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Interim Manager/Adviseur

Interim Manager/Adviseur

Work Experience

Succesvol uitgevoerde rollen in industrie en bij overheid:
Change Management
Service Management
Programma/Project Management

Outsourcings Management
Lijn Management

Experience in detail

Management bv, January 2002 – Todate
Independent Outsourcing Consultant/Interim Manager, January 2002 – todate
As self-employed consultant filling (ICT) Management positions on an ad-interim basis, and the support of companies, considering to outsource parts of their business. In the latter I am covering all phases from (advice during) the decision making process, upto and including (the support/management of) the transition.

Computer Sciences Corporation, June 1997 – January 2002
Solution Manager, New Business Support Group, April 2000 – January 2002
Responsibilities: writing proposals for prospective outsourcing customers; involving: leading a team of technical experts to define a coherent, comprehensive solution for delivering ICT services, based on data, either provided by the customer, or from own investigation or assumptions; thorough cost analysis, so that the proposition is competitive/represents fair market value, but at the same time yields an acceptable profit magin to CSC; presentations of the proposition to the Prospects; executing Due Diligence; sometimes leading the transition process.
Account Manager/Service Delivery Manager, Global Infrastructure Services, September 1998 – March 2000.
Responsibilities: profit & loss accountable for the account of a carpet manufacturer; operational responsibility for the Service Delivery to all in-scope European locations, based on Service Level Agreements, and the transferred staff; maintenance and renegotiation of those SLAs; setting up a structured, documented (ITIL-compatible) environment; development of additional new business with the client; program management of all improvement and renewal projects (like infrastructure renewal, new ERP system); continued professio-na-li-zation of the involved staff.
Program Manager, Global Infrastructure Services, March 1998 – August 1998
Responsibilities: leading the Dutch contingent of the proposal team to land an outsourcing contract with a carpet manufacturing company. Leading the Solution- (see above) and HR-parts of the process (commercially led by the European Group in the UK). Leading the Due Diligence and the transition; in addition to that, I ad interim-managed the parts of the organization to be transferred. CSC was selected over the competition, when I was proposed as the designated Service Delivery Manager.
Unit Manager The Netherlands, Chemical, Oil & Gas Group, June 1997 – February 1998
Upon the transition of the DuPont IT organization to CSC (see below), I became (P&L) responsible for all activities in the Netherlands of the especially created business unit for the chemical en petrochemical process industries; also responsible for the Applications Group in Mechelen, Belgium. Successfully led the transition of all staff in my area of responsibility in the Netherlands and Belgium; setting up a formal and professional delivery environment. Account Manager to DuPont Nederland and DuPont Dow Elastomers Europe; in a later stage, built up relationships with ICI and Quaker Chemicals.

