Flex Manager
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Work Experience

June 2002– now
Marketing Director and Partner Co-founder of consultancy agency.
Area’s of competence: Acquisition to obtain orders with potential customers. Preparation of commercial offerings and closing contracts.

Business analysis and planning.·Business consultancy. Due diligence of telecommunication networks.

Xtera Communications – Quick Position Scan: Evaluation of the European market for UltraLonghaul DWDM products including market positioning of Xtera.
Trimoteur B.V.: Business model for re-start KPNQwest. Providing inputs for commercial port-folio renewed company and technical / operational plan for continuation.Business Case for NetOps B.V.: Building business case for outsourced network management.
Acquisition plan for MFN-Netherlands including split-up in three business divisions. Creation of operational plan for implementation.
Koç :Due Diligence Bulgarian incumbent operator (BTC) for Koç group. Technical evaluation and proposal for network innovation and required organisation, including cost estimate.
StageOne: Evaluation of a number of technology start-up companies.

2001 – June 2002 KPNQwest
‘s GravenhageDirector Network Design (since 2001)

Responsibilities:· Heading the Network Design Group within KPNQwest. The group (7 Network Architects) is responsible for the architecture of the SDH, DWDM and ATM network of KPNQwest.· After acquisition of Ebone (other European Carrier) responsible for the integration of the Ebone and KPNQwest network.

Director Metropolitan Networks (2000)Responsibilities:·Development of the business case for the implementation of metropolitan networks in major cities of Europe. Leading the equipment vendor selection for the Metro DWDM systems. This selection included creation of a ‘turn-key’ contract with the selected vendor. The tendering process was performed with a team of around 12 persons with different roles in the company. Directly after closure of this contract 4 cities were successfully implemented (London, Paris, Frankfurt and Amsterdam).

1998 - 2000 Tebodin ‘s GravenhageTelecom consultant Executed projects / functions:·
Local authorities of Rotterdam: Desk study for the required future telecom infrastructure in urban areas.·
KPNQwest: Senior Network Architect for KPNQwest·
Supporting the tendering-team for the equipment selection for the rollout of a European optical backbone network for KPNQwest. Responsable for the operational and technical evaluation of the offered solutions.
Support of KPNQwest sales team for technical consultancy to potential customers of KPNQwest.
Network design for European combined SDH/DWDM network for various bandwidth services for KPNQwest.KPN Traffic analysis for the complete SDH-network of KPN telecom. For the bottlenecks in the network architecture an alternative solution has been developed tested in LAB environment and online-migrated in the real network.
Development of a conceptual planning model for the introduction of ADSL-services by KPN in the Netherlands.

1991 - 1998 Alcatel Telecom Rijswijk
Marketing Manager transmission (1996 - 1998)
Responsible for the marketing-strategy for transmission products in the Netherlands (turnover 1997: 50 million Euro). Specific tasks:· Consolidate marketing plans for target markets, evaluate potential opportunities and propose required actions to address these target markets.·In co-operation with account management identify key-customers in target market, definition of expected turnover and required sales targets, development of action plans to achieve targets.
Product manager transmission equipment (1994 - 1996)Responsible for the technical support of the account managers, market analysis, product development, price policy etc.Member of the Alcatel sales team as product responsible during the SDH vendor selection of Unisource (KPN, Telefonica, Telia and Swiss Telecom)
Manager CAE software development (1993 - 1994)Responsible for the group (6 people) of data population SW-engineers.

CAE software engineer (1991 - 1993)Responsible for the development of tools required for the data population of public telephone switches.

1990 - 1991 B.V. Korthofah KatwijkProduct specialist
Development of large character industrial ink-jet printer. Technical support function in the sales team.


Higher Technical Education
Grades: Business Economics


Strong in analytical approach and pragmatic solution finding in (technically) difficult issues.


Fluently in word and writing:
English and Dutch
Reasonable in word and writing:
German and French


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