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Interim Manager, Project Manager

Interim Manager, Project Manager

Work Experience

2002 until today Schaan (FL) Acting Partner
Interim Management and Management Consultancy
· Customer mandates with main focus in part-time management and project management as well as consulting, business development, organization und strategy.

Last mandates as interim manager (details see below)
· Managing director of a subsidiary, re-organization, concept for insourcing and setup of an IT department (DI Group)
· Setup of a Shared Service Center (Pöyry)
· Manager of a major marketing project (Raiffeisen)
· Managing director and CIO (Syncoma)
Last mandates as consultant
· Feasibility Study integration of Peoplesoft HR in an SAP (Alstom)
· Consulting mandate for the government of the Principality of Liechtenstein
· Consulting mandate for a trust company
Special results concerning own company:
· Set-up and positioning of the company; publishing of the company in Liechtenstein and Eastern Switzerland, planning for Germany in 2008.
· Sales of supply of services to clients
· The mandates have been implemented partly in interims-management and partly as permanent employee.

9/2008 – 01/2009 DI Group (formerly Dietiker), Regensdorf
Trading, Recycling, Logistics – virgin and secondary metals
CIO ad interim
Analyse the situation IT, managing director of the subsidiary SOCO
Software Solutions AG, re-organization of the subsidiary, concept for
insourcing and setup of an IT department for the group with 19 companies
in Switzerland and abroad.

11/2006 – 04/2008 Pöyry Switzerland, Zurich
Engineering consultant
Head of Shared Service Center (Interim Manager)
Set-up and leadership of a Shared Service Center of a group of companies consisting of Finance & Accounting, HR, IT, Facility Management, Copy Center
In parallel Head of IT and ad interim Head of HR

Detailed description of tasks
· Definition of organization, structure and processes of a Shared Service Center (SSC)
· Managing the Shared Service Center as independent organization
· Implementation of the defined new organization, structure and process
· Optimization of the structure and processes in all units of the SSC
· Introduction of a service oriented culture in SSC
· Improvement of service quality
· Optimization of costs in SSC
· Head of IT in SSC as strategic leader
· Optimization of organization and processes in IT department
· Implementation of new SW inventory system and ITIL-based system
· Ad interim Head of HR
· Optimization of organization and processes in HR department
· Sparring partner for members of the management team of Pöyry Energy AG and Pöyry Infra AG concerning business oriented and organizational issues as well as strategic issues

6/2005 – 09/2006 Raiffeisen Switzerland, St.Gallen
Universal bank
Overall project manager (Interim Manager)
Manager of a major marketing project to establish a new corporate design for the Raiffeisen Group Switzerland (internal and external about 300 members of staff)

Detailed description of tasks
· Overall management of the main project
· responsible for budget, timeline and resources
· Setup of optimized project structure with efficient process organization
· Setup of a level oriented reporting structure
· Focus oriented running of the project in an optimized process
· Documentation of all status of the project
· Regular project status meeting and steering committee meetings
· Direct involved in IT and outdoor signing
· Communication to internal as well as external partners (independent Raiffeisen banks, providers, suppliers)
· Consequent solving of high potential risks and issues ends in an a successful (in time and in budget) implementation of the project

10/2003 – 02/2004 Syncoma Establishment, Vaduz
Service organization
Managing director and CIO (Interim Manager)
· Setup of the company together with a second managing director, responsible for the technical oriented part. The new company was set-up as service organization of the group Centrum Bank, Confida und Marxer & Partner Lawyers)

Detailed description of tasks
· Definition of organization, structure and processes of the company
· Managing the IT department as CIO
· Optimization of the structure and processes in all technical oriented departments
· Optimization of costs

2000 – 2002 Cablecom Group, Zuerich
Set-up and operation of cable distribution networks
Cablecom Media AG / Cablecom GmbH, Zuerich
Head of IT (2000 – 2002)
· Set-up and leadership of the Information technology department of the group with 85 employees
· Develop information technology strategy and implementation by stages
· Budget responsibility: about. 45 Mio. CHF
Special results:
· Set-up of professional project management methods with a project office; successful set-up of an integrations team.
· Sales of services to Cablecom-Group companies

