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Work Experience

1: Jan. 1985 – June 1988:
Company: Sunnyland, Turnhout, Belgium

- Activities of the company:
- Fruit juice production starting from concentrates
- Capacity of the plant: up to 3.5 million liter per week

- Personal function:
Supervisor of the fruit juice production area

2: June 1988 – December 1990:
Company: Arcadia Fruit Juices N.V., Ranst, Belgium

- Activities of the company
- Fresh fruit juice production starting from fresh fruits, mainly citrus
- Fresh fruit salad production
- Fundamental research on new fruit snacks

- Personal functions:
- Supervisor of the fruit salad area
- Supervisor for development of fruit snacks (apple crisps)
Together with the director, I was the last person in the factory the moment that the activities were stopped.

3: Jan. 1991 – March 1993:
Company: H&H Engineering, Giessen, Holland

- Activities of the company:
- Engineering and realisation of complete food processing plants
Specialities: Machines for potato and vegetable processing

- Personal functions:
Project engineer, with accent on the technological side of the projects
Basic responsibility was mainly fruit processing and water treatment

4: March 1993 – Present:
Independent consultant.
Started as an independent person. For administration reasons, the activities are converted to a private company since beginning 1998. From this company, I'm the only shareholder.

- Main activities: Consulting, trouble shooting, searches for needed equipment and project engineering in the following Areas:
- Fruit snack production
- Fruit juice production (starting from fruits and / or concentrates)
- Water treatment (physical and biological water treatment)
- Bottling lines
- Fruit candying
- Potato and vegetable processing
- Jam and marmalade production
- Date processing, commercial processing studies

5: Major projects of the last years:
- Project management for three snack frying lines and peanut pre-treatment line, for a customer of BMA Nederland in Dubai.
The snack frying lines were:
- Potato crisp line
- Pellet frying line
- Nut frying line

- Pre-engineering for a sunflower seed peeling line for Russia. With the help of this pre-engineering, the customer has purchased locally his equipment.

- Pre-engineering and cost calculation for a fruit and marmalade processing plant in Turkey.
(Including product and production development for marmalades in an existing factory in Susurluk, Turkey)
Contact company: Mavideniz in Turkey
In the years 2000 - 2001, more than 75% of my professional time was for this project.

- Pre engineering for a fruit packaging line in Peru

In 2002 started the preparations for a corporation for water treatment business with new developed equipment. At this moment, the first machine is operational, and we are inviting customers to see the installation.
In general, I work 100% independent in order to guarantee the customers an honest advise. Only for this water treatment process, I have taken the agency for Belgium.


Industrial Engineer, specialisation: Biochemics
School: KIHA Don Bosco, Hoboken (Antwerp), From 1977 – 1982
Promoted on a study to optimise an aeration basin of a communal water treatment plant.


Analitical mind
Flexible work schedule possible
team player


Dutch: Fluently
English: Fluently
Frecnch: Good
German: Moderate


Above is indicated that my availability is 7 days a week. In fact, the real availability is average 3-4 days a week, but I have the flexibility to do short periods of 7 days a week.


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