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Haed of IT Analysis & Development or as an (offshore) IT Pro

Haed of IT Analysis & Development or as an (offshore) IT Pro

Work Experience

Professional Skills & Experiences in the Banking & Financial Services area

Banking & Financial Services, Zürich 1990–2006

Head of IT Analysis & Development /
IT Project Manager for on- & offshore IT Projects

Analysis, Design, Development & Maintenance of
- Custody- & Money-Booking System
- Custody- & Cash-Planning System
- Nostro Reconciliation System

Analysis, Design, Development & Maintenance of the
Order Entry, Execution, Settlement & Monitoring of
- CHF & Foreign Currency Payments order
- FOREX and Money Market Contracts
- Credit Facility Management System
- Credit- & Risk-Management

Analysis, Design, Development & Maintenance for the
Clearing order Entry, Execution, Settlement & Monitoring of
- Inhouse Clearing orders,
- Crossborder Clearing orders and
- Routing of Clearing orders to SCO's and CSD's

Analysis, Design, Development & Maintenance for the
Repo & SecLend
- Order Entry, Execution and Monitoring
– Order Settlement,
- Collateral- & Risk-Management and Reporting

Project Activities, –Management:
Planning, Coaching, Coordinating and Supervision of
- Analysing, Design, Development & Implementation of
time-, budget and quality accurate IT Projects,
- Acceptance Tests in offshore (India) and onsite
- Coaching & managing of 3 Project Leaders with 5-10 IT
- User training for new Software Release
- Productions support after a new Software Release
- Project language: English during more then 15 years


Education – Management and Leadership

HWV (FH) Management and Leadership education 1972–1975
(Univertity of applied sciences and
economics Solothurn Nordwestschweiz), Olten
SIS Systems Management and Leadership seminars 1990–2006
(each year one week)
IBM Management seminar with introduction 1998
into the Transaction Analysis (one week)

Mercantile vocational school in Zofingen 1965–1968

HWV (Univertity of applied sciences and 1972-1975
economics Solothurn Nordwestschweiz), Olten
Subjects: Economics, Finance, Management,
IT and Administration
Diploma work: Sinnvolle Kennzahlen im Personalwesen

Postgraduate professional IT education/skills

Business Requirements Engineering – workshop 18th May 2006
(Social Event of SPOL AG)
- Success factors of Business requirement engineering in
relation to project success
- What has to be considered concerning requirements and
offshore engineering ?
- How does requirement engineering in the CMMI model
behave ?
- How does a good Use Case define itself and what need it
to contains ?
- Are there effort estimation methods, which can be used
to succeed in a Project ?
- What are the crucial components in the interaction of
Business requirements engineering and project management?

CMMI - Maturity Levels Models - Reiffegrad Models
OPM3 - The Organizational Project Management Maturity Model
IIL (International Institute for Learning)
- Praxis workshop 25th April 2006

PMI Event (Project Management Institute of Switzerland)
- Outsourcing to India/Managing the Engagement 12th April 2006

Requirements Engineering - SWISS ITC,Baden 5 days June 2002
- Project order definition (PA)
- Problem Analysis
- Business Requirements definition
- Business model definition
- Technical model definition
- Requirement specification
- Review of the Business Requirements
- User Centered Design
- Modeling with UML (Unified Modeling Language)
- Use-Case-Modeling
- Business object modeling
- UML Diagrams
- Use Case Diagrams
- Class Diagrams
- Activities Diagrams
- Sequence Diagrams
- Collaboration Diagrams
- State/Phase Diagrams
- Package Diagram
- Deployment Diagram

Business Process Modeling with COOL:Biz
Sterling Software, Zürich 5 days 2000
DB2/CICS (Basics and application)
GENIA, Frankfurt in Zürich 5 days 1999

PLAYBACK-Regression Test Tool (Basics and application)
SIS Systems, Zürich 5 days 1998

PLATINUM (Basics and application)
SIS Systems, Zürich 5 days 1997

Methods of Requirement Engineering and Data modelling
Systor Institut, Zürich 14 days July 1990
- Application of the CASE-Tools (Computer Aided Software
Engineering)in the SW application development
- Data Flow Diagrams (DFD's) (Gane / Sarson)
- Functional model definition
- Process definition, Data flow definition & description
- Process model definition
- Data modelling
- Data model definition
- Entity-Relationship model (ERM) (James Martin)
- Attribute
- Normalization
- Key Definition
- Additional data
- Balancing of the Relations
- Reconciliation of DFD's and ERM's
- Action diagrams (James Martin)
- Transformation of DFD - AD
- Transformation of ERM's into Relational Tables
- Quantity structure
- Denormalization
- Performance

