financial Analyst in the Systems\' Products Group.
Formulation and analysis of the subsidiaries\' inventory statistics and financial results for group consolidation.

Summary of industry and project experience

1996-1999 KPMG, Moscow, Russia
Principal in the Financial Advisory Services (FAS) department. In a project management role, led teams of consultants in a variety of projects including,

* For the respective governments of two Republics and five regions in the Russian Federation: performed a compilation and review of financial information for the Offering Circulars for the respective issuers as part of their proposed Eurobond issues and short term loans. Also advised and assisted the respective issuers and their Lead Managers with the preparations and presentations to the international credit rating agencies.

* For a major Russian bank: advised and assisted with preparations for its presentations to an international credit rating agency including advising on the impact of the subsequent financial crisis on its rating.

* For an American insurance corporation seeking to expand its market share in Russia: performed a preliminary review of a potential investment target to assess its suitability for acquisition.

* For a Russian investment fund: development of a strategy for the sale of its shareholding in a Moscow based retail company - preparation of an information memorandum, identification of potential investors, locally and internationally, and the preparation and delivery of sales propositions to the potential investors.

* For a multinational food conglomerate seeking to expand its market share in Russia through the acquisition of local production facilities: performed financial due diligence on one of its potential investment targets to assess its suitability for investment.

* For multinational graphite manufacturer seeking to enter the Russian market through the acquisition of a local manufacturing facility: performed financial due diligence on a potential investment target to assess its suitability. Also assisted with the subsequent negotiation and acquisition of shares. Provided post acquisition planning assistance to the facility\'s new management team during the initial take-over period.

KPMG Management Consulting, London, United Kingdom
1994-1995 Executive Consultant in the Specialist Consulting Group. Projects included:

* For the Government of the Russian Federation: member of the team advising on the restructuring and regulation of the electricity supply industry. The emphasis was on preparing the newly created organisations to operate in a competitive market environment and for the later introduction of private investors through domestic and international capital markets.

* For the Ministry of Power and Electrification in the Ukraine: member of the team which provided strategic and technical advice to national industry entities (i.e. the National Grid company and generating companies) undergoing formation and corporate development. In particular, developed principles and procedures for
- the establishment of the market operations, and
- the development of a regulatory framework to enforce payments in the wholesale and retail markets.

1988-1992 Consultant in the Information Technology Practice. Projects included:

* A review of the business strategy and financial status of a major international IT vendor.

* Privatisation of the Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales:
- definition of the scope of the of the industry\'s settlement systems, development of the business and technical options and production of a management plan;
- the design and development of billing and funds transfer procedures for the combined trading members of the Electricity Pool who were established after privatisation.

* A review of the implications of organisational change during the implementation of a management accounting and control system within KPMG.

* The development of a strategy for the joint marketing of software and consultancy services by a major software supplier and KPMG.

* A review of the implications of the Government\'s White Paper on National Health Services leading to the development of contracting frameworks for purchasers of health care services.

1992-1994 Projects undertaken during MBA degree

* Assessing the potential for foreign companies to enter Japanese markets through mergers and acquisitions.

* The take-over of ICL by Fujitsu: identification of
the strategy for the take-over, analysis of the purchase price using various valuation techniques, post merger review.

* Development and presentation of a business plan for a tourist complex in Portugal. The project\'s owner sought venture capital investment.


1998 Certified Management Consultant
Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants, United Kingdom

1992-1994 Master in Business Administration
Institut Superieur des Affaires, Groupe HEC School of Management, France and
Keio University Graduate School of Business Administration, Japan.

1981-1985 Bachelor of Commerce
University College Cork, Ireland.



* Industry/Corporate restructuring
* Mergers and acquisitions
* Business strategy development
* Investment appraisal
* Business plan development
* Project finance
* Financial analysis
* International credit rating advisory
* Eurobonds


English - mother tongue
Irish - fluent
French - fluent
Spanish - elementary


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