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Project management / ICT management

Project management / ICT management

Work Experience

2000 - 2003 Atraxis

Project manager
Technical Organisation and implementation marketing event
Desktop/Notebook Platform migration project(s)
TV Net project (group communication e-tool)
Technical Offerings and price calculations
Infrastructure project outstations
Time and access control analysis and implementation
Passenger revenue accounting project
Team leader service desk and SPOCs

Manager professional services

Definition of new services for desktop and servers
Price and cost calculations of offered services
Contacts with suppliers, contract negotiations
Courses project management: ITPM, Prince2 (certified), web design, SLA, ITIL (self study).

1999 - 2000 Telepolis

Project manager client intervention services
Process analysis of Client Interventions, Helpdesk.
Team leader 2nd line support
Project definitions according to GDPM (Goal directed project Management) of process steered customer support (integration of call centre processes).
Design of an SLA (service level agreement) contract and project definition
Assistant project leader implementation new application for civil services of the city of Antwerp.
Courses: GDPM, Frontpage, Access, McAfee HD tool.

1976 - 1999 Alcatel Bell Antwerp

SW development of public telephone exchanges

Education S12, CHILL
Testing of OLP (On line patching system)
Design of ORJ (operator requested job): Patch manager replacing van OLP.
Testing of CCS nr7 and ISDN, patch manager, billing and metering.

1987 ¡V 1991

Engineer new concepts office networks

Project leader implementation new PABX. Functional analysis of several systems.
Automation of the ventilation of telephone costs to the departments. Design Data warehouse (DB2) with personnel data and telephone/fax costs, later extended to translation cost, printing, document processing.
Automation of the internal telephone directory
Fax/telex automation and integration in Wang office. First outbound , later inbound (Wang imaging)
Automation of the library (searching in databases)
Automation of the archive with over 100.000 records (FoxPro application)
Implementation automatic translating of papers (Systran)
Implementation of PC network for text processing department (TCP/IP)
Courses and seminaries about TSO, JCL, e-mail, OCR, VPS (voice processing systems), fax integration (Topcall), Call recording, UNIX system management, everything about office automation, project management, SQL, effective reporting, X25, ISDN, modems, TCP/IP, DbaseIII/IV, FoxPro

1992 ¡V1996

Co Project leader OIS (office integrated system)

E-mail and fax integration and automation (Teamlinks, Mailbus400, Topcall, Memo Verimation).
time management RISCM (Russell Information Sciences alendar Manager)
Responsible for ISO9000 certification of the complete project.
Courses: VMS, Decnet faze V, DCL, Mailbus, X400, X500, MHS (mail handling systems), PLI, document conversion tools.

1997 ¡V 1999 .

System management & system engineer

Implementation NT (server en WS) (configuration, system management)
Management UNIX servers (Solaris).
Team leader 2nd line support
Project leader UDMS (unstructured documents management system)
Courses NT, Visual Basic, Solaris system management, HP-DCE.


1967 ¡V 1975 High school in Antwerp
„X mathematics
1978 ¡V 1984 Industrial High school Antwerp Mechelen
„X Technical engineer Electronics (industrial engineer in evening school)


flexible, creative, motivated, all rounder, well organised


Dutch (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (good)


science, computers (HW/SW), Basketball, S.F., strips.

Club activities 12 year active with basketball club SOBA Antwerp.
„X 5 year secretary 3de National
„X 2 year president 3de National
„X 4 year organiser of an international Juniors tournament
currently again secretary of another club (Red Vic)


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