Flex Manager
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Work Experience

April 1989 – September 1992 Finnpap Multinationals, Helsinki, Finland
September 1992 – December 1995 Finnpap Multinationals, Brussels, Belgium

Coordination of paper sales to Finnpap’s 54 multinational clients; among others Toys R-Us, Avon, Quebecor, Ringier, News Corp., Reader’s Digest, Newsweek. Finnpap was the joint marketing and sales organization of the Finnish paper mills with total annual sales of approximately 5.6 million tons with a value of USD 6 billion.

• Development of international account management in the Finnpap organization; providing the tools and support for account management. The foremost important task was to centralize information on multinational customers in a decentralizing organization.
• Streamlining internal communication; ensuring that all sales companies received all information on a multinational’s activity with presence in “their” market area.
• Development and maintaining sales budgeting and sales follow up systems across the organization: mills, head office, sales companies.
• Credit risk follow up; receivables, overdue receivables, applying for credit insurance if felt the customer is a credit risk.
• In 1992 establishing a Finnpap Multinationals central office in Brussels, Belgium.
• Negotiating and executing long-term agreements with Avon, RR Donnelley, Toys R-Us and Newsweek
Shortly after leaving Finnpap in December 1995, the Finnpap organization was dissolved. This was by order of the European Commission cartel authorities in exchange for the acceptance of the UPM-Kymmene merger.

January 1996 – April 1997 WWF Paper Corporation, Brussels, Belgium
Marketing Director - Europe

Establishing an office and developing business for WWF Paper Corp. in Europe. WWF Paper Corp. was a US based paper distribution company. I was responsible for purchasing, sales and marketing in Continental Europe. The initial idea was to import US paper into Europe, however, the tightening paper market and the high US Dollar had a negative impact on these plans.

• Physically establish an office
• Administratively register the company
• Find European sources of supply
• Business development
• Reporting to the USA

In 1997 WWF Paper Corp.’s financial situation did not allow continuation of the European venture, therefore it was decided in mutual agreement, to dissolve the operation during March 1997.

April 1997 – November 1997 Brussels, Belgium
November 1997 – November 2005 Helsinki, Finland
November 2005 – today in Switzerland
N-Sorelle (Ky / GmbH)
N-Sorelle orders paper on behalf of US based cataloguers and retailers’ European subsidiaries. This business idea developed out of an existing customer contact, Toys R-Us. Toys R-Us Germany asked for help to solve a paper supply problem and this expanded into a company buying currently EUR 17.5 million worth of paper for two multinational US based cataloguers and retailers: Toys R-Us (France, Spain/Portugal, UK, Germany/Austria/Switzerland, Netherlands) and Staples Retail Germany.

To avoid being exposed to major credit risk, the supplying paper mills invoice the customers and N-Sorelle receives a commission. This way the business is transparent to customers and mills, a crucial stipulation for our existence.

Over the years we gradually grew: 1998 we ordered on behalf of our clients 5,391 tons growing to 28,500 tons in 2006 (including Wal-Mart Germany which was bought by Metro/Real in 2006). Metro took over paper purchases for Wal-Mart in December 2006).

In December 2005 for tax purposes N-Sorelle Finland activities were transferred to N-Sorelle GmbH in Switzerland.

N-Sorelle provides the following services;
• Advising on paper grades and print methods (including providing samples and produce dummies)
• Price negotiations with the mills
• Allocation negotiations with the mills
• Inquire pricing on printing
• Printer check on paper specifications
• Ordering of the paper from the mills
• Logistics to ensure on-time delivery
• Paper inventory management after print
• Claim handling towards the mills
• Paper waste reporting to the customer
• Paper market developments reporting to our customers
• Anything else we can do to keep our customers happy


Graduated in January 1989 from HEAO – International Marketing department in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. The level is equivalent to BA in the USA.

07 May – 25 May 1990 Finnpap Paper School - “Paper section”
28 May – 15 June 1990 Finnpap Paper School – “Practical section”
28 January – 11 February 1991 Finnpap Paper School – “Graphic section”

In 1993 I gave several guest lectures at the University of Rotterdam, Netherlands on International Account Management


Solution seeking through logics
Hard but fair


Dutch (mother tongue), German, English, Finnish, French (basics), Spanish (basics)


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