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Operations Director, Managing Director

Operations Director, Managing Director

Work Experience

Interim management, Oxford, UK Feb 2003 – to date

Interim Manager with NSK, sorting their operations throughout Europe, supplying the Automotive, Electrical, Distributor and Aftermarket customers. Includes a 100,000 sqft European DC in Holland and 140 staff.
Establishing Rentacrate Inc. in the US as a credible crate leasing company in food retailing. Currently backed by KPMG looking at MBO/MBI of capital goods hire business. Presented business case to several VCs and maintain regular contact.

Walsh Western, Coventry, UK Feb 2002- Feb 2003

Bus Dev Dir Europe and Board Member (interim)

Responsibility – Set up Business Development in Europe aiming at high tech customers. Developed a logistics management concept for new product returns, offering significant savings to manufacturers and retailers alike. Finalised a deal with Sony on reverse logistics, based on operational skills, giving the customer the necessary confidence. Handed over the new structure and procedures in place.

Steco UK, Oxford, UK Dec 1999- Feb 2002

MD UK and Board Member Steco Intl.

Responsibility – Setting up operations in the UK and US, and running the newly venture capital backed formed businesses. Successes include Wal*Mart, Sobeys, Geest, Natures Way Foods and various others. Potential business value in pipeline some £30m, margin well over 25%. Development of Asset Management contracts based on the ability to track, trace and audit asset movements.
Parent company (Steiner) in Austria filed bankruptcy, forcing closure of our well running subsidiary as well. This was in the period September 11 (2001) took place as well, and took on a interim role with Walsh Western.

Hays PLC, Guildford, UK Apr 1996-Dec 1999

BU Managing Director Europe Hays Crate Services: Reported to Main Board

Responsible for the development of a new Division providing returnable plastic crates in pool to European retailersand their suppliers. Major achievement was the development of a managed pool system, eliminating the need for rental (the CHEP concept), providing leasing on a per usage basis. Acquired Bijsterbosch and FoodCargo in the Netherlands and EuroNet in Germany to establish quick expansion in continental Europe, as well as obtain washing know-how. These companies together represented £15m turnover with a 30% gross margin. Facilitated instant organic growth allowing Bijsterbosch concluding a major contract with Ahold.
This resulted in contracts with Waitrose, Budgens, BP, Shell and Aldi in the UK and Supervalu in Ireland.

Changes in the Board and a new strategy meant Hays no longer wished to proceed throughout Europe, withdrew to the UK, where the MD UK was able to take the programme forward within the existing Hays Distribution organisation. Declined a move to Holland. During my garden leave period I was an advisor to Logtek in the UK and Pallet-Pallet Inc in the US and acted as Interim CEO. I obtained exclusivity usage rights to the Steco crate for RCSystems, a Pallet-Pallet division. I was then offered a job at Steco and its shareholder Duke Street Capital.

Van Ommeren Intexo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands March 1989-April 1996

Managing Director European Division – reporting to the Board of Van Ommeren

Responsibility – Managing 3 large Distribution Centres, 50,000 m2 in total with some 700 permanent and up to 500 part-time staff, including Technical Service personnel, built from scratch. Our sophisticated inventory management systems and best in class customer service oriented operations secured attracting £60m net turnover of new business with an average 20% gross margin.
Personally attracted major contracts with Hewlett Packard, for final assembly of their LaserJet printers in a dedicated facility in Amersfoort, Honeywell to handle their new central European warehouse in Amsterdam, Apple Computers, Ricoh Copiers and many other blue chip companies in the high tech industry.
Considered a leading authority on value added logistic services to be supplied to the high tech industry, often involving re-engineering of existing supply chains. This entailed warehousing and distribution, but also technical services. Was Chairman of Logistics Netherlands, representing all major 3rd party logistic service providers. Was co-founder of a new inventory management system called LYRICS, which obtained EUREKA status.
I concluded a deal with Unisys UK outsourcing their warehouse in Milton Keynes to us. I moved to the UK to manage this operation and train our newly acquired company, Ambassador Airfreight, in our inventory management system. The day I moved to the UK the Van Ommeren Board decided to des-invest in Intexo. Expansion was stopped, profits needed to be boosted. I left on good terms and during my period of garden leave, I handled several consultancy projects, amongst others with TDG, Octel, Johnson & Johnson Medical. When I came in contact with Hays, I was offered a new permanent role.

Wim Bosman, Amsterdam, The Netherlands June 1987- Feb 1989

Commercial Director – Reporting to Wim Bosman

I started at Schiphol setting up the Airfreight division first of all, based on HP and later Honeywell. Appointed Burlington in the US and Jardines in the Far East as agents. Grew the business quickly from £1m to £7m turnover in 6 months. Then was moved to the head-office to take responsibility for Ocean and Road Forwarding functions as well. Had 4 outdoor and 5 indoor sales people plus administration as direct reports. Handled all global agency agreements and corporate accounts personally.

Wim Bosman is a typical freight forwarder and could not fulfil sophisticated inventory management demands HP required. When HP selected Intexo for inventory management I was introduced to the owner and appointed as MD the same day, later formally approved by the Van Ommeren Board.

KLM Cargo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands June 1976-June 1987

Marketing Manager – Reporting to the Managing Director

Started as a management trainee in passenger sales and marketing. Had access to many internal and external courses, like social skills, sales promotions, interview techniques, PR, operations, etc.
Was co-founder of the Flying Dutchman loyalty scheme and developed a new menu driven seat reservation system, accessible via dial-up, which was a major breakthrough in terms of market penetration.
Represented KLM on many occasions as an official speaker. Took part in negotiations with government authorities, agents and other airlines.
Moved to Cargo to become Marketing Manager the final 3 years with KLM. Travelled extensively globally to develop both export and import flows. Had operational training as well and incorporated this into developing a new fast track handling operation, allowing KLM to offer a JIT service to the high tech industry. Concluded a major deal with Philips for the supply of IC components from the Far East to all their European production plants on this basis. When I offered the same concept to HP, KLM came in conflict with their agents. HP was then asked to appoint an agent to handle the concept with the support of KLM. HP appointed Wim Bosman and organised my move there as well.


Atheneum-A (a.o. German, English, Economics) A-level equivalent (1977 Hilversum-Gooisch Avond College).
NIMA-A (1978), NIMA-B (Marketing Management, 1980) Business degree equivalent, ISW-Utrecht. Economics-MO Teaching level (1983).


MSOffice experienced user. Familiar with RFID technology, ABC costing techniques and KPI measurement.


Dutch, English, German fluent
French basic


An excellent people manager at home in the global market place. Dynamic, flexible with strong vision, but analytical, pragmatic, down to earth, structured and well organised approach, able to design, negotiate, conclude and monitor major contracts.
Able to quickly achieve lean operations with best in class customer service levels, structure the business accordingly ensuring the chances are materialised. Broad management experiences in pre-dominantly fast moving, high volume, complex supply chain environments in the high tech, pharmaceutical, automotive, retail, ambient and chilled food sectors. Experience in all modes of transport, including Ocean and Rail. Did set-up and maintained several agent networks. Used to working with MS Office, WMS, TMS and RFID. Was involved in RFID trials in the UK and US.
An outstanding cutting edge senior manager, with strong sense for customer delivery, used to working with KPIs and AQLs. Received in September 2004 the UK Interim Manager of the Year 2004 – General Management Award.


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