Flex Manager
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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

Business Development
Feasibility study for creation of “Résidence Services” for seniors in Provence (France). (Eqsel Consult)
Consolidated operations of two printing units thru acquisition amounting to 165.000 EUR. Developed administrative, IT and financial information and control systems. Evaluated and realized investment of 250.000 EUR for building of new plant and acquisition of five-color printing press. (Meda Communications)
Negotiated investment in two start-ups, one involved with Internet marketing and developments, other with digital printing. (Eqsel Consult)
Lead creation of Systems Integration division in Belgium. Reviewed major opportunities, provided support in qualification and proposal phase. Created portfolio of prime contracting projects exceeding 50 million EUR. (Digital Equipment Corporation)
Created New York area Systems Integration Business. Defined target markets, created necessary operational processes, consulted with account teams and customers on possible opportunities and communicated status to management and account teams. (Digital Equipment Corporation)

Change Management
Reorganized and streamlined production achieving increase in productivity of 10%. Reduced cost negotiating with unions departure of 55 out of 217 people, without 1 day of strike. (Proxima Printing)

Human Resource Management
Directed Web-printing company with 217 people of which 180 blue collar workers. (Proxima Printing)
Directed printing company with team of 30 people. Reorganized and streamlined business. (Meda Communications)
Directed Application Project Services, providing custom software engineering. Team of 200 was responsible for operating revenue amounting to 370.000 EUR. Internal billing amounted to 500.000 EUR (Digital Equipment Corporation).
Managed New York Area cross-functional proposal team of 8 providing support for all functional organizations in New York area. Team produced over 200 major proposals over 2 years (Digital Equipment Corporation)
Managed staff of 27 that administered input of 7000 to 10000 transactions a day for Euroclear (an international clearing system for bond market). (Morgan Guaranty Trust)

IT Management
Initiated Information Flow Process study of administration, reorganized administrative processes and architected design of IT solution. (Proxima Printing)Architected and initiated implementation of $2.5 million integrated office support system project. Project involved Ethernet local area network with fiber optic backbone, linking 300 professional and secretarial workstations within ITT headquarters building. (ITT Corporation)
Directed Office Automation division supporting urgent information needs through quick response programming/report generation using high-level languages on mainframes, microcomputers, time-sharing and word processing systems. . (ITT Corporation)

Project Management
Directed introduction and installation of Computer to Plate prepress environment and installation of new printing press. Investment of 6 million € installed on time and within budget. (Proxima Printing)
Managed Systems Integration Division with revenues exceeding 25 million EUR. Projects included IBOS system, SNCB ticketing system, Louis Delhaize POS system, Sunsnacks travel information system. (Digital Equipment Corporation)
Planned, designed and implemented successfully Procurement Program Support System critical for development of ITT\'s digital telephone switching exchange. (ITT Corporation)
Lead Corporate Research ‘s Engineering Interface sessions focused on future customer needs and technology evolution with panels of customers and Digital engineers. (Digital Equipment Corporation).

Sales & Marketing
Managed strategic programs scheduling for Vice-President, Product and Marketing Strategy, Telecommunication and Electronic Group. (ITT Corporation)
Sold and implemented time-sharing. Sales to ITT Europe, Westinghouse, Accuray, ICI and Belgian Banking industry, of more than $750.000, exceeded quota. (Control Data Corporation)

Financial Management
Consolidated and analyzed financial data for Senior Vice-President related to $1 billion operations of Communications and Information Services, Inc. (ITT Corporation)
Conducted financial audits and management information systems reviews. (Arthur Andersen)


Selected AFS scholar and attended high school in Framingham, Massachusetts
University of Louvain, Belgium: Bachelor in Applied Economics.
Courses: CISR Summer Session 84 (MIT Sloan - Boston)
Hammer Forum 85
IAMP 91-92 (IMD - Lausanne)

Elected Trustee (2001 – 2003), AFS International, New York
Member of Board of CIMIC vzw (Center for Intercultural Management and International Communications) (1999-2003)



Trilingual French, Dutch and English.


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