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Change, Innovatie, Delivery

Change, Innovatie, Delivery

Work Experience

Client: innogy (RWE) innovation hub
March 2016 – October 2017
Role: Delivery lead Big Data Lighthouse

The Big Data Lighthouse enables innogy’s transition to become truly a data driven utility and creates innovative new business models that monetize on our data assets and our successful track record in big data & advanced analytics. 

To achieve this, we created and operate a fully secured Data Lake platform, based on AWS, with various solutions to ingest, process and consume both structured and unstructured data. This Data Lake is used by both the Big Data Lighthouse data scientists and various (business) users within innogy.

As delivery manager Marcel’s main tasks are:

• Managing an international team (9 nationalities, 4 countries) of data scientists, data engineers, developers, architects and product manager. 
• Sales & delivery management for the development of the Data Lake and 40+ big data proof-of-concepts and projects in the Retail, Renewables, Grid and Energy Risk Management.
• Ideation, definition and project management for big data use cases in Retail & Grid.
• Strategy & business development.  
• Development of partnerships with service & solution providers.
• Day-to-day operations, business planning, finance, commercial & contract negotiations, procurement and HRM.
• Management of our Horizon 3 innovations (Data & analytics marketplace & Personal Data Vault) and corporation with various Start-Ups and Venture Developers.

Client: Ministry of Defence
November 2013 – February 2016
Role: Trainer, Developer & Change Manager

November 2013 Marcel started working for the Logistical Education & Training Command of the Dutch MoD. Within the SPEER program this command unit is responsible for the training of the ca. 10.000 SAP users at the MoD.
As trainer Marcel conducted training sessions to end-users varying from employee (‘soldier’) to middle/senior management (‘petty officer’) in the usage of SAP (modules MM, SD, LES, PM, QM and DFPS) and in the new, integrated way of working within MoD.
Furthermore he developed new training material regarding MRP, demand planning, supply chain management, maintenance sub-contracting and DFPS and advices the command unit regarding didactics, e-learning and its internal organisation.
The SAP instruction group is a project organization of ca. 50 FTE and is foreseen to end during 2016. From his experience as change manager and his personal network within MoD, Marcel advices the responsible management in this transition and facilitates the MoD internal cooperation on the (future) SAP knowledge management.

Client: B.V.
September 2012 - present
Role: Owner

In September 2012, Marcel became an independent entrepreneur and set up his own company, His focus is on the one hand on business consultancy and change management and on the other on creative leadership and applied creativity in innovation. He helps companies increase their impact and profitability by dealing effectively with the creativity of employees, its leadership and the way the company is structured to deal with this.
Amongst others, Marcel facilitated strategic design sessions for Eneco Energy (jointly developing IT strategy by all employees in Eneco’s IT department) and for the Ministry of Defence, Managing Board Material & Maintenance, department Support (design of a new Project Support Organisation).

Client: Philips IT Applications
January 2012 – August 2012
Role: Contract Manager

Philips IT Applications has over 1500 (internal and external) employees and is divided into various competence groups, all responsible for the manning and support of the IT projects.
In the role of Contract Manager, on behalf of Capgemini, Marcel was responsible for the assignment of the Capgemini SAP employees. At all times, guarding the balance between the interests of Philips, Capgemini and the individual employee was required. In this period, Philips switched to large scale outsourcing of its IT, which led to great uncertainty for the Philips employees and managers and made systematic handling of capacity requirements very difficult. In this dynamic environment, Marcel managed to fulfil the correct assignments. In addition, again on behalf of Capgemini, he was the delivery manager for four new tenders. These tenders fell under the new sourcing model at Philips, which meant that within the fixed price offers, cooperation was required with several sourcing partners chosen by Philips. Above all, Marcel became a respected sparring partner for the Philips Team leads and Delivery Managers. For them his vision on the position of ICT within an organization, his experience with sourcing and fixed price contracts and his insights into change processes turned out to have an added value. With the termination of the contract between Capgemini and Philips, Marcel’s role came to an end, too.

