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manager / interim & Project

manager / interim & Project

Work Experience

My career has a main focus on the interaction between technology, marketing and organization. Through this experience I've created an overview on the possibilities and consequences of applying new technologies in organizations. I have a specialization on implementing processes and changing Human behaviour. As a person I'm focused on human interaction but not afraid to make difficult decisions and taking risks. Former employers and employees are characterizing me as a people manager who accomplishes his targets by stimulating his team. As a coach I’m able to work on the self-consciousness of the person without letting him losing his own personality.

I have overview knowledge on IT, network (LAN /WAN), telephony and Internet technologies as well as experience in management. This combination enables me to communicate between technology departments and other disciplines and to fulfil a bridge function between those departments. I have also an understanding of financials and always been responsible for my own budgeting.

Career Path

2001 Consultant
Consultant at CwaC Consultancy BV

2000 / 2001 Manager Telecommunications division
General Manager of a telecommunications division at professional services organization ICW. The division was active in the area of telecommunications and broadband on the Dutch and German Market. Responsibilities included acquisition, HRM and service development.

Own assignments during this period:
- Consultant for a Dutch Internet Service Provider (Planet) at the German market, responsible for designing and implementing the processes between product management and technology. An extra complicating factor was that the Product Marketing group was situated in Berlin, while the technology department had a Dutch base.

- Implementation manager ISP infrastructure, at bbned, a start up DSL broadband provider for the Dutch Market, responsible for implementation of processes, relationship management and Interconnection.

1999 / 2000 Manager Contract Management
Manager Contract Management KPN Telecommerce
Telecommerce was the KPN organization active in the area of interactive services like Internet and 800/900 services. It consisted out of the mayor Dutch Internet Service providers and call services. The department was responsible for the creation and realization for strategy of purchasing and managing internal and external suppliers. The financial volume was, including traffic, 450 million Dutch Guilder. I was also responsible for managing the several Project Budgets.

1997 / 1999 Unit manager
End responsible for the KPN IT Unit TeleMaat. The Unit existed out of 220 IT professionals which where employed throughout the whole KPN organization. Budget responsibility of fl 25 million, with a direct staff of 12 FTE's. Milestone: the successful creation of 100 new IT Professionals and the creation of testing as a specialization inside KPN Telecom. Due to a strategic decision the Unit ended at the end of 1999.

1996 / 1997 Resource manager
Resource Manager KPN Project Management. Responsible for acquisition, quality and HRM of 50 project leaders / managers. Budget responsibility of 8 million Dutch Guilder.

1995 / 1996 Project manager
As a project manager responsible for the project office and planning of a Billing project at KPN Telecom. The project was responsible for migrating the Business and Consumer billing towards a new billing engine. Also conducting as an advisor for the Program manager. The total Project had a size of 250 million Euros and directly involved 250 employees.

1994 / 1995 Project Leader
Project leader implementation: Implementation on an IBM mainframe and Unix environment of a billing engine for the B-to-B market. The Project size consisted out of 4,5 million Dutch Guilder and 8 employees. The project was conducted together with an American Partner.

1993 / 1994 Project Leader
Ad Interim project leader placed out KPN Telecom at the Computer Center Bondsspaarbank, for the realization of a LAN-interconnect network. The network consisted out of 150 offices with a total budget of 10 million Dutch guilders. It also included the outsourcing of a number of activities.

1992 /1993 Team leader Network Operations
Technical Consultant and Intermediate for the realization of a mobile network. The network was build for the Rotterdam Fire and medical services.

1992 / 1993 Network Control Manager
Project Leader realization VPN (Virtual Private Network) Based on Frame relay for KPN Telecom. The project was done for 2 financial institutions consisting out of 350 offices and 3 computer centres. Project budget of 7 million Dutch guilders and 11 employees.

1991 / 1992 IT Specialist
Database / System administrator Stratus. Operational system and database management of a dedicated network management system.


Bachelor in electronics

Cources : Projectmanagement ; General management; Stress-management; reqruitment


Project Management; Telecommunication; Interim mngt;
Process development and implementation
Internet; WAN/LAN IP


Dutch; English ; German


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