Flex Manager
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International Manager

International Manager

Work Experience

Experienced international manager in positions like: Electronic Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Area Sales Manager Medical Devices, European Service Director, Director Service Product Development Imaging Equipment, Freelance Consultant Service Innovations


1980: Basics of Microprocessors
1981: Lung function assistant
1984: Pascal programming
1985: Advanced Pascal programming
1988: Account Ability
1990: Management for the Newly Appointed Manager, MCE Brussels
1990: Planning for Success
1991: Professional Service Management, MCE Brussels
1992: Customer Satisfaction Skills
1994: Senior Project Management, MCE Brussels
1997: ISO-9001 Lead Auditor, BSI Milton Keynes
2000: Innovation Management, T-University Twente


Excellent communicator/motivator
Strategic thinker
Problem solver
Process Innovator


Dutch, native
English, German, fluently
Finnish, Swedish, beginner


AFSMI, Association For Service Management International.
BIRA, British Institute for Regulatory Affairs.
Chairman, Platform Sustainable Energy Dordrecht
Mensa Nederland, co-chairman business club


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