Flex Manager
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Project leader/ Manager

Project leader/ Manager

Work Experience

An experienced engineer with Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and over eleven years of experience in telephony, analysis, software design, development, implementation and network management with strong skills in telephony, protocols, data communication and development of software

Have knowledge of Signalling System 7, V5, ISDN, ISUP, IN, SCCP, TCP/IP, ATM, Frame Relay, SDH, X.25, data communication, C language.


B.E. (Electronics and Communication ) June 1989.
Delhi College of Engineering,
Delhi, India.


Telecom Protocols : ISUP, V5, ISDN, IN, SCCP, TCP/IP, X.25, Frame Relay, ATM
Languages : C++, C, Visual Basic, awk, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, 8085 Assembly, SSAD, Shells under Unix, DCL under VAX/VMS
Database systems : VAX/Rdb, INGRES, Tandem Non Stop SQL
Tools : VAX/PSI, VAX/TDMS, VAX/RMS, Tandem ODBC (Client), OpenView NMP, X.25 API toolkit
Operating Systems : HP-Unix , SCO Unix, Windows 95/98/NT, VAX/VMS, MS-DOS, Xenix, CCP/M, TME
Hardware : HP 9000/710 workstation, SunSPARC workstation, VAX 3400, VAX 8250, IBM PC/AT, ICIM 6000


English, Hindi, Dutch (little bit)


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