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2011 – Sept. 2015 International
Client: Orion Engineering Group
International recruitment agency in Oil & Gas Industry, On- Offshore industry
and Maritime Industry
Location: Rotterdam
Position: Country Manager a.i. (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany)
Job description:
- Setup business in NL, B en D, market research, examine economical development in the relevant sectors, strategy, advise management
- Setup Dutch office (Orion Project Services BV), all activities / administrative formalities to setup the BV
- Keep up to date with the labour law, drawing up contracts of employment, advising management about labour law.
- Maintaining contact / discuss with external advisors (tax, law, accountant etc.)
- Year planning, strategy short – long term, writing / review Business Plan, realize targets
- Clientmanager Shell
- Business Development, acquisition new clients in Oil & Gas industry and related industries, making relationships grow with existing clients, making market position stronger
- Advise concerning marketing activities, possible expansion, possibilities in the market, P&O etc.
- Maintain contact / consultation with a.o. Project Leaders, department heads, Directors, being a sparring partner
- Making proposals/tenders, closing framework agreements, negotiate about conditions, rates, contracts, supervising long-term projects (progress etc.)
- Managing recruiters, sparring partner for department managers and recruiters, managing on distance NL & UK
- Intakes applicants
- Recruitment & Selection of applicants from Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Greece (direct and with help of Intent)
- General and financial administration
- Clients a.o. Shell Global, Shell Refineries, Shell Technology, Shell Germany, Shell Belgium, NAM, BP, Q8, Total Belgium, Exxonmobil, van Oord, VBMS, Mourik Belgium, Lyondell Basell Germany and the Netherlands, Jacobs Engineering, IHC, Heerema, Allseas, Talisman etc.

2009 – 2011 International
Clients: variety of clients / projects
Place: Rotterdam / Curaçao
Position: independent

- Foundation Intent, The Hague:
Accompany / support starting entrepreneurs, advice: writing business plan, financial plan, market analysis etc.
Civil Contractor, Rotterdam:
Management Consultancy, organisation advice, business advice, sparring
- A-Z Service, Rotterdam:
Structural (technical) advice, Business advice

Construction Management:
- Supervising renovation luxury apartments, Curaçao
- Supervising restoration monumental buildings, Curaçao
- Supervising shell work family houses, Curaçao
- Client C2N, Zoetermeer, (re)write PID for new to build Etap
- Advice starting entrepreneurs (kitchen construction company, secondment company, building contractor) with the set up of their companies on Curacao
- SDB group, Zoetermeer, market research concerning the introduction of assisted living/ old people’s home / care hotel on Curacao, writing concept plan, making mood board, acquisition financers
- Woudstaete, Amsterdam, advice concerning construction apartment building Mambo Beach Curacao

Acquisition, Recruitment
- Same Advise, The Hague:
Acquisition Civil engineering projects in Civil- and Structural engineering
- Engineering agency Geoned, Breda:
Advice and support with the expanding of the company, acquisition Civil- and Structural engineering projects, (international) recruitment and selection of people, financial negotiations.
- Allseas, Delft
International recruitment of engineering- en other people for the on- offshore and Oil & Gas Industry

08/2004 – 05/2009 International
Client: MBS Formworks / MFC Caribbean BV
Place: Curaçao / Netherlands
Position: General Manager a.i. (Commercial/Technical/General)
Job description: Set up company:
Market research, Competitor analysis, subsidy requests, choice of business partners, choice location company, strategy etc.
Commercial / Business:
Business Development, acquisition building projects (national and international), managing key accounts, marketing, making tenders, organizing trade shows, contacts with construction companies, architects, project developers etc.
Debtor management, costing, calculating cost/profit
Advising about use formwork, managing construction, managing pouring concrete, managing warehouse, formwork sourcing, project evaluation, safety on site and personal safety etc.
Managing employees, commercial, technical and administrational, transport formworks, HRM, work circumstances, quality, deployment of personel etc.
Won and realized projects a.o.:
Construction: Renaissance hotel, Hyatt hotel, Apartments Boca Gentil, Library UNA, extension school, apartment complex Bonaire, diverse family houses, retaining walls etc.

Employer: MBS Formworks
Place: Netherlands/ Curaçao
Position: General Manager
Job description: Reorganisation, day to day management, financial reorganization, cost/profit calculation, debtor management, general reorganisation, new business development, (international) acquisition projects, managing key accounts, setting up and managing sales department, technical department, financial administration and back office, recruitment new employees, making brochures, organizing trade shows etc.

04/2003 – 06/04 Dutch Onshore Offshore Recruitment BV
Place: Voorschoten, Netherlands
Position: Manager Business Development / MT
Job description: (Inter)national acquisition of projects and recruitment and selection of people within Civil Engineering, hydrography, Oil & Gas and On- offshore, recruitment & selection of candidates, cost/profit calculation, costing, debtor management, matching, managing key accounts, contract negotiations etc.

04/2002 – 04/2003 Lanestate/Techconsult Recruitment & Selection
Place: The Hague/Utrecht, Netherlands
Position: Senior Consultant/Location manager
Job description: Recruitment & selection engineers, acquisition new clients in Civil- Structural- Mechanical engineering and the On- Offshore industry, cost/profit calculations, costing, financial negotiations, managing key accounts etc.

03/2001 – 03/2002 Minorplanet Systems
Place: Madrid/Hamburg, Spain/Germany
Position: Country Manager / Member Global Team (Business Development)
Job description: Set up new company in Hamburg, Germany. Building the team (financially, commercial, business, quality, safety), Business Development, advising management Minorplanet Spain, HRM, acquisition new clients, day to day management, recruitment & selection all staff, intake- exit conversations, contract negotiations with suppliers (lease cars, cleaning, offices etc)

12/1999 – 02/2001 Tec Tec España / Buenpaso secondment company
Place: Madrid, Spain
Position: Interim manager (Business Development)
Job description: Set up new company in Madrid, reorganising Buenpaso, advising owners, acquisitions, commerce, managing key accounts, recruitment & selection contractors, matching,
(a.o. sending welders and fitters to Holland to clients as Heerema etc.)

11/1997 – 11/1999 Draft Engineering Support (Recruitment & Selection)
Place: Rijswijk, Netherlands
Position: Project Coordinator/Account manager Civil Engineering
Job description : recruitment technical people, setup surveying department, tenders civil engineering, recruitment & selection, matching, acquisition (civil and offshore engineering)

02/1996 – 08/1996 Polec Engineering (recruitment agency)
Place: Rijswijk, Netherlands
Position: Account manager civil and structural



1990 – 1995 Business Engineering / Structural Engineering, BSc level
1990 – 1992 Marketing course, comparable with NIMA A
1989 – 1990 Shopkeepers diploma
1993 – 1995 Spanish language course
1990 Secondary degree Business Engineering / Structural Engineering
1989 Secondary degree Civil Engineering
1984 Mechanical Engineering

Course / training
1993 Course Efficient Customer minded sales
Beerschot & Simons
1993 Course Negotiations in English
1994 Security diploma
First Aid diploma
(First Aid, Reanimation and Bandages)
2003 Hydrographical surveying course (side scan sonar etc.)
2005 Course system formworks engineering
2011 Adapt training
2013 Safety training Shell Pernis
2015 Seminar labour law
2015 Seminar pension schemes
2015 Adapt training (update)
2015 Salesforce training


Consultancy, Interim management, setup company, writing business plan, marketing, management advice, writing financial plan etc.


Dutch, English, German, Spanish


I'm available in the Netherlands and international


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