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Managing Director/Partner/BDM

Managing Director/Partner/BDM

Work Experience

2002-.. Focus on Business IT Alignment (bITa). Initiator of a global network that improves bITa in general with the use of best practice frameworks. Also initiator of Locus Europe (Conference and knowledge hub about Location Based Services / Telematics
- Responsible for general management and marketing.
- Responsible for program management
- Sponsor / Speaker relations of International Conferences

2002 Focus on (e)Learning processes within larger organisations – The other part of the work covers implementing novel learning solutions for corporate organisations and their client networks/channels. This includes blended learning, eTesting, competence management systems, etc. Partner Xperts in NoTime) – Business consultant, project advisor & management, corporate eLearning implementation, certifications

2000-2002 Managing Director Enlight TestStation Benelux B.V (stock listed:
- Daily management for an organisation with 15 people split in 3 departments.
- Responsible for the development and execution of the local marketing plan
- Responsible for reaching the sales budget and sales reporting to the CEO of the mother company in Sweden
- Responsible for major key accounts, media contacts, financial forecasts, recruitment, contact negotiations with business partners and 1 million + deals.
- Responsible for relationship with the local ECDL operator . Currently in over 130 countries
- Creator of the ‘Digitaal Rijbewijs Onderwijs’
- Weekly reporting to CEO

1999 a. Co-founder/shareholder & Business Development TestStation Nederland B.V. & TestStation Holding B.V.; see above. Apart from that responsible for business development, market research, competitor analysis, etc.
b. Project for Erasmus University: Cyber-enterpreneurship and Start-ups; success and failures

1998 Project Management of the DG III Esprit project IMPRIMATUR
- Imprimatur was a 8 million Euro funded project from the European Commission dealing with Intellectual property rights and privacy issues over the Internet. Demonstrator software was produced during the project. Partners were o.a.: Music and Author’s rights society, US copyright office, Telia and Teles.
b. Dipper (Technical study project for the EU on juridical implications of new Internet technologies);
c. Managing Director I-Wave; responsible for acquisition, marketing & sales

1997 a. Project Management of the DG III Esprit project IMPRIMATUR (see above over the Internet;
b. Project for JECIN (Japan), set up of a European-Japanese political student exchange center;
c. Project set up for Orbital Europa (EU intranet);
d. Managing Director I-Wave

1996 Founding directors of I-WaveLtd (Information Society Consultants & Concept development):
a. Design and elaboration of the worldwide first Internet-based interactive discussion and opinion-poll environment for the Dutch Green party;
b. Project Management of the DG III Esprit project IMPRIMATUR (see above);
c. Development of the communication strategy for the ACIS programme of the United Nations.;
d. Report on Megatrends in Telecom to the Swiss Science Council;
e. Consultancy work for the Austrian Science Ministry;
f. Consultancy work for the European Parliament;
g. Consultancy work to Swiss government;
h. consultancy to the European Commission (new communication strategies, attracting users, intranet- and site design);

1995 Member of the European Commission (FAST – Forecasting & Assessment);
Member of the consultancy board of ‘Espace Museal de l’Europe’, Brussels;
Member of the science board of „Ticino Digitale“, Switzerland;
Publication: \"Cyberspace Reflections\".

1994 Member of the European Commission (FAST, DG XII) as specialist on policy and economy assessment for networks, multimedia, information society. Organisation of internal EC information streams and Internet / intranet use;
Consultancy to EC units on international technology and transfer policies.

1993 Project execution together with international business school Nijenrode and University of Amsterdam for PTT Telecom on Mental Modeling of Managers and inter company strategies;

1993 Project in Ukraine and The Hague office of PTT Telecom, International Telecommunication (section Business Development). Project resulted in a profound analysis of the actual market & economic and political situation in Ukraine;


1990-1993 University of Amsterdam: communications science (candidate for a doctor\'s degree (obtained in January 1993), specialisation: international communication / telecommunication);

1986-1993 University of Amsterdam: political science (candidate for a doctor\'s degree (obtained in January 1993), specialisation: international relations).

1985-1986 Propedeuse - Study Culture Techniques at Technical & Agriculture University Wageningen


My working experience is broad and covers many aspects. I have always been involved in business development, building up channels and partner networks both in the Benelux and internationally. Internet and eBusiness has always been a focal point in my working life. Since I have been involved a lot in start up situations, I have been responsible for the business planning, the initial marketing and the execution of both. As Managing Director for Enlight Interactive I also was responsible for a.o. professional services & support department.

I am a very energetic and enthusiastic person with both analytical and practical skills. My main strength is with business development, business architecture & ICT and start up situations, but I am also able to motivate people in larger organisations. Furthermore, I have a strong commercial/sales focus with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. I am able to act on different levels in organisations (from executives to support persons, from parliamentarians to NGO staff, from sales and marketing people to the administrative staff).


DUTCH Mother Tongue
ENGLISH Excellent
GERMAN Reasonable


To keep up my professional and sector knowledge, I have published regularly. Below you will find a small selection.

Herman van Bolhuis / Wim Hulsink
Electronic Commerce Online Payment Systems (Paper prepared for Technovation, 10p, 2001)

Herman van Bolhuis / Jan de Noord / Vicente Colom
Dipper – Web Technologies (Technology and Business Study)
Dipper (European Union) Esprit Project No. 29238), 1999, 50 p.

Herman van Bolhuis / Wim Hulsink
Death of the Cyber Sales Manager – The Rise of Electronic Commerce and the Fall of the Online Payments Firm Digicash BV (Paper prepared for the Baan Brothers Foundation’s 2nd USP Roundtable), ERP and Beyond, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 26-29, 1999, 16p.

Herman van Bolhuis / Wim Hulsink
Electronic Commerce and Cyber-Enterpreneurship – Potential and Problems of Start-Up Firms in ICT, Management Report No. 1998-6, Erasmus University Rotterdam / Business School, 1998, 50p.

Herman van Bolhuis / Vicente Colom
Cyberspace Reflections
Brussels 1995, 222 p. (published October, 1995 by VU Press, isbn 90-5487-121-0).

Herman van Bolhuis / Vicente Colom
Overheid en nieuwe technologie: van onbegrip naar integratie
ZENO, December 1996, 4p.

Herman van Bolhuis / Vicente Colom
Megatrends in Telecommunications
published by the Swiss Science Council, Bern, 1996, 90 p.

Herman van Bolhuis / Vicente Colom
Mistige vooruitzichten in cyberspace
ZENO, December 1994

Herman van Bolhuis / Vicente Colom
ICT and re-engineering existing structures
I&M, January, 1995

Herman van Bolhuis / Vicente Colom
The CALL Project: The Technology to Use
in: Lucio Businaro, Technology and the Future of Cities. Reflections on Complexity
Brussels (EC DG XII - FAST) 1994, 15 p.

Herman van Bolhuis / Vicente Colom
ESIC - European Strategic Initiative in Cyberspace
Brussels (EC-internal paper) 1994, 30 p.


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