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Work Experience

Over 20 years experience of directing multi-disciplinary teams of professionals (financial, management and construction industry) on a wide range of public/private sector projects including PFI, outsourcing, market testing and strategic reorganisations.

Currently at the forefront of the development of the PFI/PPP process through my direction of many PFI projects for major development groups, financial institutions and building contractors. Extensive experience of raising project finance for multi-million pound development projects in the UK and elsewhere in the world including the USA and China. Currently Treasurer of the International Project Finance Association. Providing advice and assistance on financing projects worldwide for over 60 “blue chip” companies.

The development of business for major property groups (Land Securities, Mapeley Holdings, Rotch Property Group), Utility companies (Yorkshire Electricity, Seeboard, Midlands Electricity and Npower) and financial/management consultancies (Deloitte & Touche and Capita Group).

At the forefront of the development of major public/private sector partnerships and joint ventures. In particular assisting the establishment of strategic relationships for local authorities and development groups, the DSS and financial organisations and utility companies and development groups.

Assisted the establishment of management consultancy departments for two-chartered accountancy firm’s -Grant Thornton (3 years) Deloitte & Touche (10 years) directing and conducting large-scale assignments for public and private sector organisations throughout the 1980s and 1990s.

Over 15 years experience as an external auditor in the District Audit Service (Audit Commission). Responsible for the direction of the external audit of major local authorities and experience of the audit of multi-million pound capital contracts.
2001- Current Business Development Partnership

Director of a consultancy company providing business development/consultancy advice
for the Rotch Property Group, Parsons Brinckerhoff and the Findel Group. Created a
new division of The Rotch Property Group focussed on telecommunications, electricity,
water, gas and other forms of infrastructure. Created a number of strategic joint ventures
with major UK and International groups whereby Rotch can leverage business using
sophisticated financing products and techniques. Ongoing projects include Wind farms,
Solar Power, CHP plants, Saleand Leaseback of property and utilities infrastructure.

Recently established extensive development contacts and projects in China in association
with a Chinese company based in Beijing. Currently developing multi- million pound
capital projects in China on behalf of major UK and USA owned companies and

Directed major PFI/PPP projects for Bournemouth Borough Council and Medway
Council at the beginning of 2003 to establish multi-million pound projects in these areas. I have also conducted large contract audit assignments, a major tender evaluation of a First Point of Contact (ICT) project and a review of the council’s capital programme on behalf of Medway Council on an Interim Management basis.

1998-2001 The Capita Group Director - PFI/PPP Capita Property Services

Responsible for the strategic direction of Capita PFI/PPP projects. The role involved the
Development of strategic partnerships with leading organisations including financial
Institutions and developers; the formation of leading consortia; and the direction of
PFI/PPP projects throughout the UK.

1995- 1998 Lorien Group plc- Director PFI/PPP

Responsible for the direction of multi- disciplinary project teams in preparing bids for
multi-million pound schemes including DSS “PRIME” for Mapeley Holdings, “ Heart of the City”Sheffield for Taylor Woodrow/ L&R Group, Inland Revenue
“STEPS” for Mapeley Holdings and a wide range of NHS, Education and infrastructure
projects for various developers/contractors.

1986-1998 Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants- Director Management Consultancy

Responsible for the direction of large financial/management consultancy projects for
public and private sector organisations in particular Government Departments,
local authorities and leading UK companies in the property, development, construction,
leisure and utility sectors.

1983- 1986 Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants- Director
Management Consultancy

Responsible for the establishment of a management consultancy practice from a standing
start. Developed the business to produce annual fee income to over £3 million per annum
with clients in both the public and private sectors.

1965-1983 The District Audit Service - Audit Commission

Progressed over an 18-year career from Audit Trainee to District Auditor. As a District
Auditor I was responsible for the direction of the external audit of major local authorities
Including Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield Metropolitan District Councils and North
Yorkshire/West Yorkshire County Councils. Responsible for the direction of the audits of
Multi- million pound government building contracts in association with the National
Audit Office throughout the 1970s and early 1980s.


1970- Qualified Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy


Directed multi-disciplinary teams of management consultants on major strategic,
financial, organisational and change management studies for over 100 of the UK, s
largest companies and public sector bodies and a wide range of multi-national

Assisted the establishment of innovative ground breaking public/ private sector
Partnerships involving organisations such as the Royal Mail, Land Securities, DSS
Inland Revenue, AMEC,Shell, Soros Investment Group and British

Assisted the formulation and development of PFI and PPP in the UK and
Internationally. Formed and led major consortia in successful bids for leading
PFI projects in the UK including DSS”PRIME” and Inland Revenue “STEPS”.

Extensive experience of the commercial and public property sectors. Directed
major property management, acquisition, disposal, and development projects for
some of the UK’s leading property groups, including Land Securities, Rotch Property
Group, London & Regional, Mapeley Holdings, MWB, and others. Advised on the
disposal “off-market” of a major bank HQ and central government department offices
on behalf of a leading commercial property company. Currently I am an advisor to
a number of UK and, in particular extra-UK, investment funds interested in acquiring
property portfolios in the ownership of commercial organisations, utilities, financial
institutions, government departments and local authorities.

Pioneered and established property sale & leaseback schemes in both the public and
private sectors prior to the introduction of major PFI projects. As a result I have a wide
range of contacts/associations with financial institutions, funds and property groups
interested in transacting deals in this sector of the property market.


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