Flex Manager
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Independent project manager

Independent project manager

Work Experience


Business Development & Operations, hi-tech startups. 2 years

OPTIINVOICE (e-invoicing sw) → Localization, website (Google PR 4), marketing & SEO, articles & conferences, partnership (Post, IBM,..) & business (Safilo, Ferrovie,..) development

INNOVATE! (wireless solution to optimize deployment of field service staff) → Product design, partnership (Symbol, Wind,...) & business (Enel, Aem, Acea, Asm, Italgas,...) development

Change & Turn-Around Management (independent & Bain free lance). 4 years

FERRERO (Belgium) → Fully outsourced in-shop merchandising with innovative “day-by-day” workload estimation approach, redeploying sales force and dramatically increasing coverage

M-DIS (distributor of Corriere della Sera daily) → Redesigned transport network to distribute two additional newspapers with combined circulation of 1M copies at minimum additional cost

UN (UN/CEFACT Secretariat) → Promoted business and social benefits of e-invoicing through new community (IATA, SAP, ICC, ABI, CNEL…), public initiatives and UN publications

KARL STEINER ITALY (Apax Partners investment, leader in shop furniture) → CEO. Cut costs & streamlined operations: design, procurement, warehousing, on-site delivery

ASM BRESCIA, AGSM VERONA (local Italian utilities) → Supported top management in reorganization of purchasing and fleet management

1999 - 2002 ENEL SpA – Logistics and Materials Management Director
Activity → Forecast consumption of parts required to maintain the electric grid, order, store, and deliver them to ENEL technicians and to third party installers

Metrics → 40 M€ costs, 300 staff, 11 warehouses, 500M€ of materials ordered per year, 5.000 m3 delivered every week to about 1.500 locations

Actions → Closed 42 warehouses and restructured 11 others, implemented SAP/MM, outsourced transports, reorganized forecasting and materials management

Results → Reduced internal and external costs by 50%, reduced supplier lead times from 60 to 20 days, increased service level from 50 to 95% without increasing inventory value

1993 - 1999 BAIN & COMPANY Italy – Manager

ENEL → Set-up “Logistics and Materials Management” structure

ENEL→ Outsourced car fleet (from 30.000 owned to 20.000 leased vehicles)

FIAT Auto (France) → Reorganized sales network (from 400 to 100 dealers)

BVLGARI → Defined network distribution plan (from 30 to 100 shops)

1989 - 1991 ANDERSEN CONSULTING - Senior Consultant
Design of cost control systems

1986 - 1989 IBM Italy – System Engineer and Marketing Representative

Sale of management information systems to large accounts




Hands-on, technology-savvy, international executive - business development & operations:

→ >15 years blue-chip consulting, C-level management, non-profit and start-up experience
→ Strong understanding of customer, business, market and technology drivers
→ Proven ability to proceed in unknown environments and business territories
→ Adaptable, can-do, lateral-thinking mindset, high level of energy and passion
→ Relentless focus on getting results with a ´whatever it takes´ attitude
→ Proven ability to obtain consensus and drive the adoption of change


English, Italian, French, Spanish


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