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Project manager - Test manager

Project manager - Test manager

Work Experience

2006 - 2010 MAC Solutions (Chiasso - CH) – Management Consulting
Main projects:

2008 - 2009 BSI (bank)
Project: Integration of two information systems, due to the buyout of Banca del Gottardo by BSI.
Role: Test Manager for the Acceptance Test sub-stream within the Data Migration stream of IT department.
Results: Definition of the documentation standards for the project, with relation to testing area.
Review and approval of the project documentation released by service supplier.
Definition of Test Strategy (Master Test Plan) and Detail Test Plans.
Detail scheduling of testing activities.
Management of communications with internal users and service supplier all along the test design and implementation and test execution phases.
Monitoring and control of test progress and reporting.
Completion of tests in the planned terms, both in respect of scheduled deadlines and execution rate, in spite of a heavy delay of the service supplier in releasing test data.

2006 - 2007 B-Source (outsourcing for banking)
Project: Testing of an “ad hoc” developed banking application.
Role: Test Manager holding the responsibility of a group of testers. My role was to define the boundaries of test for each functional area released, to define the test plans, to schedule testing activities and to check their actual progress against the plans.
Results: The tests were completed with a small delay (less than 2 weeks) although the application to be tested had been released with a 2 months delay, in respect to the schedule, and without taking new staff on.
Although the duration of test was compressed, the quality of the results and the execution rate were in line with client’s requirements and the initial plan.
The activities were carried out in an international environment, working with an offshore team based in India, in which relationships partially took place in English language.

1980 – 2006 MET Group (Milano - IT) - Management Consulting & Sw Development
Main projects:

2005 - 2006 – Hachette-Rusconi (publishing)
Project: implementation of Data Marts and reporting for a magazines publishing company, in order to analyze annual sales data by magazine, both for quantities and money amounts.
Role: Project Manager
Results: A number of Data Marts were designed and implemented, that were needed to obtain the required reporting, along with their feeding procedures. All the reports required were implemented.
Planning and execution of test along with key users.
The project was completed on time and on budget.
The project environment included Oracle DB, ErWin, Oracle Reports Developer and SQL tool (TOAD).

2004 - 2005 – UPIM (department stores)
Project: implementation of a Data Mart and a Business Objects universe, in order to deal with logistics and market data of UPIM (an Italian chain of department stores) points of sale.
Role: Project Manager
Results: Implementation of the Data Mart and his feeding procedures, scheduled to be synchronized with the generation process of the source data.
Activation of the Business Objects universe linked to the Data Mart, so that user can create by themselves their own reports.
Coordination of user’s training in using BO tool and environment.
The project was developed in an Oracle DB environment, using OWB to define ETL procedures and Business Objects for reporting.

2001 - 2003
Role: Program manager. In staff to the JDEdwards line manager, with task of coordination of the projects in progress.
Results: Coordination and staffing of the projects in progress within the JDEdwards business line, taking care of the actual progress of working compared with schedule and dealing with the delays in order to mitigate them and define contingencies.
I have carried out the analysis of an add-on package for the management of Agents and Commissions, to be integrated in JDEdwards-OneWorld and MS-Navision environments;
I have moreover driven the installation, customization, testing and user’s training activities of a package for the management of goods in process at third party vendors for a pharmaceutical company (Glaxo SmithKline).

2000 - 2001 – SPAL (automotive)
Project: Implementation – in a JDEdwards environment – of the new information system for the areas Finance and Distribution (Purchasing – Sales – Warehouse), for both divisions of the company, automotive and mobile phones/SIM cards distribution.
The project was split in two parts, each of them with different objectives and business process. The project included also all the system support to install and set up sw and hw, and to manage a number of different environments with different aims: development, test and production.
Role: Project manager – Sales Orders area analyst.
Results: Review of some of the business processes and users’ requirements, to make them fit the functionalities of the software package.
Installation and set up of the package and definition of hw needs both for servers and workstations, in order to achieve the performances the client required.
During the project, one of my tasks was also the analysis and part of the set up for the Address Book and Distribution (Sales Orders – Pricing) modules, and the planning and execution –with the key users - of the testing activities for Sales Orders and Pricing.
The project was delivered within the planned deadlines.

