Flex Manager
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Work Experience

04/2006-12/2006 CEO Machine building company, 78 employees, turnover 8 Mio EUR

- responsible for turnaround and considerable growth of the company (in 12/06 100 employees, turnover for 2007: 25 Mio. EUR)
- complete repositioning on the market and establishment of strong customer base
- process optimization throughout the company
- introduced management by objectives

09/2004-06/2006 CEO copper-semi producer, 80 employees, turnover 30 Mio. EUR
- turnaround of the company with downsizing and closing of a production line
- streamlined processes and integrated sales and production within the group
- reduced costs in purchasing by 12%
- nearly doubled sales of strategic product group
- implemented new sales strategy as well as management by objectives

2002 - 2004 various consulting/coaching projects, e.g.

- media research company,8 employees, 1,5 Mio EUR turnover: complete restructuring, new business strategy and organisational structure
- IT- company, 7 employees, 1 Mio. EUR turnover: developed new strategy for repositioning on the market, developed sales and marketing plan

08/2000-04/2002: General Manager electrotechnical sales company; 40 employees,10 Mio. turnover, respoonsible for the turnaround of the company, increased margin on DVC from 24% to 29%, reduced base costs by 30%, initiated and developed strategic alliances, implemented new sales strategy

1999-2000 various consulting projects like:

consultant/coach of the CEO of a press building company (600 employees)
consultant for a start-up in the media industry

09/1991-03/1998 CEO of a group of companies in East Germany(1000 employees)
- build group from scratch starting with 4 employees
- developed business model, set up all organisational structures
- established strategic alliances as well as two joint ventures


European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany
Interim Executive(ebs) 11/2006

University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Global Leadership Executive MBA 12/2002

Texas A&M-University, USA
Ph.D. in Regional Science 1990

University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Dr.-Ing. 1987


Change and turnaround management
strategic management
Project management
cross-cultural competence due to extensive international experience
Joint Venture and post merger integration


English fluently
good base knowledge French
base knowledge Spanish


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