Flex Manager
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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience

Professional Achievements

• Wrote and implemented a marketing plan for the marketing of services for Océ, to implement infrastructural changes needed to deliver to flexible SLA’s. Also set up a centralised contract administration department in order to maximise contract sales and management of Third Parties.
• Managed the reprogramming, and testing, of all the Philips PABX equipment in the UK necessitated by the “Phoneday” number change. Turned a break-even business plan into a 50% GM. By the selection and management of contractors.
• Implemented the Field Service module of MFG/PRO (integrated business control system) as a consultant for Origin UK.
• Turned around two problem major accounts within Philips (Inland Revenue and Nexus), leading to gaining new business with these accounts via management of the service provision.
• Managed the transfer of the Dictation Service Business from one Philips company to another, this involved selection and recruitment of staff, new IT system, and provision of a new infrastructure UK wide. This transition was achieved smoothly with minimal disruption to the major resellers involved.
• Never had to apply for a job since 1984. All subsequent roles have been offered on the back of previous successes.
2000 to present Océ UK Ltd., Océ House, Chatham Way, Brentwood, Essex.
Services Business Manager. Responsible for a £60M services P&L., with over 400 field staff.Range of service options from 9-5 to 24x7. Set up outsourced services for non-core products and managed delivery of these service providers to SLA’s

1994 to 2000 LAIR CONSULTANCY, Management Consultant. Providing management consultancy and resource for clients within the Telecommunications, IT and electronics sector. Clients included: Océ (UK) Ltd., Philips Business Communications, Philips Communications and Security, Origin UK and Alcatel Telecom.

UK Field Service Manager. ResponsibIe for all field engineering resources (180+) providing third party maintenance on all desktop computing and server h/w up to 24x7.

Service Sales Specialist - Multivendor Customer services. Managed major accounts and gained new services business. Managed subcontractor delivery to SLA’s in this account base.
Previously Services Business Consultant - Civil Government – provided services input to major tenders to Inland Revenue, DTI and other govt. depts.

1989 to 1991: Service Account Manager – turned a breach of contract situation into a long-term business relationship leading to the winning of 3 other major IT projects within the Inland Revenue. Rescued the relationship with Nexus for a UK-wide network of ATM’s.
1988 to 1989: Competence Centre Manager- Image Processing Systems.
Responsible for s/w development (COBOL) , testing and integration and the support of all h/w, systems s/w and application s/w in the Image Processing/Optical filing platform. Staff included 25 programmers, s/w managers analysts, tech support. Successfully delivered major projects incl. C&G, GRE, Skipton BS to time and budget.
1987 to 1988: Technical Support Mgr – managed the transition to Competence Centres
1985 to 1987: Regional Service Manager – turned around the worst performing Region
1984 to 1985: Field Service Manager – set up a complete National Call Centre
1981 to 1984: Product Specialist – 3rd line support and service product mgt
1971 to 1981: Customer Engineer, moving to Support Engineer


1968to1969 MCCTTS College
Radio Technician Certificates Part I, II and Ill
1966to1968 College HNC Electrical Engineering
1960 to 1966 School,
GCE 'A' level passes in Physics, Maths, Technical Drawing and English
Literature. Plus graduation points at US High School.
GCE '0' Level Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and
Technical Drawing.


PROFILE A senior services manager with extensive experience across a broad spectrum of organisations and disciplines, focusing on customer service. Has particular knowledge of Information Technology, Telecommunications, contractor management and the electronics industry. A good problem-solver and project manager with excellent communication, people-management and organisational skills. Very good customer relations builder with a successful track record in account management of major accounts in the private and public sector.


Analytical: Good at analysing complex problems and finding solutions.
Communication: Excellent communication skills including report writing and presentations.
Computing: Highly computer literate and familiar with most applications.
Creativity: Quick, lateral thinker with good vision and ability to think of new ideas.
Influencing: Calmly influences others and can negotiate to fulfil objectives.
Judgement: Has perception and insight to evaluate the essential elements of a situation.
Leadership: Will take the lead and motivate others to get things done efficiently.
Organising: Excellent organising skills, able to classify and prioritise information and manage own time.
Work Under pressure: Works well under pressure and can make speedy decisions


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