Flex Manager
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Work Experience

2000 - 2007 Zeolite Mira SpA, Italy
- Commercial Manager 2002 -2007
- General Manager 2000 –2002
Management Contract
Products for the detergent industry, sales and purchasing, consulting.
Turnaround situation.
Achievements reached EUR 35 million turnover. Stabilized company, market acceptance for Zeolite and Copolymer increased and stabilized, established professional purchasing and marketing, introduced financial control mechanism

1995 -2006 ISECO GmbH, Zug
Managing Director
Chemicals and food products trading, service and consulting.

1993 -2004 CEFT Engineering & Trading AG, Baar
Managing Director
Establish and organize the new company, profit, organizational and personnel responsibilities, re-orienting activities away from former Yugoslavia for chemicals and food products trading, selling of engineering know-how.

1990 - 1995 ZEOL Engineering & Trading AG, Baar
-Managing Director
Establish and organize the new company, organizational and personnel responsibilities, export of Zeolite from former Yugoslavia and of Copolymer from Italy to the European detergent industry.
Achievements reached CHF 38 million turnover. Market acceptance for Zeolite increased and stabilized. Successful introduction for other detergent raw material.
Personnel responsibility for 2 Marketing Assistants, 1 Logistic Specialist, 1 Product Manager New Products.

1983 - 1990 Intermerkur AG, Zurich
-Department Manager Chemicals
Develop business in former Yugoslavia, arrange and execute compensations and barter transactions, manage representations of 3 European principals, commence export of Zeolite to the European detergent industry, establish a logistic system for this product. Responsible for the 3 representation offices for chemical products.

Achievements increased turnover from CHF 3.0 million to CHF 53 million. The market for Zeolite reached 150.000 mt p.a. representing a 40 % market acceptance. The representation were stabilized, new principals contracted.
Personnel responsibility for 3 Marketing Assistants, 1 Marketing Representative, 1 Logistic Specialist, 1 Product Manager New Products.

1973 - 1982 Eastman Chemical International AG, Zug
-Marketing Trainee, 1973 - 1974
Extensive technical and commercial training in Kingsport TN, USA.
-Technical Marketing Representative, 1975 - 1979
Develop the Eastern European Market for chemicals and plastics
-District Marketing Supervisor, 1979 - 1982
Supervise market development in the Middle and Near East for chemicals, plastics and textile products, supervise and continued development of Eastern European Market for chemicals and plastics.
Achievements increased from zero to USD 3.8 million in Eastern Europe and from USD 0.4 to 1.5 million in the Middle/Near East area.
Personal responsibility for 2 Technical Marketing Representatives and 1 Marketing Assistant.

1968 - 1973 Swiss Locomotive and Machine Works, Winterthur
-Chemical Engineer 1972 - 1973
Laboratory assignments
-Metalographic Technician 1968 - 1969
Laboratory assignments


- Federal Certified Export Manager, 1987 - 1988
- Federal Certified Export Specialist, 1986 - 1987
Chemical Engineer HTL, College of Technology, Winterthur, 1968 to 1972
- Metalographic Technician Apprenticeship at the SLM, Winterthur, Switzerland1965 - 1968


Education as chemical engineer with extended post-studies in commerce. Fast learning, flexible and adaptive, multi-cultural appreciation. Objective and result oriented. Professional activities in commercial surrounding. Successful as department manager and managing director in trading and producing companies with overall responsibility, international marketing, founding and organization of companies (administration, legal, government, personnel). Development of new markets with new and traditional products. Working with representatives, agents and distributors. Use of financial instruments. Trading, logistic organization, accounting, in-depth skills of computer application in business. Personnel responsibilities.


- German (mother tongue)
- English (perfect)
- French and Italian (basic)


- Achieving Objectives through Interactive Skills by Adam and Pastor (5-day course)
- Kepner Tregeo-Vertex II. Problem analyses, decision making, potential problem analyses (full-week course)
- Effective Writing and Speaking in Business by Robson Management, Zug (6-month course,weekly 2 hrs)
- Conference Leadership by ECPI, Kingsport TN, USA
- S.A.I. Scientific Analyses of Ideas by J.D.Kirk Assoc. Inc. IL, 1979 KOSSAC (full-week course),
- Several inter-company courses in sales and marketing

Computer skills:
Excellent command of software programs and programming skills for daily use (Windows Office, Power Point, Access, accounting program Sesam), Internet, etc.


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