Client: Capgemini SAP Solutions
September 2011 – February 2012
Role: Marketing Manager (interim).

Marcel was asked by the management of the division SAP solutions to give a boost to the “push sales” of SAP services, especially outside the major Capgemini Clients. Therefore, Marcel developed 2 marketing campaigns: one aimed at internal Capgemini target groups (consultants and account management) and one aimed at external prospects. In addition, he also simplified and clarified the portfolio for “managed sourcing” (variable deployment of capacity in different contractual forms). At the request of the Sales Director, he initially assumed the role of campaign manager until a successor was found.
In line with this campaign, at the request of the Commercial Director, Marcel developed a training/workshop with the objective of enabling consultants (in non-commercial functions) to identify clients’ needs and to develop these (as commercial) opportunities. Marcel gave this training several times, until the Capgemini Resource Management took it over. The training was received enthusiastically both by the target group and Sales Management.

Client: Ministry of Defence
September 2010 – September 2011
Role: Change Manager / Strategic Advisor

The gradual transition of the program SPEER to the line organizations was supported by the newly developed organization: OBSS (Design, Construction and Support in Cooperation). In this temporary organization (2011 until 2013) of approx. 350 employees, the consortium (the BBF), SPEER Detail Development and the Defence IT Support Organization were integrated to realize the new projects simultaneously, to supporting and maintaining the SAP Kernel. This allowed the acquisition, transfer and transition of knowledge in a controlled, predictable manner. Marcel advised Defence regarding transition strategy, organizational design and its implementation.
On the request of Defence, Marcel took on the role of change manager within the OBSS at the end of 2010. In this role he focused on the further development of the OBSS organization and increasingly on the cooperation and broader transition within the entire SPEER program and the Defence line organizations. His main concerns here were:
• Design of new working procedures based on ITIL & BISL administrative procedures,
• The improvement of the cooperation between the different (market) parties, each with its own commercial interests,
• The organizational structure (based on Competence Centers) and the desired attitude and behaviour of managers and staff,
• The alignment of the program with the users, organization and the policy makers (represented in the process model management in formation),
• Collaboration & knowledge management strategy, process & tools and its implementation, based on SharePoint and various other tools like Wiki.
• Coaching of the OBSS management in the areas of leadership, SAP content aspects, working on a project basis and the impact of this, to them unfamiliar form of cooperation.
Per September 2011 Defence took over these tasks itself.

Client: Ministry of Internal Affairs
November 2007 – June 2008
Role: Trusted Advisor

Out of the BBF, the Logica / Capgemini consortium realized the initial SAP system (Finance, Inventory Management & Purchasing) for the ministry of Internal Affairs. The critical aspects in this project were:
• Speed. The projected needed to deliver within 6 months due to the fiscal year’s closing and the client’s scheduled rehousing;
• Security. The project needed to be executed with high demands regarding information security.

As the BBF fulfilled the MIVD security requirements (physical and procedural), it was possible to execute this project with the current staff. This way it was possible to deliver within time and according client’s business requirements.
Marcel advised the client’s project manager and security officer on the approach and implemented some mutual agreed changes to the BBF facilities.
He calculated and contracted this project on behalf of the consortium on fixed price / fixed date conditions (€1.7 Mio). Based on this he supported project management in starting up the project. After this he remained trusted advisor for the client’s project manager.

