Flex Manager
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General and Project Management

General and Project Management

Work Experience

Business Review

¨ Advised major Bank on £10-20M T/O company stabilisation, giving assurance and confidence concerning the prospect of future recovery such that Bank can and is continuing their support. Retained to monitor progress.

Business Strategy

¨ Initiated and developed strategy to move project led engineering company from CAPEX to mixed CAPEX/OPEX focus capitalising on installed base and utilising current competencies to increase margins and secure growth
¨ Developed and implemented business strategies for modular Construction Company with full involvement enabling buy in and support. Strategy enabled business turnaround.
¨ Initiated and pursued fundamental re-engineering of Oil & Gas Contractors UK strategy to address future Oil and Gas market.
¨ Researched initiated and proposed a re-orientation of Shipyard towards a process/project based structure.
¨ Created radical strategy for Oil & Gas Contractor to create a profitable business with potential for sustained growth via an integrated approach to FM contracts. Company subsequently improved from a 1995 T/O of £13M and £5M loss to 1997 T/O of £15M with 5% positive margin.

Business Leadership

¨ Increased orders by 70%, sales by 30% and underlying Operating profit by 50% during tenure as General Manager against 2000 results within a £10M turnover business.
¨ Achieved turnaround of a £15M turnover modular business in 8 months from operating profit of –9% to +5% handing over going concern to prepared management team enabling subsequent long-term success.
¨ Improved Gross Margin by 25% and Contribution by 75% exceeding contractor 1995 performance targets through delivery of Asset Objectives and ambitions on a £54M turnover.
¨ Achieved break-even within an engineering jobbing operation through increasing market share and improving gross margin from 10-20% to 40%.

Project Management

¨ Achieved margin improvement of 25% on modular construction projects completed during tenure by providing leadership, direction and support to demoralized contract/project group.
¨ Facilitated design and implementation of over £13M of complex modifications work on large offshore Oil & Gas facility, including 80,000 offshore man-hours, increasing production uptime by 20% and delivering an extra £45M to the business.
¨ Achieved Project Milestones, managing annual man-hours of up to 1.6 million with an excellent safety record within an offshore environment covering 2 operational and 3 support locations.
¨ Managed Engineering and Nuclear support to warships at Faslane including 100,000 m/h Fleet Dockings and major repairs, meeting project milestones safely and on time.
¨ Managed successful Nuclear Submarine Main Coolant Pump changes and major repairs to Submarine Main Steam Ranges safely and within project milestones.

Sales & Marketing

¨ Initiated and introduced CRM system within engineering company to track customers, collect data and gain control of process enabling management to direct, manage and capture key customer data.
¨ Developed and improved relationships within a three way Partnership encompassing multiple internal and external customers and stakeholders with Oil & Gas major as senior partner.
¨ Increased market share, covering over 300 contacts, from 20-25% to 65-75% during which time the potential market of £2-2.5 million declined by >50% and market forces caused average prices to be reduced by >25%.
¨ Formed team of five to target companies interested in projects in Eastern Europe as part of MBA project. Personally unearthed and negotiated to outline acceptance three projects including sponsorship. Two conducted at board level involving companies with turnovers of £500M and £200M.

HR/People Management

¨ Delivered companies’ record order book, on cost and schedule, against a background of major change involving takeover by a US corporation and transfer of manufacturing and support functions complicated by a planned and acknowledged 50% reduction in personnel
¨ Halved overhead from 56 to 25 personnel with no IR problems, working with new team to bring company to profit within 3 months of downsizing
¨ Managed HR swings from 600 to 1400 to 275 within major project over a 2-year period without IR difficulties.


¨ Developed then managed structural merger of four separate offshore contracts covering 17 sites into one coherent contract during a period of major change, offering significant savings and organisational learning for both Operator and Contractor.
¨ Completed five offshore shutdowns within time and budget with an excellent safety record. Achievement enabled by integration between design and construction teams.
¨ Developed and managed restructuring of shipbuilding production process creating focused supporting teams; projects, steel, construction and services to enable clear business focus and improvement leading to 25% reduction man-hours on one ship and reduced overrun potential on another.
¨ Increased overall productivity by 100%, within an engineering job shop operation.
¨ Delivered to command; high availability and safe operation of a Nuclear Powered Warship, including nuclear, propulsion and ships systems, environmental control, health physics and radiation protection through a ‘hands on’ yet empowering management style providing clear leadership and direction Awarded MBE.

