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Work Experience

Employment History

Period Employer Job Title
1 07/06/2001 -  Independent iTranslator - iConsultant
2 15/04/1998 - 06/06/2001 Real Software User Side Expert and Presales Consultant, iTranslator
3 01/09/1997 - 15/04/1998 Independent Copywriter, Teacher, Translator and Editor
4 01/09/1996 - 05/09/1997 Decor Art Copywriter & translator

1 Independent iTranslator - iConsultant

Partner: RP Translate, Lexitech, Virtual Words, LFI ... and other translating agencies Period: 07/06/2001 - ongoing

Responsibilities Several translations into Dutch.

Technologies used Word, Excel, MS Project, Mneme Suite, WordFast, Déja-Vue, Trados ......

Projects: Webcontent (Digitas, New Holland, American Express) Period: 18/08/2001 - ongoing

Responsibilities Conceive, create and maintain web content in cooperation with the client.

Technologies used Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Asp......

Period: 18/08/2001 - ongoing

Responsibilities Internet consultancy, webdesign & content services ...

Technologies used PHP, MySQL, Javascript, ...

2 Real Software User Side Expert - Presales Consultant

Project: OMSI - OSI Light - OCS School at OCE Venlo Period: 15/04/98 - 10/07/98

Responsibilities Updating User Manuals OMSI 1 and OSI Light - Tests OCS School (AS400)

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel

Project: MUT, at Real Software, Aartselaar Period: 13/07/98 - 07/08/98

Responsibilities Updating User Manuals and their translations, Introduction of new TW's to Doc-to-Help, Validation documents

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office

Project: CRM, at Janssen Pharmaceutica (Johnson & Johnson), Beerse Period: 10/08/98 - 30/10/98

Responsibilities Validation File (URS, FS, TD ...) CRM, User Manuals CRM and translations, end user training

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office, Micrografx FlowCharter, PaintShop Pro

Project: PVCS, at Janssen Pharmaceutica, (Johnson & Johnson) Beerse Period: 03/11/98 - 09/04/99

Responsibilities Validation File PVCS, User Manuals PVCS, end user training

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office, Micrografx FlowCharter, PaintShop Pro

Project: WBS, at Janssen Pharmaceutica, (Johnson & Johnson) Beerse Period: 03/11/98 - 16/04/99

Responsibilities Validation File WBS, User Manuals WBS, end user training

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office, Micrografx FlowCharter, PaintShop Pro

Project: CAVAS, at Janssen Pharmaceutica,(Johnson & Johnson) Beerse Period: 01/02/99 - 24/02/99

Responsibilities Functional Specifications of clinical testing system CAVAS and translations into English for US Janssen plant

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office, Micrografx FlowCharter, PaintShop Pro

Project: CEBES, at Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse Period: 25/02/99 - 05/03/99

Responsibilities CEBES (balance application) user manual, dutch and english, end user training

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office, Micrografx FlowCharter, PaintShop Pro

Project: Win NT, Word, Excel courses BRC, Antwerp Harbour Period: 19/04/99 - 04/06/99

Responsibilities Introduction to new NT platform and do's and don'ts, introduction to Word and excel, user support.

Technologies used Word, Excel, PaintShop Pro, Paint, Powerpoint

Project: User manual new implemented process flow system at Eurolease, Brussels Period: 07/06/99 - 09/07/99

Responsibilities User Manuals, dutch and french

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office, Micrografx FlowCharter, PaintShop Pro

Project: Hotrate, search engine and Hottrade, ecommerce site at Real Software, Aartselaar - now Meta Software Company Period: 27/07/99 - 06/06/2001

Responsibilities Team Leader data research team at start-off , newsletters, GUI analysis, site's contents and structure, presales materials - demo's of new range of eSolutions: metaKnowledge, MetaCatalog,metaProcure, and other eBusiness solutions.

