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Work Experience

Principal* – Deloitte Transaction Services in London (2002 to late 2006)

1)Developed and managed the firm’s relationships with corporate and private equity clients involved in public and private transactions. The role included:

- Leading the investigating teams executing due diligence assignments on both the buy and sell sides; reviewing both the commercial and financial aspects of the target business and challenging and sensitising forecasts on behalf of potential investors;

- Advising clients through the transaction process, identifying issues which impact on the value of the business and assisting clients in price negotiations, advising on deal structuring, negotiating strategy and other financial or regulatory aspects of transactions;

- Assisting clients in the preparation of a business/division for sale, including; determination of likely issues which may arise in due diligence and assessment of their possible impact on price; assessing possible solutions to mitigate any such impact; advising on the financial information requirements of a likely purchaser and assistance in its preparation.

The role involved project management of the largest and most complex due diligence and vendor assistance assignments for acquisitions, disposals, public transactions (including hostile bids and IPOs) and refinancing situations. I managed teams of up to 50 professionals across 26 countries involving up to 8 service lines and budgets of up to £25 million in fees. My success was driven from an ability to plan and think one step ahead of the client, find the solutions to challenges and overcome hurdles hindering either the transaction itself or the timetable to achieve it.

2)Lead the Transaction Services team in developing client relationships and the firm’s profile in the hospitality and leisure sector focussing particularly on the online betting and gaming and hotel sectors.

Clients included Shell, Exide, Coats, Granada, William Hill, Coral, Ladbroke, Tomkins, Trinity Mirror, BICC General, Wassall, Bass/Intercontinental, Cendant, PPM, KKR, Blackstone.

* The role of a “Principal” at Deloitte involves taking lead responsibility for the client relationship from acceptance of the client through to responsibility for all client service and professional advice given both oral and written (through signature of the report). It is akin to a salaried/junior partner at many other professional practices.

Finance Director – Archway Consulting ( 2001)

Archway Consulting was a leading specialist e-commerce consultancy. The company was young and had experienced periods of substantial growth whilst facing the challenges of a volatile market. I was ostensibly brought in to groom the business for an IPO. It was evident immediately, however, that the business had lacked strong financial management during a period of rapid growth and the market was showing signs of significant downturn. As a result I took responsibility for:

l)Developing the financial strategy of the company including cash management, cost control, funding (including liaison and negotiation with investors), defining appropriate systems and controls and ensuring strong financial disciplines;

- Working with fellow directors to establish a strategy for diversification of the business – to reduce exposure to its existing unstable market;

- Identification of legal risks in business relationships and contracts and negotiating with partners and customers to mitigate those risks.


1)Introduced credit control procedures which reduced debtor days from 107 to 45 in 2 months eliminating the need for use of the overdraft facility;

2)Identified and implemented a cost control and cost reduction program which reduced the fixed cost base by 25% and convert consistent monthly losses to a net profit margin of approximately 20 to 25%;

3)Raised overdraft and other short term facilities as headroom for the business.

4)Introduced financial controls previously lacking in the business

Having established a sound financial base on which the business could continue to develop and given that an IPO was unlikely for the foreseeable future, I chose to leave the Company and return to Deloitte.

Director - Deloitte & Touche Corporate Finance (1992 to Feb 2001)

Reported to the partner and was responsible for leading the investigating team reviewing the commercial and financial strength of potential acquisition targets, managing and developing relationships with existing clients and potential new clients.

In addition practice management and staff responsibilities included; management of the allocation of the department’s professional staff (c.70 staff) to assignments ensuring maximisation of the department’s resource and appropriate staff development; finance director of the Corporate Finance Department involving supervision of the preparation of the monthly management accounts, review of monthly and year to date performance against plan; and development and ongoing management of an introductory due diligence course for all new staff.

Business Consultant – Spicer & Oppenheim (July 1989 – January 1992)

Operating in a small team, principal responsibilities included management of strategic planning, financial analysis and performance improvement assignments for small and medium sized companies.


Professional - Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in July 1987. First time passes in all exams.

University - Exeter University – BA Upper Second degree in Economics and Geography.

School - Haberdashers’ Askes School for Girls 1974 – 1981. 3 A levels (AAB);1 S Level (merit); 11 O Levels.


In addition to the technical transaction knowledge set out in my CV my success to date has been driven from an ability to:

•Organise and lead large teams of professionals operating under considerable pressure;

•Deliver sound and practical advice to main board directors, investment banks and private equity investors;

•Plan and think one step ahead of the client and the investors; and

•Find solutions to challenges and overcome hurdles hindering either the transaction itself or the timetable to achieve it.


Limited French


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