Flex Manager
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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

7/2002 onwards
International B.V. / Private advisor
Advisor, member of Innovater’s core team
Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Helsinki, Finland
Helping customers build global business by creating and executing global business development and marketing strategies.
Advising customers in strategy execution, internationalization, structuring and financing.

4/2000 – 6/2002
eNiklas Group / eNiklas N.V. and eNiklas Europe B.V.
Board member and Managing Director of group holding company. Senior Vice President and Chief Planning Officer of operative company. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Responsible for group strategy, alliances and inorganic growth activities, inclusive internationalization. Participated in building up the group management team, in repositioning the company from a single platform vendor to a multi-platform vendor and in day-to-day management. Prepared the company for an IPO (halted due to market conditions). Negotiated groundbreaking alliance with a leading software vendor. Initiated and conducted M&A activities in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, all Nordic countries and UK. Reported to the Co-CEO. Nine indirect subordinates (country and business area managers).

4/1997 – 3/2000
Merita Corporate Finance / MeritaNordbanken Structured and Corporate Finance / MNBMaizels

Associate Director, 4-10/1997
Director and Partner, 11/1997 - 3/2000
Member of mid and small cap team and the Partners’ meeting.
Helsinki, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden

(Co-)Originated and participated in delivery of local and cross border assignments in telecommunications, information technology, wholesale and retail. In Stockholm acted as small and mid cap team’s Finnish liaison. Reported to the head of small and mid cap team. Indirect subordinates in projects.

8/1986 – 3/1997
Mecrastor / MecrastorCoopers&Lybrand
Junior Consultant 1986-1989
Consultant 1989-1992
Senior Consultant 1992-1997
Helsinki, Finland

Participated in appr.80 customer assignments in telecommunication, high tech manufacturing and distribution, construction, food and dairy production and wholesale and retail. Participated in developing new consultancy approaches in Growth Management and Value Based Management. Approximately half of the assignments for large companies or their divisions, and half for mid and small cap companies. Reported to the head of Strategy and Business Development practice. Indirect subordinates in customer projects.


University of Vaasa,
School of Economics and Business Administration

M.Sc. (Econ.)
General Administration


Strategy development and execution, Organizational and business development, Change management, Profitability improvement, Turnaround management, Structuring and Restructuring, International operations
Alliances and partnerships
Acquisitions and divestments
Initial Public Offering


Finnish/mother tongue


Industry experience examples: Building and construction, B to B services, Consumer goods, Distribution, Equipment manufacturing, Financial services, Food and dairy, Information technology, Investment goods, Trade wholesale and retail, Telecommunication

International (residential) experience:
1983 – 1999 Finland
1999 – 2000 Sweden
2000 - 2003 The Netherlands
2003 onwards Finland

Non residential experience:
France, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Czech Republic, Hungary, and USA


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