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Business Development

Business Development

Work Experience

Date: since 06.2005
Name of employer: Independent RFID consultant
Type of business: Consulting, business development and training
Position held: Principle
Main activities: Business development, consulting, project management and educational training around RFID. Mandates from companies such as the Swiss Railway (SBB), Transport Ministry of Marroco (ONT), ESPRiT Consulting and SEEBURGER.

Date: 01.2004 – 05.2005
Name of employer: SEEBURGER AG, Bretten, Germany (with home office in Switzerland)
Type of business: Middleware provider and integrator of Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Solutions
Position held: Vice President Business Development RFID
Main activities: Development of the new business unit RFID, creation of worldwide partnerships, negotiation of quotations and contracts, building of strategic co-operations, creation of technical concepts, project leadership, member of the management, direct reporting to the Board.

Date: 11.2001 – 12.2003
Name of employer: GLOBAL ID Technologies SA (Sokymat Group), Attalens, Switzerland
Type of business: Solution Provider of Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Solutions
Position: Vice President Sales & Marketing
Since February 2003: Additional function as Distribution Manager of the Sokymat Group
Main activities: Development and realization of sales and marketing strategies, creation of worldwide distribution channels, relationship-management, budget responsibility, negotiation of quotations and contracts, building of strategic co-operations, project leadership, customers such as Nestlé, Securitas, Rolex and HP, member of the management, direct reporting to the CEO.

Date: 09.2000 – 10.2001
Name of employer: GLOBAL ID Technologies Inc. (Sokymat Group), Wilmington (DE), USA
Type of business: Solution provider of Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Solutions
Position held: Vice President Marketing & Business Development
Main activities: Co-building of the company and implementation of business processes, development and realization of sales and marketing strategies, building of local distribution channels, relationship-management, budget responsibility, negotiation of quotations and contracts, building of strategic co-operations, project leadership, member of the management, direct reporting to the Headquarters.

Date: 08.1999 – 08.2000
Name of employer: NagraID SA (Member of the Kudelski Group), La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Type of business: Manufacturing of Chip Cards and Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) transponder
Position held: Sales & Marketing Manager
Main activities: Development and implementation of international sales and marketing strategies, creation of distribution channels, relationship-management, budget responsibility, negotiation of quotations and contracts, building of strategic co-operations, identification and realization of international projects, member of the management, direct reporting to the CEO.

Date: 04.1993 – 07.1999
Name of employer: Philips Semiconductor AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Type of business: Distribution of Semiconductor Components
Position held: Account Manager, Market Segment Identfication
Main activities: Commercial customer responsibility, negotiation of quotations and contracts, market analyses, budget responsibility over € 4,5 mio, design-in, project leadership, presentation of products, power of testation, member of the middle management and the European core-team, member of several Philips Management Development Programs, reporting to the European Market Segment Manager. Additional responsibilities as Customer Service and Logistics Manager and Head of apprenticeship Philips Semiconductors.


Date: 11.1994 – 10.1998
Name of organization: School of Economics (Fachhochschule), Zurich, Switzerland
Title of qualification awarded: Executive Bachelor in Economics / FA

Date: 04.1989 – 07.1992
Name of organization: KV Business School, Zurich, Switzerland
Title of qualification awarded: Federal Diploma in Business Administration


German: Very good verbal and writing skills
English: Very good verbal and good writing skills
French: Very good verbal and basic writing skills


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