Flex Manager
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Interim Managing Director or Finance Director

Interim Managing Director or Finance Director

Work Experience

20 years as Financial Director of highly successful heavy industrial goods manufacturer in France (1000+ employees) with subsidiaires in Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany etc.
Since 1997, inependent Interim Manager based in Madrid undertaking assignments in Spain and France.
Longest assignments: 16 months as Interim Managing Director of a chemicals manufacturer in Paris, reorganisation, turnround, replacing directors. 15 months as Interim Managing Director of a food producer in Madrid. Following change of shareholder I was asked to close the Company, which I did alone, negotiating with Unions, Workers' Council and Local Authorities.
Other assignments included Interm General Manager for reorganisation of a textile distributor in Madrid, Interim Financial Director of a food manufacturer in the Loire Valley, France and interim Financial Controller of a Construction company in Gibraltar.


Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales


Finance in manufacturing or distribution companies. Strategic planning and budgetting. Company re-organisation. I speak perfect French and excellent Spanish.


English French Spanish


Willing to work anywhere in Europe


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