Flex Manager
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Projectmanager, management, marketing, media, publisher

Projectmanager, management, marketing, media, publisher

Work Experience

Nov 2001 – July 2002 J.M. Meulenhoff (subsidiary of PCM Publishers)
Director Operations a.i.
Turn-around manager responsible for operations and organisation.
Improving efficiency, working-procedures and back office.
Important role in improving prospects and motivation of the staff.

2000 - Oct. 2001 PCM Publishers
Managing Director BoekNet [ www.boeknet.nl ]
Further development of the first Internet bookshop in the Netherlands.
- Expansion and professionalisation of the organisation.
- Enrichment of content, increase of assortment and improvement of usability.
Doubling of sales, visits and brand awareness.
Strategic reorientation mid-2001: revision of the business plan and implementation of the new site.

1998 - 2000 Samsom Publishers (subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer)
Publishing Manager Publishing Group \'Strategic Management\'
Management of 6 publishing units: Marketing, Sales, Communication, Management, Consultancy en Quality Management (circa 50 employees).
Development of multimedia publishing strategy and brand extensions.
Development of Internet projects; project manager webvertising of the marketing and media portal www.adformatie.nl .
Member management team Business Unit Samsom Business Media.

1995 - 1997 Kluwer Business Information
Publisher \'Marketing management\'
Publishing and management of projects in the area of marketing and sales (professional and scientific books, newsletters, loose leafs and magazines).
Product innovation and growth of portfolio.
Major increase of sales and result.

1993 - 1995 Elsevier Business Information (subsidiary of Reed Elsevier)
Junior Publisher BiZZ and Manager Misset Business Spectrum
Development of concept, launch and publishing strategy of BiZZ (nation-wide business magazine with the highest circulation in the Netherlands).
Set up and management of the editorial and sales staff.
Set up of sales department Misset Business Spectrum; direct mail, reprint and advertising of key accounts.
Increase in number of accounts and sales.

1990 - 1992 Elsevier Business Information
Staff Member Marketing
Market research, readers surveys, marketing plans and sales promotion for trade magazines in the area of retail, hotel and catering industry and tourism.
Market inventarisations of potential acquisitions.

April - Nov. 1989 Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) Cargo, Schiphol Airport
Internship (for Masters thesis)
Marketing plans and scenarios for KLM road transport after the unification of Europe.

1983 - 1984 Military Service
Accomplished at the Military Health Service.


July 1997 Stanford Professional Publishing Course, Stanford University, San Francisco.

1991 - present Management and publishing courses: project management, leadership, management styles, financial management and on-line publishing.

May - Aug 1988 Language course Italian in Roma, Italia.

1984 - 1990 Masters Degree Business Management at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Specialisation: Marketing and strategic management.
Thesis: KLM road transport beyond \'Europe 1992\'.

1976 - 1983 High School, The Hague, the Netherlands
HAVO Exam (O-levels).
VWO Exam (A-levels).


Personal characteristics: Enthusiastic, decisive, involved.


Dutch - native; English - excellent; Italian - good; German - moderate; French - moderate.


Extra-curricular activities

2001 - present Boardmember Toonkunstkoor Zutphen

1991 - 1995 Editor and co-founder Brugkrant (alumni magazine).

1984 - 1989 Various organising activities within a student society.


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