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Interim Management, Project Management

Interim Management, Project Management

Work Experience

CV - Summary:

born 1954 in Selters - Muenster, Germany, finished Economic Sciences Studies at Justus Liebig University, Gießen, Germany in 1980 with Examination as Diplom Oekonom (Master of Economics).
In more than 25 years, he has been collecting broad and profound Experience in various national and international Management Functions at Public Institutions, Manufacturing Industry and Commercial Businesses, as well as in Self-Supported Management Consulting & Interim Management Projects in Germany, Europe and other Foreign Countries ((e.g. Switzerland; Turkiye; France, Austria, Sweden, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel; Hungary etc.).
These Management Functions included Business Process Development, Contracting & Sales, R & D, Procurement, Production, Logistics, Service & Support, ICT & Controlling, Administration & Finance and Project Management of large national & International Projects / Programs (Public and Private).
As a Resume in his Career he had different Responsibilities in these Management Functions from Sales Account in Industry, Deputy Department Manager in a huge Public Technology, Procurement & Service Management Organisation, Project Manager of International Cooperation / Collaboration Projects to Head of Procurement, Logistics & Contracts (CPO – Chief Procurement Officer) in a big Swiss Company of the Special Machinery & Electronic / Optronic / Mechatronic Branch and as Consultant & Interim Manager in Business Process (Re-) Engineering, Trouble Shooting and M & A Projects up to the sole Responsibility as CEO in Midsized Companies.
He has Working Knowledge of a broad variety of Public Institutions and Industries, in particular Defense, Aircraft – Helicopter & Supplies, IT & Telco (ICT) Technology & Services, Telematics, Security Technology & Services, Electronics, Automotive & Supplies, Special Machinery Industry, Rail & Rail Supplies, Medical & Environmental Technology, as well as Construction & Facility Management Services and Commercial Wholesale & Retail Trade in various Branches.
In addition to being educated in Economics his Feel for, Understanding and Management of Engineering, Technology, Technical & Innovative Solutions, Projects, Products and Processes is excellent.
For Companies, or Divisions of it, with a Project Orientation in general, he designed, and operated in several Cases the own developed Project / Program Management Method / System, named “PIB – Project / Program integrated Business”, which include a detailed Life Cycle Coordination of operational Processes between Project Management Organisation and the functional Organisation of a Company, or Divisions of it.
During his Professional Career he proved his special Know-How in Structuring, Conception, Negotiation, Compromising and Closing of National and International MoU`s, Agreements and Contracts, based on his excellent Know-ledge of International Public and Private Law, Legal Terms, Rules and Regulations, to the Contentment of all Parties (Contracting / Legal Experience: Sales & Services Contracts, Procurement Contracts, Frame Contracts, Subcontractor & Supplier Agreements, R & D Contracts, IPR, License & Right of Patent Use Agreements, Technical Logistical Support & Services Contracts, Maintenance & Repair Agreements, Cooperation & Joint Venture Agreements, Funding & Financing Contracts, Project Contracts, IT – Outsourcing / Out-Tasking & Funding Contracts incl. SLA`s Service Level Agreements) .
Based upon his general Understanding to define / organize the Business Process first (BPM – Business Process Modelling) and concept the adequate Process & Cost efficient IT & Telco (ICT) Supporting Systems in the second Step, he developed the integrated Method for Business Process Simultaneous ICT Engineering, Contracting & Controlling.
His way of thinking and his Managing Methods are comprehensive, unconventional in part, but successful at least.
As the Leader of Strategic and Operational Teams he has been known to show a strong Social Competence.
Bringing together People, Companies and various Interests in a positive Partnership to the Benefit of all Parties involved has always been a major objective for him.


Dipl.oec., Universität, Deutschland


BPA, BPM, PM, Procurment & Purchasing, SCM, Service & Support Mgt., Contracting & Contract Mgt., Business Dev., Technology & Product Mgt.


German, Englisch


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