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Interim HR Director

Interim HR Director

Work Experience

Skills & Experience
Change Management
Restructured a business to reduce overheads and headcount and to improve customer focus. Managed downsizing and outplacement programmes.
Reorganised a company into two business entities prior to sale. Planned the closure of a manufacturing site.
Led a Company Quality Steering Committee as part of a Company-wide TQM programme to improve customer focus, business processes and financial performance.
Project Management
Relocated two businesses, one to a greenfield site.
Managed significant capital projects associated with relocation and expansion to tight deadlines and budget.
Strategy Development
Agreed a comprehensive HR strategy for a biotech business to improve the skills base, reduce staff attrition and improve business performance.
For a major brewing and leisure company designed and implemented HR policies especially in the areas of employee participation and consultation to improve employee relations and business performance.
Communications Skills
Wrote staff handbooks, management manuals and employee guides in several companies; drafted TQM explanatory booklets; managed a company newspaper with a circulation of 10,000; made presentations to a Board and external bodies on HR issues.
Team Leadership
Recruited, managed and lead various HR teams including some European staff.
Negotiating Skills
Renegotiated procedure agreements with various trade unions, both staff and manual; negotiated terms and conditions of employment; resolved local IR issues.
Operational HR
Set up employment contracts in the UK and various Eastern European countries for a contract clinical development company.
Set up an HR forum in the CRO sector to build up market intelligence as a basis for the HR and pay strategy.
Represented companies before employment tribunals.
Ran an attitude survey to identify HR issues and drive the HR agenda.
Handled redundancies, grievances and disciplinary matters.
Managed a major recruitment programme for a new R&D facility.
Reduced recruitment costs in a CRO by 50% while developing a positive image among potential candidates.

Recruited for CRO companies in a skills shortage area with growth of 25%+ pa.
Set up UK and European salary surveys in the CRO sector.
Used salary survey data to justify an above average pay review and reduce staff attrition.
Implemented a range of new benefits. Included childcare, healthcare scheme, savings scheme and service related benefits.
Trained managers in managing within the law, appraisal, negotiating and interviewing skills.
Facilities Management
Set up and managed a facilities management group for a rapidly growing business.
Managed the acquisition of new premises and subsequent rent and rate reviews.
Set up and managed contracts for various support services including catering, security, cleaning, engineering maintenance and office supplies.
Corporate Career
Parexel International Ltd Director of Property Development;
Director of Human Resources 1997 - 1998

1993 - 1997
Freelance Consultancy 1990 - 1993
Sketchley Vending Plc Personnel Director 1989 - 1990
Parfums Yves Saint Laurent Head of Personnel 1985 - 1988
John Lewis Partnership Merchandise Manager 1982 - 1985
Wavin Plastics Limited Head of Personnel 1980 - 1982
United Glass Limited Group Employee Relations Manager 1978 - 1980
Scottish & Newcastle Breweries Limited Personnel Planning Manager 1975 - 1978
Roche Products Limited Personnel Manager 1971 - 1975
Unilever Research Scientist 1969 - 1971


Education & Qualifications
University of Bristol BSc Hons 2.1 Chemistry 1966
St Johns College, Oxford DPhil 1969
Polytechnic of Central London Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development 1973
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development 1992


Knowledge of usual IT systems - Microsoft Office, some databases, Internet.


Basic French & German


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