IT Test tools
ZKB, Zürich 5 days Sept. 87
- ISPF/TSO (Basics and application)
- Job Control (Basics and application)
- CLIST/REXX (Basics and application)

- Development, Test and implementation of 1989/90
a Test tool based on CLIST/REXX & Job Control

IT Basics
Credit Suisse, Zürich 5 days 1984
- Problem Analysis
- Requirement definition/specification
- Solution definition
- Requirement specification definition
(Requirement Definition Document)
- Design
- ISPF/TSO (Basics and application)

HWV (Univertity of applied sciences and economics Solothurn Nordwestschweiz), Olten 1972 - 1975
- Subject area: Computer science in economics
and accounting

IT Skills - Operating Systems

CICS (IBM - Transaction Monitor) 1980–2005
TSO (IBM – Time Sharing Option System)

Data bases

IMS (IBM) 1980-1985
DB2 (IBM) 1990–2006
SQL Server (MS)

Methods / Case-Tools

CasePac – Development Tool/Repository 1990–2006
QMF-Reporting - Query Management Facility Reporting
COOL:Biz - Business Modelling
(Business Flow, Data Flow und Process Flow Diagrams,
Process Decompositions)
Business Requirement Engineering
- USE-Case, UML & Business objects modelling
- User Centered Design
Regression Test Tool – QA-Hiperstation from Compuware
ZBK, Zürich 1986–1990
– Development, Test and implementation of a
Test Tool based on CLIST/REXX,

PC user skills
XP Professional 1990 -2006
- MS-Office - Word, Excel, Power Point, Access
und Outlook

Internet connection – network 2000–2006
Installation of a private Internet network based on an ADSL/Cable l Modem and of a Router/Switch


Business comptences and skills
I acknowledged my professional experiences as
- Head of IT Analysis and Development or as
- (offshore) IT Project Manager in the area of
- Banking & Financial Services during the last 15 years.
At SIS Systems AG in Olten,(current Job)I was working as
- Head of IT Analysis and Development and as
- (offshore) IT Project Manager
in different Banking and Financial Services IT Projects.
I am coaching and managing a team of 3 Project Managers with 5-10 IT specialists each.
In my functionality as
- Head of IT Analysis and Development and as
- (offshore)IT Project Manager
I have also acknowledged professional experiences in
- managing Human Resources as well as in
- Planning, Coaching and Monitoring of multiple IT
My special skills are
- strategic thinking,
- power of self-assertion and
- high initiative
Successful, quality- time-, budget accurate implemention of over a dozend strategic IT Projects in the past 15 years.

Social competences and skills
Leading and Coaching of 3 IT Project managers 1990-2006
Leading and Coaching of 15 - 20 IT specialists
Presentation of new IT Projects and SW Services to the
- Senior Management
- Working Groups of Banks and
- Foreign Clearing Organisations
- Yearly Business Trips to South-India (Madras) for
2 to 4 weeks a year


German Native Language
French Secondary school 1961–1964
French Language stay and Job in Geneva 1969–1972
French HWV (Univertity of applied sciences 1972–1975
and economics Solothurn Nordwestschweiz),Olten
English HWV (Univertity of applied sciences 1972–1975
and economics Solothurn Nordwestschweiz),Olten
English Language stage in London 1978-1975
Swiss Mercantile School, London
- First Diploma
English Project language with SIS Systems AG 1990–2006


Project Manager of mulitple
- offshore IT projects with Indian Software companies and
IT specialists
Exellent Business relations to
- Indian Software companies and IT specialists

Business opportunities
I am looking for a new challenge as
- Head of IT Analysis and Development or as
- offshore IT Project Manager in the area of Banking or
Financial Services.
Prefered business areas
- Reviews or Quality Assurance of IT Projects
- Senior Consultant Software Quality Management,
- Testing / Automation of Testing
- Planning, Coaching, Coordinating and Monitoring of
- Analysis, Design, SW-Development and –Implementation
of strategic IT Projects
- Planning, Coaching, Coordinating and Monitoring of
offshore IT Projects in India
- Very good business connections to Indian IT companies
and IT experts in India


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