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Change manager / verander manager / project manager

Change manager / verander manager / project manager

Work Experience

- 15 years at a leading Dutch cloud hosting company as CEO.
- 2 years at a large (150 trucks) transport company to reorganize the entire IT department.
- 3 years as a senior project manager for a software developer
- 1 year at a large social work company (+2000 FTE) to do a IT scan of the company resulting in a comprehensive report of the situation.
- 1 year at a small MKB company specialized in selling business literature to scan and reorganize the IT solution.


- Scrum master
- Lean six sigma black belt
- HBO Bedrijfskundig informatica


IT managers with a high level of technical expertise intend to forget the people management part more and more. I spoke with lots of ICT professionals during my 20 years’ career and they seem to complain a lot about the lack of support from managers. As a real people manager I solved lots of communication problems and increased the effectiveness of ICT departments.

Let me give some examples of my methods used:
- Talking about individual needs and motivations with contributors is important.
- Keep the teams needs in mind at all times.
- Creating a safe environment to communicate without any restrains. You want contributors to say everything they feel.
- Stimulate self-cultivation and see the potential of the individual contributors.
- Always be very transparent with communication. Also if it’s very bad news.
- Try and listen to the positive and negative issues on the workplace. Fix problems and do not ignore them! Ignoring them would be the easiest way but I always try to fix them as soon as possible.
- Respect all the members of the company.

My typical leadership style would be ‘water’ according to the Belbin chart. Of course I carry some earth, air and fire component with me also. This is why I’m being asked for change management tasks. It’s important to be able to take away any resistors during a big change. People managers like me are the perfect fit for these kind of jobs.
Just a quick addition to the above Belbin manager skills. Of course all the known pitfalls do not apply to me. Just focus on the core qualities :-)

Some special powers and (technical) experiences:

- Scrum master
- Lean six sigma black belt
- Agile methodologies
- Strong sales experience
- Project management & (international) software development
- Hosting / cloud / virtualization hosting expert
- Change management (ICT)
- Interim management (ICT)
- Information management
- Ionic development
- AngularJS
- Linux system engineering
- HTML, CSS, Wordpress, Magento, Joomla, PHP, MySQL skills


Dutch and English


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