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Head of Datacenter Sales and Business Development

Head of Datacenter Sales and Business Development

Work Experience

July 2006 - June 2009 Cisco Systems Europe
Sr. Manager, Datacenter Infrastructure Technologies.
Responsible for direct revenue of 350+ M$ in Enterprise and Service Provider Sales, leading a team of 6 Sales Business Development Managers and Product Sales Specialists and a virtual team of 104 in Sales and Engineering.
Reporting to Director of Datacenter Technologies.
Major achievements:
Restructuring of Datacenter Infrastructure Technologies to allow cross-technology sales.
Successful launch of new business Partners that had no interaction with Cisco before.
Achieving a year on year average growth of business of 55%.

July 2004- July 2006 Cisco Systems Europe and Emerging Markets
Manager, Optical Business Group.
Responsible for direct revenue of 150+ M$ in Enterprise and Service Provider Sales. Reporting to Director of Technology marketing.
Major achievements:
created Eco-System of boutique channels and Business Partners in the European and Emerging markets theatres to accelerate optical and Data-Center Sales.
Year on year Growth of optical Technologies greater than 70%, ending 163% of plan.

Dec. 2001 – June 2004 Cisco Systems Europe, Middle East &Africa (UK)
Manager of Broadband Market Development reporting to the Marketing Director of Advanced Technology Group.
Responsible for driving incremental Sales through extensive use of new Business Modells for Broadband in international Marketplaces ( EMEA).
Major technologies being used in these Next Generation Network Business modells are Metro-Ethernet, FTTH, Optical technologies and xDSL. Successfully set up a total of 13 new Service providers in the regions Middle East, Africa and Russia CIS, as well as Central and Eastern Europe. Leading to incremental revenue for the regions of 250+ M$ per year.

Dec. 2000 – Nov. 2001 Cisco Systems Inc. (USA)
Manager, Programs at Cisco Service Provider Line of Business (SP-LOB.
Responsible for spearheading the strategic and outbound marketing efforts in international Marketplaces (ASIA/PAC, EMEA, Japan, Latin America), leading a team of 6 direct reports.
Respondsible for Press- and Analyst Contacts in all theatres.
Led major launches of Cisco’s IP+Optical Strategy in all international areas; respondsible for additional revenue of > $ 1 Billion per year. Marketing Budget $ 3+ Million.

01/2000 - 11/2000 Cisco Systems Europe, Middle East &Africa (UK)
Marketing Manager at Cisco’s Enterprise Line of Business, Solutions Group.
Respondsible for Productmarketing of Cisco’s Enterprise Optical and WAN-Products.
Developped OEM-Partner ADVA OPTICAL worldwide.
Created Optical Branding Program for Resellers.
Lead EMEA-wide SE virtual team for optical Networking, 1 direct report.
Lead major launches of Cisco’s optical platforms and Enterprise WAN platforms in EMEA generating revenue of $ 200 M in 9 months, Marketing budget $ 800 k.

1996 - 1999 Cisco Systems Europe, Middle East &Africa (UK)
Marketing Manager at Cisco’s Enterprise Line of Business.
Respondsible for Solutions Marketing of Security and E-Business Technologies.

Lead EMEA-wide SE virtual Team for Security.
Created worldwide Partnerprogram (Security Associates program) for 3rd party Technology Vendors.

Respondsible for EMEA-wide Cooperation with E-Business group of IBM, generating $ 30+ M in both companies.
By launching several Marketing Programs and Products generated additional revenue of $ 150+ M, Marketing budget $ 750 k.

1995 – 1996 Cisco Systems Germany Ltd.
Senior Systems Engineer IP-Core Technologies.

Respondsible for Field- and Partner-Education.
Respodnsible for the initiation of the MPLS project at Deutsche Telekom.

Successfully moved HP-Germany and NCR-Germany into Gold level Partner Status. Launched a Program for Partner Post-Sales relationship with Cisco Gold-Partners in Germany.

07/1993 - 03/1995 ASONIC AG Germany
Technical Director.
Respondsible for leading the Pre-/Post-Sales Support Team, 14 direct reports.
ASONIC was a pan-european Distributor for Networking Systems and Software.
ASONIC was sold to AZLAN in late 1995, generating more than 100 M$ revenue per year.

07/1990 – 06/1993 University of applied Sciences Aalen
Project Manager reporting to head of IT-Department. Respondsible for planning and building the new Network and Datacenter.
Main Contact for the Belwue project (Belwue: Baden Wuerttemberg extended LAN, the first Internet based network connecting Universities and 3rd parties in Germany).


Major degrees in Electronics and Computer Science.


Sales Management, Business Development, Strategic Business planning, Sales tactics, Virtual Organisations, mutlinational teams, Next generation Networks, Service Provider Setup


German (native), English (


Secretary of Lions Club Cuvillies in Munich


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