Process and Organisational Improvement

¨ Initiated systems and processes to gain control over cost, schedule, quality and resource issues on modular construction projects increasing margins by 25%.
¨ Doubled productivity and effectiveness of project business stream reducing cycle time and costs by restructuring project group into a coherent pressure vessel design and project management team with clear ‘cradle to grave’ responsibility allied to a company design authority and product development center.
¨ Change management covering enhancement and delivery of services, client merger & integration, contract transition and supply chain management within a matrix organisation while maintaining and improving customer satisfaction and business focus with improving economic value.
¨ Invested internal resources within major project to develop and implement; maintenance planning interfaces, productivity assessment and improvement, employee gain-share and other initiatives to enhance overall performance.
¨ Restructured major project to enable flexibility and empowerment with a business and customer focus allied to process groupings to facilitate re-engineering of Engineering/Project dominated organisation.
¨ Conceived, negotiated and implemented improved processes and systems for Nuclear Safety Assurance within Clyde Submarine Base. Outcome endorsed by triennial Nuclear Safety Audit.
¨ Initiated, planned, negotiated and implemented Quality Assurance system including lecture and presentation program fully meeting British QA Standards.
¨ Initiated major improvements to Nuclear Procedure Authorisation group methodologies through standardization and process changes producing faster response while allowing increased discussion.
¨ Implemented successful restructuring of Marine Engineering, Nuclear Repair, Nuclear Safety and Quality Assurance departments.

Internal Consulting

¨ Conducted 5 workshops involving a total of circa 60 contractor and customer personnel enabling a joint strategy and associated goals to be developed and followed.
¨ Developed facilitating skills with unique methodology and software ideally suited to ‘alliance’ building
¨ Successfully completed MBA project, with colleague, for Morrison International (Morrison Group) in Poland by way of working for "Market Economy Enterprise Foundation through the study of successful, privately owned Polish construction companies.
¨ Conceived, negotiated and implemented major improvements to Nuclear Safety and Quality Assurance. Negotiated high-level management plans and performance indicators for Chief of Fleet Support.
¨ Conducted detailed research within Fleet Support team for management planning, performance indicators and structured systems analysis and design methodology. Investigation and analysis completed and approved well within required time scales.


¨ Developed and implemented computer based management accounting system enabling costs to be controlled and reduced, work in progress monitored and key management data supplied.
¨ Brought understanding of partnering concepts to major modular construction project enabling faster assimilation of the integrated team.
¨ Initiated and directed production related R & D, leading to unique capability at <25% cost of alternative.
¨ Planned and controlled final stages of factory rebuild following major fire. New layout provided open plan and much improved work flow
¨ Developed Quality Assurance system to meet BS5750 Pt2

Career History

Consultant Current
Working for major bank advising on survivability of £10-25M T/O, 100+ personnel company.
Interim Project Director – Rollalong (Send Group of Companies) 2003
T/O £35M, 300 personnel, based in Dorset.
General Manager - GD Engineering (Plenty via TI, Smiths Industries & SPX) 2000 - 2002
T/O £10M, 65 personnel, based in Worksop.
Senior Project Manager - Brown & Root Energy Services (Halliburton) 1998 - 2000
T/O £17M+, 300 personnel, based in Aberdeen
Interim General Manager - RB Farquhar Modular Building 1997 - 1998
T/O £15M, 250 personnel, based in Huntley
Production Director & VP Southern Operations – Kvaerner (Govan & Oil & Gas) 1996 - 1997
T/O £90M, 1600 personnel & T/O £13M, 100 personnel, Glasgow & Lowestoft
Project Manager - AMEC Process & Energy 1993 - 1996.
T/O £54M, 1200 personnel, based in Aberdeen
Managing Director - Highland Electroplaters Ltd 1991 - 1993
T/O £0.6M, 26 personnel, based in Aberdeen
One Year Full Time MBA - Strathclyde Graduate Business School 1990 - 1991
Royal Navy – Marine Engineer Officer, Submarine Service (Nuclear and Conventional) 1968 -1990
Asset value up to £250M, 10 - 200 direct personnel, based in UK and abroad


¨ DOB: 10 – 01 – 50. Married with three children
¨ George Watsons College, HMS Conway, Dartmouth, RN Colleges, SGBS, IMD Lausanne.
¨ Member of IMechE Management Group and representative on Engineers Project Management Forum
¨ Interests in; skills development, IT, military history, general business reading and keep fit.


¨ BSc Mech Eng. MBA. FIMechE. FIMarEst. FCMI. CEng


Established Interim Manager, working through Watson Ltd with two eight month contracts successfully completed focusing on General and Project Management within the engineering, construction and offsite manufacturing sector. Proven track record of quickly picking up the reins of businesses, operations, projects or contracts. Analysing, developing, and implementing a process of strategic and ongoing change to develop and improve processes, operations, turnover and profit.




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