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Change Management & New Business Development

Change Management & New Business Development

Work Experience

** Manager - Transformation for Growth at Arlon Graphics LLC 11/12 - 11/14 (1000 fte, Top-3 US manufacturer of Print Media for Advertising, Construction & Automotive Restyling)
* Summary (contact me for full case study): Due to a 3-year period of ca. 200% growth in Europe, the company had operational problems to scale in Germany, optimise financial results from distributors, proper utilisation of CRM, along with resource constraints imposed by top-management for growing in new regions.
* Role: During a period of 2 years, I implemented practices resulting in improvement in the following areas:
- Germany: professionalising a direct sales operation with consistent brand-messaging, coordinated focus on geographic spread, on laggard and key accounts. Results: increased new account growth rate, key account revenues, better inside & outside sales coordination.
- Distributors: establishing reporting, training & product support. Results: 130% annual growth in distributor results and documented approach for similar projects with new distributors.
- CRM: improving workflows, simplifying interfaces, automating reports & order processing, training users (sales, marketing, management). Results: improved consistency, speed & accuracy, changed routines, increased accountability, improved KPI tracking & reduced duplication of work.
- Resource constrained (lean) growth: hired & trained international students to conduct country studies and generate initial product interest amongst qualified leads. Results: establishing initial sales into Northern, Southern, and Eastern Europe, Russia & China. Promotion of sales managers to manage these new regions.

** Manager - Spin-Off & Technology Transfer at Webchair BV 11/08 - 05/12 (Dutch-Canadian SME, Manufacturer of Telecom hardware for eduction & of space simulation devices)
* Summary (contact me for full case study): To increase their markets & product range, a new spin-off company was established to exploit technology from the space sector, in collaboration with the technology transfer program from the European Space Agency.
* Role: During a period of ca. 4 years, I managed the technology transfer & spin-off creation processes.
- Spin-off Creation: getting commitment from top-management for an insulated unit to be established, establishing product & market development roadmap, valuation of market opportunities, funding from corporate & governmental sources, agreements with suppliers, partners & lead-customers.
- Technology Transfer from European Space Agency: successful tender for ESA support in the form of engineering resources & sponsoring, identifying & managing collaborations, forming IP-licensing agreements, organising joint promotional events.
- Results: successful joint product development with ESA from alpha stage to lead customers in two target sectors. Spin-off discontinued in 2012 due to significant risk profile for Webchair.

** Other Business Projects 2005–2014
* Team Leader - New Business Unit Development for a Vardetun - 4 months: For an established business, leading team to develop a new Business Service aimed at the wine market.

* Marketeer - Business Plan in Space Tourism market for Virtunaut, an ESA-backed company - 8 months: Contributing to another tech transfer process, through research of European market for business plan.

* Investment Analyst - Online Gaming for Schriver Investados, a seed investment company - 3 months: Interviewing target investments, business & financial analysis, valuation & risk assessment.

* Investment Analyst - Various Sectors for Fiduciaire du Kiem, a Financial Trust - 1 year: Identifying & developing investment opportunities for customers in various sectors (primarily real estate, construction, and medical devices).

* Leadership Researcher for TechnoPartner, a Governmental Investment Fund. - 4 months: Interviews with 400 business leaders, conducting research into the funding sources used by the most innovative companies in the Netherlands, through. Report published on TechnoPartner.nl.


** Dual MSc in Business Administration (New Business Venturing & Strategic Management) Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) (2005 – 2008) / Joint TU Delft - RSM Course in Industrial Design-New Business Development (2005): Primary accomplishments: starting business with co-students and mapping company growth success-factors, through interviewing 400 business leaders & 5 business accelerators. Courses in international growth strategies, finance, marketing & business development.

** BSc in Management, Manchester University with Erasmus Exchange at TU Berlin (1997 – 02): Courses in marketing, innovation management, information systems, 3 years advanced German.

** Training in Project, Team & Business Development Management & Sales Techniques (ESA, Arlon, Webchair).


* Cross-cultural communicator (English, German, French & Dutch) on C-/executive level.

* Analysis & business case development on a strategic, financial, organisational & market level.

* Internal / External Resource Identification & Organisation

* Lean Process Design & Implementation

* Organisational design: team, processes, workflow & management structure.

* Technology implementation: enterprise systems for productivity, business intelligence, dashboards & reporting.


English: fluent speaking & writing
Dutch: fluent speaking & writing
German: fluent speaking & writing
French: business level speaking & writing


CRM administrator
Team conflict mediation training
Project management training
Sales training
CMS & Website administrator (SEO, content, webdesign)


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