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business development / marketing / general

business development / marketing / general

Work Experience

Date: 1996 till present:
Country: BELGIUM
Company: Bureau Cosyn, Ghent
Sector: International Markets & Investments Consultancy
Position: Managing Director

Main duties:
Managing consultancy assignments for a wide range of Belgian and European industrial companies. References are situated in the field of export market studies, joint-venture / joint-manufacturing partnerships, investment location studies, general feasibility studies.

Main sectors of activity include metal working, building materials, plastics and chemical, environmental technology, telecommunication, food industry.

Main countries of activity include Benelux, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland.

Date: 1984 - 1998
Country: BELGIUM
Company: Embassy of the United States of America, Brussels
Position: Commercial Specialist

Main duties:
Performing and managing consulting services to the United States Department of Commerce (USDOC).

This position included in depth desk and field research in order to assist U.S. industrial companies in increasing their export effectiveness to Belgium. Most projects consisted of composing detailed market studies in various industrial sectors in Belgium, with the emphasis on electrical and electro-mechanical equipment, construction materials, metal industry, environmental technology, and telecommunications.

Since 1994, this position also included responsibilities to set up and to expand a USDOC market research center in both Warsaw, Poland and Prague, Czech Republic. Duties initially focused on training and supervision of local USDOC researchers, and, in a second phase, moved towards assuming final responsibility as a Project Manager for (part of) the desk and field research operations in both countries.


Institution: Ehsal Brussels, Belgium
Date: 1995
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Engineering Degree in Economics, Specialisation in Industrial Market Research (Handelsingenieur - Ingénieur Commercial)


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