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office, Micrografx FlowCharter, PaintShop Pro, HTML help image editor, VBA, Macromedia Dreamweaver

Project: LMD, at Janssen Pharmaceutica, (Johnson & Johnson) Beerse Period: 02/11/99 - November 2000

Responsibilities Validation File LMD, User Manuals LMD, end user training

Technologies used Word, Doc-to-help, Lotus Screencam, Excel, MS Office, Micrografx FlowCharter, PaintShop Pro, Documentum, RightSite

Project: REMAX, ERP at Heist o/d Berg Period: 22/11/99 - ongoing

Responsibilities Coordinate and participate in translations of this successful Real Software ERP product's messages, tables and the like

Technologies used Word, Excel, Acess, Micrografx FlowCharter

Project: EURO Project GIB Evere Period: 22/021/00 - December 2000

Responsibilities Online Project Deliverables Management system of the EURO project at GIB Evere, end user training

Technologies used Word, Excel, Access, Visio FlowCharter, iPMO (internet project management organisation), Frontpage, ASP, Pro Carta

Project: Translation German- English MSD Evere Period: April - July 2000

Responsibilities Translation of IT documents, technical and functional, data migration procedures

Technologies used MS Word, Excel, online translation tools

Project: DEVCO - Development Chemical Objects - Janssen Pharmaceutica (Johnson & Johnson) Beerse Period: April 2000

Responsibilities Translation of Devco User Manual from Dutch into English

Technologies used Word, excel, Euroglot, online translation tools

Project: Orange Invoice Manager, KPN Orange - Brussels Period: June 2000

Responsibilities Online Help Orange Invoice Manager, Translation of Invoice Manager user manual from Dutch into English and French

Technologies used Word, excel, Doc2Help,HTML

Project: Documentation management system for Remax - Finance at S&H, Moerdijk (Netherlands) Period: June - September 2000

Responsibilities Creating, documenting and implementing documentation management system, end user training

Technologies used MS Office

Project: KBC Securities, presales document 'SWIFT' Period: September - October 2000

Responsibilities Technical - commercial document introducing the KBC SEC 'SWIFT' services

Technologies used MS Office

Project: KBC Autolease - online help of eConfigurator Period: March - April 2001

Responsibilities French version of online help of eConfigurator, eBusiness application linking fleet managers, drivers and KBC AL employees for smooth and E-efficient communication.

Technologies used MS Office, Doc2Help

Project: Marketing Department Real Software, Kontich Period: March - June 2001

Responsibilities Communicating events, creating and translating Real's Newsflashes (internal communication) and newsletters (external), correcting and analyzing corporate web sites, annual report (correction + translation into English)

Technologies used MS Office, the Internet

3 Independent Copywriter&Editor

Project: NA Period: 01/09/1997 - 15/04/1998

Responsibilities Marketing Publications and General editing for commercial issues, Internet Applications, Translations

Technologies used Word, MS Office, Desktop Publishing, Quark Xpress, Front Page Web Design, Corel Draw, Adobe Fotoshop

Project: NA Period: 01/09/1997 - 15/04/1998

Responsibilities Teaching Dutch to foreign employees in companies (BBL, ASLK, CLL, Alcatel Bel, Organon Teknika, JP Morgan)

Technologies used none specifically

4 Decor Art Copywriter&Translator

Project: NA Period: 01/09/1996 - 05/09/1997

Responsibilities Creating brochures (lay-out&text), response tests, translations into Dutch, coordination other translations

Technologies used Word, Desktop Publishing, Quark Xpress, Pagemaker, Omnis, Aldus Freehand, Phrasea



Period Diploma Institution
1994 - 1995 Certificate Business Administration University of Antwerp
1990 - 1995 Licentiate Germanic Language & Literature University of Antwerp
1989 - 1990 Course Spanish HIVT, Antwerp
1982 - 1989 Latin-Greek / Latin-Sciences Sint Jozefcollege Turnhout

Dissertation: Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez " Love&Rockets: Individuality and Alienation in Modern Society" - Distinction


PC, documentatie, copywriting, vertalen, consultancy in IT & internet (e-business), spraak/taalvaardig, onderhandelingstechnieken


Language Skills

Mother Tongue: Dutch/Flemish

FRENCH 3 3 3 3
ENGLISH 4 4 4 4
GERMAN 3 2 3 3
SPANISH 2 2 2 2
1: notions 2: poor 3: good 4: excellent


Leisure Activities

Sports: Soccer, Squash, Aquatic Sports, Winter Sports
Culture: Concerts (lots of genres), Film, Theatre, Stand-Up Comedy, TV
Holidays: City Trips, winter and aquatic sports
Organise events for sporting clubs and other communities


Period Course Training Type Certificate
22/12/98 How to give a demo Interactive Course NO
03/11/98 How to test Software? Workshop NO
28/09/98 - 29/09/98 The Application of GXP Priciples and a Methodology for the Validation of IT Applications Course YES
16/11/98 - 17/11/98 Validation Training Course Course YES
13/01/99 How do I train end-users in IT? Interactive Course NO
xx/05/99 Secrets of Documentation Interactive Course NO


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