Client: Ministry of Defence
October 2005 – August 2010
Role: Change & Program Manager / Lead Facilitator

Within The MoD’s SPEER program Marcel set up the Building Block Factory, thus implementing the developed vision.
The BBF was an independent entity of the Logica / Capgemini consortium at a separate location which delivered products and services to SPEER in the form of SAP Building Blocks (Demand / Supply Model). Within the BSF, teams from The Hague (Defence), Rijswijk (Consortium), Bangalore (Logica India) and Mumbai (Capgemini India) worked together in a virtual manner on the further development and implementation of the SAP components. Facilitated (decision-making and accepting) sessions, based on Capgemini’s Accelerated Solutions Environment (ASE) methods, were used structurally to strengthen the cooperation and acceptance. The project execution was based on best practices from Global ASAP and SCRUM within the project management framework of PRINCE2 and the architectural context and management criteria of Defence.
After positive decision of Defence on this method and organization, Marcel was responsible for establishing the organizational and physical structure (location, infrastructure, and resources) of the BBF.
In November 2005, on a fixed price (€ 26.6 Mio), fixed duration basis contract, the BBF began the realization of the first SAP Kernel. As a member of the four-man Management team, Marcel was responsible for productivity, method and organization of the BSF and the acceptance process of the products from the BBF. His tasks included among others: setting, starting and facilitation of offshore activities (in Mumbai and Bangalore), the cooperation with Defence (SPEER and IVENT programs), and the project management of the facilitated sessions, in which he also acted as lead facilitator. He was also resource manager for the approx. 100 BSF employees in the Netherlands.

In this period, Marcel also set up and organized the SAP solution architecture and integration management. The integral data streams over the various SAP modules (FI/CO, PSM, BW, MM, PM, SD, DIMP, AED & DFPS) and the financial/logistic integration played an important role here.

The first Kernel was delivered on time and within budget in October 2007, and was accepted by Defence. On the basis of a size determination of the design and in comparison to a “traditional” method, this Kernel was produced in half the expected lead-time.

From mid-2007, working with the relevant Defence project management, Marcel prepared the following phase of the program and supported its implementation. The tasks of the BBF were expanded with the detailed design of the next Kernel and the applications management of the first Kernel. Both were in collaboration with the Defence employees, of which some under the supervision of the BBF.
In addition to the tasks mentioned above, in this phase, Marcel was also responsible for the transfer of knowledge to the (future) applications managers of Defence, the management of knowledge with regard to SAP and the facilitation of various ASE workshops (up to approx. 100 participants). Marcel also became part of the contract management consortium and as such he developed the vision on ICT / ERP Direction, the future program organization and the application of SAP within the Defence operations.
Marcel worked on the launch and set up of the integral process architecture within ARIS and advised on issues such as the integration (functional and on data and document level) of SAP Transportation Management, an additional new SAP product that came in scope.
Mid 2010, in accordance with the plan, the dismantling of the BBF as a separate location began and the people, resources and methods were transferred to the SPEER program. Marcel was the project manager during this transition. With the start of the new organization ‘Design, Construction and Support in Cooperation’ (OBBS), the relocation of BBF employees and facilities to the SPEER program, this transition was completed successfully on time.

Client: Ministry of Defence
September 2004 – October 2005
Role: Strategic Advisor within Enterprise Architecture SPEER
The objective of the Ministry of Defence SPEER program is to modernize & standardize all the material, logistics and financial processes and support them with SAP. The program has a 10-year duration and is one of the largest ICT programs in the Netherlands. The Capgemini and Logica consortium supports Defence by directing the program, process design and the realization of the SAP Kernels.
In September 2004, Marcel was asked to give supportive advice to the Ministry of Defence on the methods and organization of SAP realization (Building Blocks development) for the first 5 years of the program, with the objective of delivering the SAP Kernels within the set parameters (in time and money). Within the architectural lines of Defence, Marcel drew up the ‘Vision on building blocks development’. This vision included high productivity through combined on-site, onshore and offshore development, from a purpose-developed organization: the Building Blocks Factory (BBF).
Information security was a critical element this vision. Part of the developments within SAP were scheduled be done offshore in India (Mumbai & Bangalore), so the security guidelines allowing this way of work were of great importance, especially since was new to the Dutch MoD. In close corporation with the MIVD (Military Intelligence & Security) Marcel developed and implemented these guidelines.
Another critical element was the fact SAP’s Industry Solution for the defence market (IS-DFPS) was not yet fully on the market and therefore knowledge, let alone experience, was very rare. This risk was addressed by involving international expertise from SAP and by taken redesign and incremental development into account in the project’s approach.
On behalf of the Consortium Marcel calculated both the project for the first Kernel and the 5-year execution of the Building Block Factory and drafted the fixed price/fixed date contract. Following this Marcel became part of the Consortium’s Management Team to execute these projects.

