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Manager Learning & Development

Manager Learning & Development

Werkervaring interimmanager

Create the independent company
Advice & consultancy in L&D with open opinion
Translate business and marketing strategies into HRD solutions
Speaker innovative topics of future competencies to visionary learning

Responsible manager for the program and delegation of large
innovative L&D projects. Work in a complex international matrix
organization with a deep understanding of business development, to
determine learning interventions of multi-label business divisions.
Manage relationships with development services and vendors, provide
tactical & didactical direction and advice on development.
Lead large project teams and L&D consult division’s board members.
Able to motivate teams and to foster collaboration across functional and
cultural lines.
Set up a Programme Board in the division as owner of the learning
programs and to align the programs with the business.
Perform ad-hoc duties and energetic challenges.
Advise line management and translate strategic targets to L&D
solutions focussed on awareness and performance
Social learning: congres Pensioenexpeditie (@pensioenexp)
HRD: ompetence and qualification based learning, for individual
development and strategic workforce
Implement the learning curriculum for Life & Pensions
Organize workshops and inspiring meetings

Opleiding interimmanager

International Master in Science of E-learning, MultiMedia and consultancy
Sheffield Hallam University

Open Flexible Learning Environments
e-HRM; Personal Development
Communication and onsultancy
Change Management

Project Studies: implement e-portfolio
Project management: PRINCE2
Effective advisement
Research Management and Methods in education
Graduation at Interpolis Academy: ‘Management about
(e)learning content to reinforce the succeed of Interpolis
Education’s mission.’

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Out of the box
Opinionated (something)
Project Management Agile SCRUM

Talenkennis interimmanager



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