Flex Manager
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Product / project manager

Product / project manager

Work Experience

1994 ¡V 1996 Apprenticeships and work Twente University
Market research technology transfer Twente, Twente University
Market research production and transportation logistics, Twente University
Organization of logistics study tour to Denmark, Twente University
Formulation of traffic management strategy for personnel at Heineken, Zoeterwoude
Optimizing logistical process of rework process at Van Melle, Breda
Formulation of a strategic plan to stimulate entrepreneurship among students at Technikon, Bloemfontein (South Africa)

1996 ¡V 1998 Consultant CMG Finance, Amsterdam
Analysis and execution of automated tests for a number of bank applications at the ING Bank, Amsterdam
Integration of staff unit within line organization, ING Bank, Amsterdam

1998 ¡V 2000 Management Consultant Origin Consulting, Breda
Research analyst Package Selection Center, Origin Consulting
Market research for business development at ICI, DSM and Nortel, Origin Account Management
Product development for restructuring ICT organizations to meet dynamic market demands, Origin Consulting
Professsionalizing European ICT organization, Unilever ICFE
Organization of workshop and research concerning the future of ERP and SCM in cooperation with Insead Business School, France
Feasibility study Intranet solution for new product development at Pakhoed, KLM Cargo and ASML
Standardization of logistics performance indicators for Coty in Europe

2000 ¡V 2001 Business Development Manager WorldCom, Amsterdam
Formulation of Strategic Plan and Margin Development Plan for The Netherlands
Financial modeling for new products and/or services e.g. mobile resell, mobile carrier select, direct interconnection with other telco's
Interconnect Manager KPN Telecom for new products and services, e.g. flat rate Internet, mobile terminating tariffs, direct termination with KPN Mobile a.o.

2001 ¡V now Product Marketing Manager Voice Benelux, WorldCom Global Marketing
Responsible for entire voice portfolio in Benelux region
Main projects: Introduction of voice services in Luxembourg, Introduction of local calls CPS, Voice over IP, Global Inbound System


1984 - 1990 Preparatory School, Emmen

1990 - 1996 Industrial Engineering, Twente University
Major courses: Strategy & Management of Technology

1993 - 1994 Business School, Loughborough University (UK)
Major courses: International and Financial Business

1996 - now Courses & Seminars
General Banking Course, NIBE
Software Testing, CMG
Package Selection, Origin Consulting
Logicon 1998, Cranfield School of Management
Supply Chain Management 1998 & 1999, GartnerGroup
Participative Business Modeling, Origin Consulting
ITIL Essentials, ISES International
IT Service Management, International Management Forum
E-Logistics, Euroforum
Effective Presentation Skills, Management Center Europe
Consulting Skills, Management Center Europe
Telecom Fundamentals, WorldCom Amsterdam
Project Management Skills, Krauthammer


Product management
Market research
Business development
Project management


Dutch ¡V Mother tongue
English ¡V Fluent
German ¡V Working knowledge
French ¡V Notions


Sports: Field hockey, sailing (skutsjesilen), skiing, tennis, skating, swimming

Culture: Literature, playing piano, traveling and active holidays, developing countries


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