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Structuring / Risk Manager / Investment & Asset Manager

Structuring / Risk Manager / Investment & Asset Manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

Investment/Funding Officer (different assignments)
Group Chief Structuring & Development (GFH Group)
Chief Investment Officer (BAUM)
Chief Investment Officer (GFH Group)
Head Structuring Emerging Markets (ING)
Head Structuring Developed Markets (ING)
Deputy Chief Insurance Risk Manager (ING)
Head Credit Risk Portfolio Modelling (ING)
Senior Credit Risk Portfolio Modelling (ING)
Quantitative analyst (F&C)
Process Modeller (Philips Electronics)

January 2013 – now Invest B.V., Owner, Netherlands
• Financial, investment, and strategic advisory for third parties: both for Financial Institutions and SMEs
• Advisory on risk, regulatory, funding, financial structuring, valuation, and commercial legal documentation
2016 assignments:
• SME: Search for/Support towards new participator/Valuation of common & preferred stock/Market intelligence/Budget & Cash-Flow second opinion analyses/Export Credit and FX advisory
• Asset Manager: Reviewing a large alternative (illiquid) real assets investment portfolio. Pinpointing current or future issues and suggesting possible remedies/mitigations
• Individual Entrepreneur: Advising on the conditions of a new JV / Pricing of lease constructions to be originated from this new JV

July 2015 – Jan 2016 Group Chief Structuring & Development Officer, GFH Group, Netherlands (external)
• Structuring, (pre-)analysing, and sales of timber plantation investments (Africa, Central & South America) and lending and funding SPVs: a.o.: cash-flow, liquidity, & FX exposure analysis, counterparty risk analysis, 3rd party contract/agreement reviews, debt issuance, and land leasing
• Approaching and negotiating with service providers including reviewing and adjusting the commercial and legal terms (auditors, custodian/depository banks, administrators, investors)
• Investor deal size typically between EUR 1 mio and 150 mio
• Off-taker (timber buyers) side up to EUR 5 mio

January 2013 – June 2015 Chief Investment Officer, BAUM Management, Netherlands (external)
• CIO of a Central American timber fund and pre-analysis of similar South American and African opportunities/proposals
• Structuring deals for existing and new investment opportunities for qualified investors: e.g. interest calibration, FX hedging, designing cash-flow (optionality)
• Creator of structural investment improvements of existing fund. Deal size ranging from $5 mio to $50 mio
• Supporting sales directly, attending conferences and generated interest for deals of over $100 mio and up

January 2013 – June 2015 Chief Investment Officer, Global Fund House, Netherlands (external)
• CIO of their 'banksparen' plain vanilla retail funds (2015 YE AUM €100 mio)
• Investment advisory on Venture Capital, Private Equity, Loans, and structuring Funding Solutions of a.o. two SPVs including negotiations and review on legal documentations
• General commercial and risk advisory to partners of the firm
• All other ad-hoc quantitative

February 2010 – March 2012 Director, Head of Emerging Market Structuring for Western Europe, ING, A'dam, Netherlands
• Managing Emerging Market Structuring sub-desk (3 FTEs): (Private) Equity, (Synthetic) Credit, and Illiquids (typically debt securities on real assets and/or cash-flows): e.g. infrastructure, real estate, IP
• Structured solutions set-up and sales for corporates active in Emerging Market: Direct discussions with client CFO or Treasurer: e.g. Commodity importer, Cement producer, Telecom
• Monitoring and maintenance of structuring, trading, and hedging books including documentation risks
• Monitoring, explaining, and resolution of non-realized P&L issues due to different accounting/valuation approaches/rules
• Structures used the many different (OTC) derivatives to hedge or generate exposure to ING and the client’s needs (Swaps, TRSs, NDFs etc.): if possible (proxy) hedging of e.g. FX, credit, gap, fixing risks
• ISDA/CSA negotiations
• Basic GMRA experience (Repo transactions)
• Expert role towards ING Global Sales and documentation drafting plus negotiations with and presentations to clients and internal departments
• Internal dealings with Treasury. Compliance, Accounting, Risk Management, and legal departments
• Total annual deal volume between $50 mio and $250 mio
• One of the RMBS specialists in the team working on ING's Alt-A governmental support developments