Client: Capgemini ERP Service Line
August 2001 – August 2004
Role: Change Manager / Manager ERP Solutions Center
In 2001, Capgemini set up the LEAP program, focused at improving her global productivity and profitability. In August 2001, Marcel was asked to roll out this program for the ERP Service Line in the Benelux, where in addition to the implementation of a number of tools and techniques, the change-related aspects (such as insight and attitude) also played an important role. This roll out took place across all sectors and (ERP) competences, with a total of approx. 1000 employees. Marcel reported back to both the International Program Manager and the Dutch ERP Service Line Manager. Although the roll out progressed according to plan, achieving the financial objectives (more successful tenders, higher profitability) required a structural solution. To that end, the Solutions Center (ESC) was established in May 2002, and Marcel was asked by the board of Capgemini Nederland, as ‘entrepreneur’ to get this new organization off the ground, to put it on the map (within and outside of Capgemini) and to manage the team.

The ESC gave support to increasing productivity in both the tender processes and ERP projects. This was done by applying tools, techniques and methods with a high level of standardization and knowledge management (SharePoint), the use of (offshore and near shore) centers with regard to both the realization of SAP (Advanced Development Centers), as well as the decision-making and acceptance (Accelerated Solutions Environment). Marcel was actively involved in the first Dutch SAP projects (2002) where offshore development from India was applied and he processed these experiences in the different Capgemini (project management and SAP) methods. On an international level, Marcel was also involved in the development of tools and methods for standardizing the size determination for ERP projects (estimation & measurement) and in the integration of Outsourcing and project based services.

As line manager, Marcel was also responsible for the regular management of ESC (average of 10 employees) and reported back to the board of Capgemini. In this role, Marcel began support of the SPEER program in 2004. From July, 2004, the ESC became structurally part of Capgemini’s Delivery process (in the form of Win Centers and Project Centers).

Client: Wella Nederland
July 2000 – July 2001
Role: Business Consultant / Program Manager

Six months after the introduction of SAP R/3, the board of Wella Nederland examined the possibilities for improving logistic performance and operational control. On the basis of Capgemini’s Enterprise Effectiveness method, Marcel mapped out the Wella’s improvement potential within 6 weeks and designed the program to achieve these structural improvements. Subsequently, over a period of 4 months, as lead consultant for 2 projects in this program, Marcel handled the realization of the improvements within the Order to Cash and the Management to Information processes. He was responsible for monitoring planning and progress and for managing the Wella employees in these projects. Here, he worked alongside the operational management of Wella and reported to the Managing Director. The most important results of these projects were the increase in the level of service by more than 45% and the introduction of an End-to-End management dashboard and associated working method for the MT. Upon completion of these projects Marcel stayed involved as consultant to the Program Manager (HR Director) of Wella until June 2001.

Client: Capgemini ERP Service Line
January 1999 – July 2001
Role: Product Manager & Sales Consultant

The ERP service line initiates and coordinates the initiatives that transcend industry and package within Capgemini in relation to professional development and market approach. Within the service line, as product manager and service sales consultant, Marcel was responsible for the further development, sales support and marketing in relation to post implementation optimization projects based on Enterprise Effectiveness. His activities included supporting the Capgemini account management, managing and co-execution of a long term marketing campaign, approaching prospects by phone (at board level) and visiting potential clients across all sectors. Marcel was also a member of the international project for further development and expansion of the service offered. Marcel also developed and gave several (sales and substantive) training courses regarding ERP service provision. All in all he trained approx. 60 account managers and 200 consultants. His results included the successful sale of several optimization projects, which he partially executed himself. In 2002, the final service offering, Extended Enterprise Effectiveness, was included as a fixed element of Capgemini’s ERP projects methodology.