1998 - 2000 – NOVA SURGELATI (frozen foods)
Project: Implementation – in a JDEdwards environment – of the new information system for the areas Finance, Distribution (Purchasing – Sales – Warehouse) and Production. NOVA SURGELATI is a firm that produces and distributes frozen foods.
Role: Project manager and Distribution area analyst.
Results: The project required the set up of all the main modules of the package.
During this project I carried out the analysis of Distribution area and the set up of pricing module, especially difficult because most of the clients were large distribution firms.
Planning and definition of test activities for the modules of the package; execution of tests - with the key users – for the pricing on the sales orders.
The project was delivered on time.

1999 – ICME (mechanical)
Project: For ICME, a mechanical firm that produces electric motors, I have guided a roll-out project – in a JDEdwards environment – of the information system coming from the owner company (LAFERT), including Finance, Distribution (Purchasing – Sales – Warehouse) and Production modules.
Role: Project manager
Results: During the project the original set up, as made for LAFERT, was partially changed to fit ICME own business processes.
In this project my role was limited to activities planning and scheduling and resources coordination, without involvement in the analysis phase.

1997 - 1998 – BARILLA (food)
Project: Analysis, design and development of Sales Orders Management, in a Client/Server environment, for BARILLA ALIMENTARE (Parma), with the responsibility for the design of the Sales Orders relational DB and the on-line functionalities.
Role: Area leader and coordinator of the client development team.
Results: Definition of the new Logical and Physical Data Base containing Sales Orders, according to relational DB normal forms.
Design of new processes for acquisition, processing and shipment of Sales Orders - according to the guidelines of Sales Direction - and their implementation in the software applications developed.
Management of weights and volumes of orders to be shipped, grouping them and using suitable pallet types for each product, with the aim to have full-load freight trucks.
Planning and execution – along with the key users - of the testing activities on the features developed.
Support to the users’ training on the applications.

1994 - 1996 – CAMPARI (beverage)
Project: Development, in AS/400 environment, of the new information system of CAMPARI group, including:
• Finance, Treasury and Controlling (MET package)
• Warehousing (third party package)
• Sales Orders management and Purchasing (ad hoc development)
Role: Project Manager
Results: Analysis, design and development of Sales Orders management and Purchasing, and their integration – by means of both real-time and batch interfaces – with packages covering the other areas of the system.
Planning and execution – along with the key users – of the testing activities for sub-systems and the fully integrated system.

1992 - 1993 – MET (headquarter)
Project leader and test manager for the development of an accounting package.

1991 – BAI Leasing (leasing)
Project leader and test manager for the development of an ad-hoc software addressed to invoice the leasing contracts.

1989-1990 – INA (insurance)
Analyst and programmer during the porting of PITECO (a treasury package, developed by MET in a COBOL/CICS environment) into a different environment.

1984-1988 – HENKEL italiana (chemical products)
Analyst and programmer during the porting of PITECO into an ADABAS-NATURAL environment and for several others software developments.

1982-1983 – MET (headquarter)
Analyst and programmer during the development of PITECO package.

1982-1983 – Robert BOSCH Italia (electronics)

1980-1981 – BARILLA (food)


1977 - Milan Polytechnic: degree in Electronic Engineering

2008 - AVALOQ Professional Certification

2009 - ISTQB Testing Certification - Foundation Level

2009 - ISTQB Testing Certification - Advanced Level Test Manager


Internationally certified test manager (ISTQB, advanced), I’ve been working for more than 20 years in consultancy in several sectors, including: financial services, chemical and pharmaceutical products, publishing, food and beverage, consumer goods, automotive, mechanical, as well as in ERP package implementations and ad-hoc software development, managing the PLC of the product.
I have a strong client focus, a robust problem solving approach that has been key to my successful attainments.

Key competencies include:
Project management: ensuring projects delivery on time and on budget; managing large teams (up to 30 people) and numerous third parties; introducing and applying project management best practices and using a proprietary methodology; managing relationships with stakeholders involved both on supplier and client sides.
Test management: establishing test strategy and approach, defining test technique, planning, organizing and reporting of testing activities, either in development projects or in migration and porting.
Business process re-engineering: redesign of business processes from strategic down to operational workflows and manage organisational impacts and redesign; expertise for logistic processes such as Purchase, Sales and Warehouse.
Business Intelligence: Data Mart design, ETL procedures requirements and reporting.
Training: users education on business applications.
Data Bases: Relational DB design.
Software & tools: technical knowledge of Avaloq modules - JDEdwards ERP (EnterpriseOne – World), MS Office Suite and Mercury Test Director. Basic knowledge of SQL and TOAD.


Italian mother tongue
English excellent
French good


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