February 2007 – January 2010 Director, Global Head of Structured Credit Origination, ING Bank SA/NV, Brussels, Belgium
• Managing Developed Market Structuring desk (4 FTEs): (Private) Equity, (Synthetic) Credit structures
• Structured products for FIs: e.g. (Co-)Structured (managed) CDOs, CPPI, CPDO, CLN
• Structured Corporate finance solutions: e.g. FX, lease capital optimization, IPO and bond issuance hedging for corporate multinationals: e.g. automotive, food, dredger
• Expert role towards ING Global Sales and documentation drafting plus negotiations with and presentations to clients and internal departments
• Internal dealings with Treasury, Compliance, Accounting, Risk Management, and legal departments
• Responsible for structuring book: mainly CDSs, bonds, IRSs,
• Support on ISDA's and CSA's
• Pre-credit crunch notional sales volume over $350 mio
• Managed the team and ING’s reputational exposure through the post-crises period related to structured and sold products

June 2006 – January 2007 Manager/Deputy Chief Insurance Risk Officer, ING Seguros, Santiago de Chile, Chile
• Co-managing half of the actuarial department (25 FTEs)
• Introducing and implementing new Group Risk Standard Risk Methods to ING Seguros Chile
• Managing the human and financial interaction (ALM) with local Investment Management Department
• Support reporting to the Chilean regulator (Superintendencia de pensiones)
• Implementing ING's internal predecessor of Solvency II the (still) forthcoming regulation framework for insurance capitalization
• Responsible for the upgrading and recalibration of the locally employed compliant actuarial risk models including the implementation of the modelling/reporting environment itself.

October 2003 – May 2006 Head Portfolio Modelling, ING Group, Corporate Credit Risk Management, Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Managing and putting the expanding team (12 FTEs, 8 new hires) internally on the ING map to ensure smooth implementation of the ever maturing Credit Risk Modelling in the commercial practices of both Bank and Insurer
• Preparing notes for ING Group management on these subjects: e.g. direct credit risk exposure to corporate parents and sectors/regions; Indirect credit exposure to guarantee providers, ExIm agencies, (re)insurance
• Judging when and where sophisticated quantitative approaches or very basic and pragmatic steps would yield the desired organizational results
• Direct risk-return support to different business units (e.g. shipping-desk, aviation-desk, ING conduits, & ING Investment Management Real Estate desk)
• Implementing Basel II capital and the Economic Capital framework in commercial processes (EL, UL, & RAROC) while liaising with DNB and establish the interconnection with ING Group Capital Management
• Reviews and co-development of EAD, LGD, and PD (distributions) methodologies/concepts and coordination of tests including the sourcing of data and filters
• Integrating more exotic credit risks (country, transfer, counterparty risk) in the risk-adjusted loan pricing tool
• Analysing and unravelling of the methodologies embedded in Moody's KMV Portfolio Manager
• Driving the transposition of the internal Credit Risk Capital model from SAS to C++
• Defining, running, and reporting on scenario analysis and stress-test

July 2002 – September 2003 Senior Credit Risk Modelling Analyst, ING Group, Corporate Credit Risk Management, Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Credit Portfolio modelling expert
• Developing qualitative credit models and parameters
• Specialized in Asset Back Securities of all kinds (RMBS, CMBS, CLO, CDO, CSO, ABS) and their legal structures (SPVs, Conduits)
• Reporting to DNB (Dutch Central Bank) & IMF, Basel II implementation and interaction with DNB on capital requirements and methodology
• Discussions/publications on capital methodologies with ESF (European Securitization Forum)
• Liquidity and Operational Risk topics and methodologies
• Interaction with accounting on (im)possibilities of capital allocations
• Refining the Monte-Carlo modelling approaches to portfolio Credit Risk

April 2001 – June 2002 Senior Analyst, F&C (former Achmea Global Investors), Asset Management, Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Analysing and developing risk-return portfolio techniques, risk budgeting, performance attribution
• Informing and advising Clients on the results

July 1999 - March 2001 Process Modeller, Philips Electronics, Centre for Industrial Technology (CFT), Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Acquisition of projects in the field of numerical modelling analysis
• Executing accepted quotations in a strict project management environment
• Computational Fluid (Gas) Dynamics and Numerical Strength/Deformation Analysis

Opleiding interimmanager

PhD Theoretical Physics
Msc Geophysics

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Implementation (Change) Manager
Risk Manager
Investment (Review) Manager
Financial Structuring
Fund / Investment Manager

Talenkennis interimmanager

English, Dutch, Spanish


Very broad and adaptable
Quick learner and quick solution manager


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