Client: Dikema Constructie Staal
April 2001 – May 2001
Role: Business Consultant

At the request of the Managing Director of Dikema Constructie Staal, Marcel carried out a 10 day research into the possibilities of improving the operational performance of the sales department, production planning, physical distribution and SAP control. The scope included both the internal organization and processes as well as the SAP installation and use. On the basis of the results, Dikema set up a project for the realization of these improvements. In the set-up phase of this project, Marcel coached the Project Manager at Dikema. Among other things, this project led to a 40% increase in effectiveness of the sales department.

Client: KPN International Network Services
November 1998 – March 2001
Role: Program Manager / Applications Architect
KPN INS was a newly established unit within KPN, where several product groups and services aimed at international telecommunications, were brought together. SAP was implemented in INS as part of the billing street: the ICT backbone where traffic from the stations is converted into invoices. In order to support the transformation into a process-oriented organization, SAP was further developed and implemented in small projects. As overall project manager and SAP applications architect, working with the business stakeholders Marcel was responsible for the definition and launch of these projects and for ensuring that the results fit the overall applications architecture of INS. Here, he reported to the KPN INS ICT manager. As project manager, he constantly managed between 3 and 6 project supervisors (from both Capgemini and KPN). He also supported the KPN line in drawing up the project business cases. He and two other architects advised the management team of KPN INS on the feasibility and long-term impact of various business initiatives, including the set-up of new joint ventures like KPN Quest. In addition, Marcel set up functional SAP monitoring within KPN INS, where he acted as coach for both the Control Manager, as well as the four functional application managers. Later, his tasks with regard to the application architecture were assumed by these application managers.

Client: Ancofer Nederland
September 1999
Role: Business Consultant

In preparation for the SAP implementation, the Management Team of Ancofer examined the extent to which its organization was ready to use SAP and what the impact of the change would be. Marcel investigated this, paying particular attention to: internal processes, integral information stream, motivation of key users and management and current automation. For this purpose, he held interviews and gave workshops at different levels and analysed the end-to-end use of the existing IT systems. Marcel presented his feasibility study after 15 days and reported his findings and recommendations to the MT.

Client: Hema
August 1999
Role: Senior SAP Consultant

HEMA was the first Dutch user to implement SAP IS-Retail. Part of this was the logistics and financial support of the outlet stores. Prior to this there was no specific functionality provided for within the standard SAP. In 10 days, based on SAP R/3 SD Order fulfilment, MM and Fi/CO, Marcel developed a process design (blueprint) that offered the customer an acceptable solution within the existing framework and available functionalities.

Client: Flexion
April 1998 – February 1999
Role: Senior SAP Consultant

After a year live with SAP R/3, Flexion wanted to optimize the internal logistics process. Marcel was coach to four applications administrators of Flexion regarding both working methods and techniques to be followed as well as knowledge transfer on SAP R/3 (SD, MM, WSM and PS). The improvements made to the order-to-cash and physical distribution process resulted in a cost reduction for Flexion. The applications administrators applied their experiences regarding process modelling techniques and their knowledge about new features of SAP.

Client: Vegro
November 1997 – February 1999
Role: Lead Consultant

Vegro, a wholesale plumbing fixtures and central heating service, wanted to replace its tailor-made system for a standard package. Marcel was lead consultant of the Physical Distribution work group for the implementation of SAP R/3 at Vegro. He was also responsible for the logistic and financial integration. His activities included the design and installation of the logistics processes based on SAP R/3 SD and MM where the ATP and MRP functionalities were of particular, crucial importance to Vegro. His tasks also included managing the work group and determining the organizational impact of the changed internal and external stocks and transport between Head Office, the central warehouse and the 15 warehouses in the Netherlands.