Cablecom Multimedia GmbH, Vaduz (FL)
Chairman of the comitee (in parallel to Head of IT) (2001 – 2002)
· Set-up of a representation with regard to acquire the Liechtenstein market (part-time job)

1995 – 2000 SWX Swiss Exchange, Zuerich
Swiss securities exchange
Project manager information technology department
· Release-Manager for EBS- (Elektronische Boerse Schweiz) und SOFFEX- (Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange – Predecessor of current EUREX) maintenance releases
· Leadership of different release teams (120 members)
· Member of the information technology management
Special results:
· Successful implementation of 4 software releases with a value of 10 – 30 man-years and a few million CHF each
· Consulting and sales of solutions to the participating banks

1992 – 1995 SEGA Schweizerische Effekten-Giro AG, Zuerich
Swiss Securities and Clearing Corporation
Team leader
Leadership of the following projects:
· Communication of SECOM-New (SEGA Communication Systems)
· GCI (General Communication Interface)
· Implementation of SAP, Main responsibility UNIX
Selling of the concept GCI (internal)

1987 – 1992 KSS Informatik (own company), Schaan
Consulting with main focus in information technology for public authorities and companies, education for companies
· Local government Schaan
· Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein
· Trust companies
· Banks

1984 – 1989 Liechtensteinische Landesbank, Vaduz
Freelancer, Project manager

1979 – 1984 Liechtensteinische Landesbank, Vaduz
Education as programmer, analyst
Jobs as junior programmer, programmer, senior programmer, analyst, organizer and system administrator


1985 – 1990 University of Zuerich
Studies in Information technology and Economics
Degree: Master of Science (lic.oec.publ.)

1996 / 1997 ETH Zuerich, Zuerich
Institute of science of management
Graduate leadership seminars, f.e.
· Project management (1996)
· Change management (1996)
· Conflict management (1997)
Degree: certificates

1998 – 2000 University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Graduate School of Business
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)

2002 – 2003 Bernard Gantner AG, St. Gallen
Leadership and marketing school
Degree: Master of marketing (eidg. dipl. Marketingleiter)

Since 1990 attending different seminars of university level with main focus in general management, corporate strategy und corporate finance.


Interim Management, Project Management, Management Consulting, Strategic Management, Organisation und Re-Organisation, Setup of new companies and departments


German: native language
English: business fluent


·Leadership experience
More than 15 years leadership experience as Managing Director, business unit Manager, division manager with up to 85 employees, manager of complex projects with up to 300 project members and leadership of several project managers.

Budget responsibility in the range of double-digit millions.

Perennial successful experience as self-employed entrepreneur and acting partner of a management consultancy with wide areas of business consultancy. Successful in part-time management und project management.

· Know-how
Experienced business information technologist (University of Zuerich) with MBA-degree (University of Chicago) and additional education as master of marketing (Eidg. dipl. Marketingleiter). Global know-how in all information technology aspects.

Consolidated knowledge in setting up and leading of firms, business units and divisions. Global know-how in leadership, financial and managerial accounting, marketing, human resources, information technology, business development, logistics / operations, project management, process management, organizations as well as change-, innovations- und conflict management. Client-oriented sales manager of solutions and services.

Teaching position University of Applied Science, Instructor leadership and marking school.

· Communication
Strong communication skills. Is able to communicate competent and rhetorical on management level as line responsible, project manager, consultant, coach or instructor. Business fluent in German and English.

· Business strategies
Very well educated analytical and conceptual skills. Perennial experience in development of information technology and business strategies. Owns the competency to bring in a business strategy the elements of information technology inputs, process management and coaching of employees as success-related added value.

· Personal characteristics
Team-oriented situational leadership, pragmatically oriented, focus oriented, assertive, responsible, huge operational readiness, considerate, loyal, able to work under pressure, high social competence, motivating.


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