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BU, Sales, Marketing, Change - Quadrilingual

BU, Sales, Marketing, Change - Quadrilingual

Work Experience

European work experience, quadrilingual.
2 years General Management, 15 years sales and marketing, 5 year transversal change management project lead.
Companies: Inbev (Beer), Pernod Ricard (Spirits, wine), BAT (Tobacco), Fourcroy (Wine), ISPC (Gastronomy Retail), VO communications (Events, fairs)

Interim Management positions (2006 up to now)

- Coach of the Managing Director: Fourcroy: wine company of 25 Mio € TO - P&L improved by 0.8 Mio € through cost optimisation, new business plan with review of the organisation and processes, review of priorities in people selection, financial discipline, brand and customer approach. (7/2006 – 1/2008)

- Project Director ISPC Benelux: on-trade retailer of 140 Mio € TO - lead of key users for the implementation of Oracle platform. Lead of a cost optimisation program and audit of logistic processes (1/2008 to 9/2008).

• Business development VO communication, 7 Mio € TO: develop concept and business plan for a consumer trade fair. (9/2008 to now).

- Commercial plan and strategy for VOICE (Web agency) and Cible (Communication agency)(6/2009 to 2/2010)

Project Director for Change Management projects in Inbev (2002 -2006)

- Complexity Optimisation Director Western Europe: implementation of an 8 million € bottle / platform harmonisation project across 14 plants, with a core team of 3 people and 3 plant project teams under my supervision. Creation of 2 Million € savings in the area of packaging / component standardisation and reduction by 8 % of assortment in WE portfolio (SKU number) by coordinating 4 multi-country commercial task forces.

- Project Director for Back Office Optimisation Inbev Belgium. Successful leadership of a team of 12 senior managers resulting in savings of 3.5 Million Euro and a downsized organisation from 220 to 155 people in 15 locations. Reengineering of administrative commercial processes, new organisation, new management systems in back office, logistics and front-office, coaching and change management training for 25 managers in back office and 160 salesmen in front office. Succesful project despite tremendous resistance to change.

Sales and Marketing Directors function 1990 – 2002 (Inbev, Pernod Ricard, BAT)

• Commercial Director Interbrew / Inbev Grand Duchy of Luxemburg. Merger of 2 breweries. Commercial Unit responsibility for 20 Million-Euro turnover. Creation of a marketing department, reposition of the brand portfolio. Off-trade, Export and on-trade channels.

• Marketing Director International Business Development Inbev. New strategic plan and marketing services for this export / licence business division with a review of the priority markets, a clear vision, strategy and targets per market. Key markets: UK, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Spain and Germany.

• Marketing Director Pernod Ricard Belux – Spirits and wines. Successful launch of Pernod Ricard Belux resulting of the merger of 3 businesses. Very visible success on Ricard that became the n°1 spirit brand in Belgium / Luxemburg with a new marketing strategy developed locally.

• Marketing Director Renglet (Fourcroy Group) Brussels – Spirits and wines.Succesfull brand building with brands like J&B, Di Saronno Amaretto, Glenfiddich, Bernard Massard, Jack Daniels.

• Export, Marketing and Sales British American Tobacco BENELUX Brussels. Major brands : Barclay, Lucky Strike, Benson & Hedges, Ajja. Development of marketing strategies in Export for West Africa, La Réunion and France.


- Master in Communication in French - IHECS
- Trained by the US consultant IMPAC in change management, productivity optimisation, reengineering of processes, building of management systems


General Mangement small companies up to +/- 200 people
International Sales and Marketing Consumer Goods, Food and Beverage.
Transversal Change Mangement Project lead, process reengineering, development of management systems, portfolio optimisation.
Experience with multinationals and family companies
Business development Europe and World
Advertising, communication, research.


German (Mothertongue)
French (Language of studies)
English and Dutch excellent
Luxembourgian good oral knowledge


• Large general expertise, commercial, financial, supply chain, logistics, IT.
• Consumer and customer oriented. Open minded. Flexible. Energetic. Auto-driven.
• Strong leadership, motivating coach, result oriented and good communicator at all levels.
• Excellent quadrilingual. “European” profile.

Willing to travel extensevely with Brussels as point of departure.


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