Flex Manager
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Plant manager

Plant manager

Work Experience

Petrochemie / Pharmacie/ Energie / Food additives /Marketing / product management / Project financiering

Founder of B.V. Interim management and Consulting
B.V. Interim Management and consulting 2015-present
Turn Around Manager / consultant Nuclear Research Group, The Netherlands
Business development and branding “Green Frog” soft drinks
Business development for SME’s Emerging economies, Serbia/Montenegro.

Executive Biomass (E.on Generation – E.on Climate & Renewables)
E.on Generation, Germany and E.on UK 2011- 2015
Operational Executive of the Biomass Division, tasked with the exploitation of Biomass Generation in Europe. Responsible for the 5 sites in Europe, (Scotland, wales, England, Belgium and France)
- Board member “Biomass conversion projects Europe”.
- Directing Biomass operations in Europe, (i.e. new build and existing plants).
- Guide, advise and lead third party equity financing negotiations.
- Lead Risk management, Monte Carlo simulations and modelling of Business case scenario.
- Board approval of biomass conversion in Wales, France.
- Board approval for Project finance for Plants in France and Belgium
- Wales Biomass generation plant successfully started
- Scotland plant operations plant availability records two year in a row.
- Safety performance in line with best in country.

Site Manager Maasvlakte Power Plants (E.on)
E.on Benelux N.V., Netherlands 2008-2011
Leading 1250 MW generation site in the E.on fossil generation division, 270+ FTE, +€ 320 mio revenue. (2 coal fired powerstations (2*560MW), including co-firing biomass, CCGT and Direct Fired boiler for co-siting activities with neighboring chemical plant,)
- Reorganization of the site and implementing strategic personnel management.
- Developing and implementation of co-siting strategies to increase revenues
- Introduction gas trade desk to maximize net income from steam generation.
- Site Management of two 525 MW coal blocks and the Natural Gas fired utility plant that supplies nearby chemical industry.
- Recruitment and training of staff for the new build 1100 MW.
- Co-siting initiatives implemented
- Succesful Plant turn-arounds within time.

Manager Production and Engineering a.i.
United Phosphoros, (Cerexagri B.V.) , The Netherlands 2007- 2008
Taking over the responsibilities of the Manager engineering and the manager production as interim-manager to re-organize and create a lean operation.
Developing strategy and implementation using Lean Six Sigma for sustained lean operations
- Safety performance improved, by introducing plant walks and implementing monitoring programs.
- Engineering department debottlenecked main production line.
- Teams re-organized and operations structured and stabilized.
- Realization cost reduction program (25%), deployment of Lean Six Sigma.

Sr. Process engineer / Lead engineer
Teijin Twaron The Netherlands 2003- 2007
Setting up project management office (PMO) to get a grip on the many projects initiated and executed on site. Debottlenecking operations, coaching process engineers.
- Project Management Office has full control over the project pipeline
- Implementation new separation technologies.
- Debottlenecking plant to 10% capacity increase.

Plant manager a.i.
Haifa Chemicals Ltd., Israel 2000-2003
Interim manager tasked to turn around a phosphate specialty plant after unsuccessful start-up. Activities deployed, 5S, SMED, reorganization, Teambuilding, standardization, coaching, production new products.
- No Loss Time injuries.
- Succesful Turn around of the specialty phosphate plant.
- Packaging quality increased and weight variance reduced.
- Production records and successful product change-overs.
- Increase port-folio of products and quality (HACCP, Kosher).

Operations Manager
Neoprobe Ltd., Israel 1997-1999
Neoprobe was a one-product start-up producing a radio-active pharmaceutical for diagnosis of metastasis of cancer. The task was to get the operations running from green field to FDA approved operations. One of the responsibilities was to scale-up the lab-scale process to industrial size with a high degree of automation/robotics.
IQ, OQ, PQ of aseptic production line including packaging. (*fda did not approve the drug due to results of the disappointing results of the clinical trials)
- No contamination incidents.
- Factory built and operational (incl. personnel)
- DQ, IQ, OQ and PQ of Aseptic production line succesful
- Manufacturing instructions and operations according c-GMP

Product manager a.i.
Periclase Ltd., Israel 1995-1997
Task was to increase the market share of a productline of flame-retardants. Activities deployed was to lead R&D activities to resolve product problems. Gather intelligence of competitor products and create strategic relations and customer support to develop a better product.
- Customer support to test different improved products.
- Strategic partnership with market leader to deliver to low priced segments
- Cause of the Product problems identified.


TU Chemische Technologie (Ir.)
Rotterdam School of management (MBA)


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Turn-around management




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