Client: Dikema & Chabot
August 1998 – October 1998
Role: Senior SAP Consultant

Four weeks prior to the Go Live of SAP R/3 at Dikema & Chabot, Marcel installed the processes surrounding the intercompany purchases, sales and delivery between branches in relation to SAP R/3 SD and MM and set up and controlled the acceptance testing. He also advised the steering committee of Dikema & Chabot on the use of specific charges within this first Dutch implementation of SAP Industry Solution MILL.

Client: PontMeyer
August 1996 – January 1998
Role: Lead Consultant

The objective of the PontMeyer KeerPont project was to integrate and to improve the internal control of the approx. 50 PontMeyer companies by the implementation of SAP. This was one of the first fixed price SAP projects for Capgemini. As lead consultant Marcel was responsible for the design and installation of the Order-to-Cash sales processes (SAP R/3 SD, MM and WM), including stock management and transport. Together with a PontMeyer team leader he supervised the team (approx. 12 people). He also fulfilled the role of logistics integration manager.

Client: FoxBoro
September 1997 – December 1997
Role: Lead Consultant / Coach

FoxBoro carried out her worldwide SAP R/3 rollout largely independently. For the implementation of SAP in the Netherlands, Marcel acted as coach for the Foxboro European Roll-Out team (5 nationalities) with regard to the methods to be followed (Global ASAP) and the country-specific SAP installation. In addition, for the Global Kernel, he realized the processes and structure for invoicing complex projects using SAP SD and SAP PS.

Client: Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry
November 1995 – June 1996
Role: Senior SAP Consultant

Within the European SAP rollout of Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, Marcel was responsible for the specification of the local interfaces and customization for the sales processes (SAP R/3 SD and MM). In addition, he supervised the implementation of SAP at the two English branches (London and Manchester). His tasks were the provision of training for end users, solving problems in the SAP structuring and optimization of the use of SAP after go-live. For the local management of the production facility in Manchester he facilitated a bottleneck analysis and the realization of the required changes in the business process.

Client:Hoechst Holland N.V.
January 1992 – October 1995
Role: Functional Applications Manager

Marcel was responsible for the support of the approx. 100 users within the sales, warehouse and production departments regarding the SAP R/2 Purchases, Sales and Warehouse Management modules. His activities included the definition and realization of functional improvements and changes in the SAP applications, the implementation of these and the continuous improvement in the use of SAP. In addition, he carried out 2 implementations at operations companies of Hoechst , as well as an upgrade to SAP R/2 5.0 and the integration of two SAP systems within the framework of an international merger.

Client: Hoechst Holland N.V.
July 1990 – January 1992
Role: Internal Sales / Key User

Marcel was responsible for the telephone sales of pigments and dyes within the Dutch plastics industry and the international logistics this required. In 1991, in this role, Marcel was asked to participate in the SAP R/2 implementation project as Key user. His responsibilities in this project were acceptance testing, writing user manuals and providing end user training for the sales, purchases and warehouse processes (in de SAP modules RV, RM and LVS). In this period, Marcel successfully provided more than 70 training courses to different target groups. In 1992, from this role, he was asked to become Functional
Applications Manager.

Client: Hoechst AG, Frankfurt
September 1988 – July 1990
Role: Management Trainee

At the request of Dutch management at Hoechst AG, Frankfurt, Marcel took a Dual system Business Studies (Berufsausbildung zum Industriekaufmann) course at a university for applied sciences .

Client: Hoechst Holland NV
September 1987 – September 1988
Role: Internal Sales
For the Pharma department Marcel handled telephone orders and supported the sales supervisor in the set up and control the registration of the field service reports and the rolling forecast.


