Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

CMI Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie
Implementation of a strategy, an organization, SAP and BI
Sept.05 – June 09

RENTA (Belgische Beroepsvereniging van Voertuigenverhuurders)
Program Manager
Implementation of a B2B Communication Platform
May 03 – Aug.05

Ministerie van Justitie (Netherlands)IND (Immigratie & Naturalisatie Dienst)
Development of a Workflow Management System
Feb. 03 – April 03

Swiss Life (Belgium)
Project manager
Implementation of a Data conversion
Jan. 00 - Dec. 02

Emgo(Philips - Osram)
Development of Data-warehousing & Quality-control tools
Oct. 98 - Dec. 99

HDP(Hulp der Patroons)
Development of a HRM-application
Oct. 96 - Sept. 98

AXA (France, Switzerland)(Nordstern, Colonia, UAP)
Project manager
Implementation of a Insurance Business Management System
May 94 - Sept. 96

DaimlerChrysler (Belgium)(Mercedes-Benz)
Project manager
Customization & Deployment of a Car-dealer application
Nov. 92 - Apr. 94

Siemens Business Services(Siemens-Nixdorf)
Specific developments around standard Accounting & ERP applications
Jan. 87 - Oct. 92

Black & Decker (Belgium)
Development of an Export Management System
Oct. 84 - Dec. 86

Mc Kinsey & Company Inc.
General Researcher
Research as base for Corporate Strategy & Steel Industry Model
Oct.81 - Sept. 84


UFSIA (Universitaire Faculteiten St-Ignatius)
Licence in Applied Economics specialized in Information Technology
Sept. 77 - Sept. 81

OLVC (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw College s.j.)
Latin – Sciences
Sept. 71 - June 77


Français, Néerlandais, Anglais, Allemand


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