E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company, January 1981 – May 1997
Manager Information Systems, DuPont Nederland, January 1995 – May 1997
Responsibilities: managing and leading all IT and telecommunications activities, incl. the SAP system, of all locations in the Netherlands (7); budget and cost accountable; balancing the requirements of individual business units and the corporate IS guidelines; reporting to European IS Management but accountable to local Site and Business Management. Leading role at the European level for the integration of various parts of the organization and the creation of end-to-end services. European Account Manager to the joint venture DuPont Dow Elastomers.
On the side, I chaired and played a leading role in the implementation effort at DuPont Dordrecht (total site, not just IS) for the transition to a role-based organization.
In January 1996 the Corporate IS organization decided to globally outsource the majority of the IT services; I led this process for the Netherlands. Responsible for communications to the staff and business management, maintaining productivity and motivation, negotiations on terms and conditions of the transferring employees.
Manager Information Systems, DuPont Ibérica, August 1991 – December 1994
Program Manager for all project activities related to the creation of all IT and tele-communications services for a greenfield manufacturing site in Asturias, Spain; responsibilities: local en wide area networks, voice and wireless communications, application development and support for the production applications (see also below) and the administrative systems (e.g. SAP R/2), office automation and PCs, Help Desk.
Responsible for selecting, hiring and training/integrating the IT organization for Asturias; the site organization was based on working in roles.
Member of the Management Teams of the Asturias site and the Nomex® Business Unit; contributed to the general (not IT-related) and organizational developments of those entities.
From 1993 also European Business Information Systems Leader for the Nomex® Business Unit.
Program Manager, Nomex®Manufacturing Systems/Site Development, DuPont Fibers, Richmond VA, March 1990 – July 1991
Responsible for the development of production administration systems and the software of an automated materials handling system for a new production plant in Asturias, Spain. Also responsible for the requirements definition and design of all ICT services and infrastructure for the total greenfield manufacturing site in Asturias.
Process Control Systems Supervisor, DuPont Dordrecht, April 1986 – February 1990
Manager of a group of approx. 16 systems specialists and analysts, working on the design, implementation, and support of process monitoring and control systems, quality control systems, production administration systems, the Local Area Network, office automation/End User Computing. Leading a local team for the integration of all process control and automation efforts (both centrallly led and within the individual plants). European representative on Corporate committees on this subject.
Process Supervisor, Teflon®PTFE products, DuPont Dordrecht, February 1985 – March 1986
Manager of approx. 14 process and mechanical engineers; responsibilities: continuity and optimization of the production process, quality control, product development, complaint handling. Involved in product marketing and global planning.
Senior Systems Specialist, DuPont Dordrecht, January 1984 – January 1985
Project leader for the implementation, start up, support and expansion of the process monitoring and control system for a bulk chemical plant; organization of end user (the process operators) training.
Liaison Engineer, DuPont Engineering, Wilmington, DE, June 1982 – December 1983
Project leader for the continued preparation, development, set up, and (off-line) testing of the process monitoring and control system for a bulk chemical plant; planning of the “live” tests, and the implementation of the system.
Systems Specialist, DuPont Dordrecht, January 1981 – May 1982
Project leader for the preparation, requirements definition, implementation of the process monitoring and control system for a bulk chemical plant; in addition to the implementation and maintenance of various pro-duc-tion related systems.

G.F.S.-Midas m.b.H., Munich, Germany, April 1979 – December 1980
Systems Engineer responsible for the development of a simulation model for air defense sys-te-ms, and the operations research with the model; this was a joint project of Siemens (Germany) and CSF-Thompson (France).

Siemens A.G., Munich, Germany: June 1977 – March 1979
Development Engineer for computer-based traffic control systems, used in cen-trally managed and controlled, multiple traffic light installations in cities and highway tunnel signaling. Notable project: the signaling and control system for the Gleinalm tunnel near Graz, Austria.


University Diploma: Master of Science in Electrotechnical Engineering, Delft, 1975
Laboratory for Automated Traffic Systems
Additional courses: Organizational Behavior (part of an MBA program of Widener Universtity, Philadelphia, USA)
Executive Development
Finance for non-financial managers
Pioneer – The Client Value Cycle
Negotiate to Win

Language skills:
English – fluent
German – fluent
Spanish – fluent
French – reasonable
Swedish – moderate
Dutch - fluent


Zie boven


Nederlands, Engels, Duits, Spaans - uitstekend
Frans - redelijk
Zweeds - matig



 Thinking logically
 Analytical skills
 Fast familiarization
 Problem analysis
 Assemble and motivate good teams
 Interpersonal skills
 Coaching leadership
 Communication skills
 Multi-cultural/lingual
 Change management
 Intelligent
 Flexible

Overview of Experience

More than 25 years of experience in ICT en Industry, of which 17 years in management positions.

Types of experience

 Change Management
 Leading Projects
 Line Management
 Outsourcing:
 Proposals
 Due Diligence
 Service Mgmt
 Write SLAs
 Account Mgmt
 Set up “greenfield site”
 Simulation/operatio-nal research
 Programming

 Chemical Process Industry
 Information Technology
 Traffic Control
 Process Control
 Automotive Compo-nents
 Telecomms
 Defense
 Carpet Manufacturing

 Germany (4 years)
 Spain (4 years)
 USA (2½ years)
 Sweden (3 months)
 Netherlands (14½ years)
 UK (on and off)


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