• ITIL foundation
• Master class Prototyping (de Baak)
• Prince 2 foundation (certificate)
• SCRUM Kick-start (Capgemini)
• SAP Netweaver ESA Master class (Capgemini)
• SAP Solution Manager Implementation 3.10 (SAP)
• SAP ERP Operations Certification Order Fulfilment 2002 (SAP)
• SAP Master class E-business (SAP)
• Facilitated Session Leader Training (Capgemini)
• SAP R/3 Certification Materials Management 4.0 (SAP)
• Value SAP (SAP)
• Consultancy Skills (Savonije)
• Team Buying/Team Selling/Team Delivery (Capgemini)
• Enterprise Effectiveness (Capgemini)
• Personal skills II (Capgemini)
• SAP R/3 Warehouse Management module (Capgemini)
• SAP R/3 Materials Management module (Capgemini)
• SAP R/3 Getting acquainted Logistics (Capgemini)
• Information analysis (Capgemini)
• Train the Trainer (Elsevier)
• Various SAP R/2 training (SAP)
• Higher Business Administration (IBW)
• Professional Selling Skills II (ISW)

In 1995 Mercury Urval assessed an academic work and thinking with Marcel.
1988 – 1990:
Berufsausbildung zum Industriekaufmann, Hoechst AG in Frankfurt a/M(Germany). Diploma in: Business Economics, Information Technology, Marketing & Sales, Logistics, HR Management, Law
1981 – 1987:
H.A.V.O. (Secondary Education) Christelijk Lyceum in Alphen a/d Rijn. Diploma in: Dutch, English, French, History, Biology, Chemistry.



Leadership & Management
Change Management
IT delivery
Business model innovation
Business process optimization
Stakeholder Management
Workshop facilitation
IT strategy
Information Security
Project management
Knowledge management
Organizational design & installation
ERP implementation & support
Business process design
Applied Creativity
Prince 2 (certificate)
Order to Cash
Purchase to Pay
Logistics fulfilment
Integration management
Offshore & Sourcing
Big Data
Business Case development
SAP Master Data

Industry experience:

Central Government, 10 years
Chemical Industry, 10 years
Utilities, 2 years
Business Services, 18 years
Telecom, 2 years
Wholesale, 10 years
Defence, 10 years


Dutch & English: fluent

French & German: speech only


A creative, driven business change & IT delivery manager with an extensive profile: Marcel has a background in business administration and over 24 years’ experience in managing and sourcing all aspects of both business (change) projects, innovation and implementations. To achieve this, he combines his substantive knowledge with commercial and process-oriented skills. Ideally, he likes to develop new initiatives or organizations and is able to book results through his expertise and decisive action, as creative leader with a natural ability to influence his environment and stakeholders. Marcel is organization sensitive and tactful and combines sharp political awareness with good analytical skills. As a result, he brings together different interests within and outside his clients’ organization. Marcel therefore knows how to connect business and IT.
His clients describe him as a good, all level communicator. He is a bridge builder and generates enthusiasm whether in his capacity of advisor, coach facilitator or leader. Marcel thrives in dynamic, administratively complex environments. He is quick to see consistencies and make connections and knows how to maintain an overview without losing attention to detail.
Between 1998 and 2012, in addition to his work for clients, Marcel also fulfilled several internal management positions at Capgemini. He was product manager, sales consultant, people manager and member of the MT of the SAP Public Sector. Over the years Marcel fulfilled various (interim) marketing roles. His strength in this area lies in the emphatic communication of ICT services.
In October 2012 Marcel became an independent entrepreneur and freelance business consultant/change manager. He specializes in creative leadership and applied creativity in innovation and optimization.
Marcel is a highly creative, enterprising self-starter, able to apply and convey this in professional (non-creative) environments. Besides his work in business services he is a musician and composer/lyricist.


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